Viewing Annotations

View Annotations presents a list of annotations that are defined for the selected resource either by a user directly in IBM® AD Analyze Client or collected by API Resolver.

This analysis can be started either at resource level by selecting the resource that has attached an annotation or at project or project level by selecting one or more projects.

To add an annotation, select a resource and depending on the analysis from which you want to add the annotation, you will either have to:
  1. Go in the results area and choose View Annotation from the Explore area to the right of the tab.
  2. Go in the Graph inventory or on the graph that is displayed, right-click on the selected resource and from the pop-up menu that is displayed select Annotations, then select View Annotation.

To view the annotations that are attached to the resources of a project, select the project or the projects for which you want to see the annotations and from the area to the right of the screen choose View Annotations. The View Annotations tab is presented as in the following image.

Figure 1. View Annotations
View Annotations
The Filters area allows the user to search throughout the selected project for annotations that match specific search criteria such as:
  • Text, use this area to search by both annotation title and main annotation text.
  • Keys, click the adjacent button to display a list of keywords that you can use to search for the annotation.
  • Date filtering, use these fields to filter the search results by the date when the annotation was added.
  • Resource name, enter the name of the file for which you want to view annotations; alternatively it shows the name of the selected resource.
  • Resource type, click the adjacent button to display a list of resource types and select the ones that you want to use for the filtering operation.

Once you selected the wanted criteria, click Search to perform the actual search operation.

The Projects list area to the right of the Filters area displays the projects list and allows the user to search through one or several projects.

When the filtering operation is finished, you can use the black arrow button in the upper left corner of the View Annotations tab to hide the filters and maximize the Results area.

In the Results area to the left, the list of annotations is presented. You can move through the list of annotations by using the keyboard arrow keys or by selecting one from the list. If you select an annotation from the list, the fields in the Details area display the main annotation text, the date when the annotation was created, and the corresponding keywords.

The Resources area displays the resources where this annotation was found, grouped by resource type, while the Related projects area displays the list of projects that contain the resources in the above field.

Use Edit and Delete at the top of annotations list, to edit or delete the selected annotation.
Note: In case that API feature is used, only the Delete option is available on an annotation.

To export the annotations list, use Export results to CSV file in the upper corner of the Results area.

By selecting the resource that is displayed in the Resources area from the Results that are displayed, according to the resource type, a list of analysis are shown in the Explore area to the right of the Explore tab.