Compare Projects in Editor

The Compare Projects analysis detects the differences between source components of the selected projects. Detected differences are sources that exist in one project but not in the other or sources that exist in both projects but differ in content.

The compare operation can be performed between two projects.

To compare two projects, in Application Discovery Browser perspective, from the Projects list in the central part of the Explore Projects tab, select the projects that you want to compare. For details on perspectives and their components, see IBM® AD Analyze Client Reference.

When you select two or more projects from the Explore Projects tab, the available graphs, reports, and usage analyses are displayed to the right of your screen. When you compare two projects, the results of the structure compare are displayed in the upper part of the screen. Navigation tools are available. You can navigate to the next or to the previous difference or change.

The results of the compare operation can also be presented in a report. Click Generate Report in the upper right corner of the compare results window. For details, see Compare Projects Report in Reports chapter.