Resetting IBM Application Discovery Configuration Admin dashboard password

Note: Resetting IBM® Application Discovery Configuration Admin dashboard password is only applicable if the Enable a single administrator account option is selected in User Authentication.
To reset the IBM Application Discovery Configuration Admin dashboard password, follow these steps:
  1. Open a new Command Prompt on Windows.
  2. Go to the <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\IBM Application Discovery Configuration Service.
  3. Run the following command:
    securityUtility <password> bcrypt
  4. The encrypted password is displayed on the screen.
  5. Open <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\Authentication Server (DEX)\conf\dex.yaml.
  6. In staticPasswords > hash, replace the hashed password with the new encrypted password.
    Here is an example:
      email: Administrator
      hash: $2a$10$VoOut41U80MqRJmRVgNkN.5tC/YUjTEIccBZ8oHHespIh7Urh2qgC
      username: Administrator
      userID: Administrator
  7. Restart Authentication Server (DEX). After the restart is done, then restart WebSphere Liberty profile service