IAYAA0045E {0}{1}


If the DB user (that is used for AD projects) does not have the necessary permissions to access the database, when IBM® AD Build Client or IBM AD Build Configuration tool tries to open a project, depending on the relational database that is used and configured, the following error message may appear:
  • The {0} error message is shown when Microsoft SQL Server is used.
    Permission denied.
    The user might not have enough permissions to access the database.
    The process cannot continue !
  • The {1} error message is shown when Db2 for LUW (Linux®, UNIX, and Windows) is used as a relational database.
    The project definition cannot be read from the database.
    The user might not have enough permissions to access the database.
    The process cannot continue !
    For more information, check the DB2ErrorLog.txt log file present in the <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\IBM Application Discovery Build Client\Bin\Release\Log folder.

System action

When an AD project is opened by using IBM AD Build Client or IBM AD Build Configuration the database that is associated with the project is accessed.

User response

Make sure that the required user permissions are granted. For more information, see: