IAYAA0042I This evaluation version is limited to 5 projects, 100 programs, and 100 JCL jobs. You have {0} days left for evaluation.
If the IBM AD product is not licensed and activated when the IBM® AD Build Client or IBM AD Build Configuration is opened, this message appears. The {0} value is the number of days left before the evaluation period expires.
System action
Until IBM AD Build Client or IBM AD Build Configuration is licensed and activated, it starts in evaluation mode. Once the last day of evaluation ends the following message appears:Evaluation time expired.
Application will terminate.
User response
To activate the product, perform the following steps:- Go to IBM Passport Advantage and download the activation kit if you have a valid entitlement, otherwise, contact your IBM Sales Representative.
- Right-click ADActivation.exe and select Run as administrator, on the machine where IBM AD Build Client and IBM AD Build Configuration are installed.
- The Application Discovery License Activation dialog window is displayed. Click Activate, then click Exit to finalize the activation.
- Launch IBM AD Build Client or IBM AD Build Configuration. This evaluation message will no longer appear.