Modifying the wait time for receiving IBM AD Batch Server status

About this task

After an action is finished in IBM® AD Build Client, audit events are expected to be sent from IBM AD Batch Server in a given time period. By default, the Audit Service waits for two minutes. If longer wait time is needed, you can follow the steps to modify the value.


  1. Stop IBM Application Discovery WebSphere® Liberty Profile Service.
    To stop the service, open Windows Services (services.msc), locate IBM Application Discovery WebSphere Liberty Profile Service, and then click Stop.
  2. Open <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\IBM AD Web Services\wlp\usr\servers\ad_server\conf.audit\, add the following line, and then save the change.
    Specifies the wait time for receiving IBM AD Batch Server status. Specify the value in milliseconds, for example, 120000, which equals two minutes.
  3. Restart IBM Application Discovery WebSphere Liberty Profile Service.
    To restart the service, open Windows Services (services.msc), locate IBM Application Discovery WebSphere Liberty Profile Service, and then click Start.