Using the legacy chat

Use the watsonx Orchestrate legacy chat to start the skills that you add to a skill set. Start these skills by clicking the skill tile or typing a phrase that is related to them in the chat bar.

Before you start a skill, you must follow the steps according to the skill set that you want to use:

  1. For the team skills:
    1. Add the skills to the team skill set.
    2. Connect to the app of the skills.
  2. For personal skills:
    1. Add the skills to the personal skill set.
    2. Connect to the app of the skills.
Important: If your tenant uses the AI chat as the default chat, you must start skills through AI assistants. For more information, see Using the AI chat.

Clicking the skill tile

The user searches the skill in an app tile under the chat bar and clicks the skill tile.

In the following video, the user selects an app and then select a skill that is started in the chat.

Note: The video has no narration.

Typing a phrase

In the chat bar, the user types the phrase that was trained by the builder to start the skill.

In the following video, the user type a phrase and then click the Send button, which starts the skill.

Note: The video has no narration.

  • Users can also press Enter after they type the phrase to start the skill.
  • As the user types, phrases are suggested in the chat bar.

For most skills, the user needs to fill data into inputs. See some specifications in Providing inputs to skills on legacy chat.

Viewing your tasks

A task is a skill or skill flow that the user runs. If the task you requested takes time to run, you receive a suggestion in the chat to work on something else while the requested task runs in the background. You can start more than one skill even if the previous skills you requested are in progress.

You receive notification with the task status and task completion. The notification is specific to the skill set you selected and includes a detailed view of your tasks and their results.

The notification icon Notification icon is in the upper right of the chat. When you click the notification icon, you can see the following options:

Tasks in progress: Section for details on the ongoing tasks.

The following image shows a task in progress, which is a skill flow that is named Send onboarding content over email.

Task in progress
Figure 1. Task in progress notification.

Results: Section for details on the completed tasks.

The following image shows a result of the Send email skill that was started by the user.

Task results
Figure 2. Task results notification.

When you click the results in the notification, you are taken to the phrase that started the skill in the chat. So, you click View context to see the results that the skill returned.

View context in the chat
Figure 3. View context link in the chat.

About the chat history and how to clean it, see the Chat history content.

Check out what skills can do

You can check the skill-related data before you use a specific skill to understand the inputs needed, as well as the skills results and outputs.

Follow the procedure to check the skill-related data:

  1. Click the menu icon.
  2. Select Skill catalog.
  3. Choose the skill catalog that you are using.
  4. Select the app of the skill that you want to use.
  5. Select the skill that you want to use.

After that you can view specific information about the skills, such as:

  • A description of the skill.
  • The phrase that you must give to run the skill.
  • The data that the skill set requires from you to complete the work.
  • A confirmation that the work was completed.

Figure 4. Skill information from the skill tile.