Preview runtime errors

You may see these system errors when testing your AI assistant in Preview.

Some of these errors correspond to advanced development tasks.

Preview runtime errors
Message Description
No actions to interpret AI assistant has no content.
No action triggered Error when an action is not found, for example, when one action specifies another action that isn't defined yet.
Conversation ended. Maximum of %d actions visited. Limit is 20 per conversation.
Maximum number of step iterations for a single action When a particular step is reached more than 50 times within an action.
Error when updating output in [%s]. The output is [%s] When there was an error in updating the output, for example, when using a SpEL expression.
Error in context update Error when setting a variable to an invalid ASEL expression.
Error when updating context with context of step %s. Step context is [%s]. Error when a runtime exception occurs while setting a context, for example, division by zero.
Multiple actions have the same title: %s Actions need to have unique names.
Action %s is invalid because step order includes a cycle. Evaluation could result in an infinite loop. Check "next_step" property of each step in the action. Step could get caught in an infinite loop and not end.
Expression evaluation error inside condition of %s. The syntax is valid, but cannot be evaluated. Condition defaulted to false. Check that objects in expression are not null or out of bounds. Error: %s When an unexpected error occurs while checking a condition, for example, division by 0.
Provided expression [%s] cannot be evaluated as a number ASEL error message
Provided expression [%s] cannot be evaluated as Boolean ASEL error message
Provided expression [%s] cannot be evaluated as a string ASEL error message
Provided expression [%s] cannot be evaluated ASEL error message
Actions array contains an element that is not a JsonObject. Cannot build an internal representation. Advanced programming message
Actions array contains elements with the same id (attribute 'action'). Cannot build an internal representation. Advanced programming message
No target step %s found for jump-to resolver Advanced programming message
For resolver of type jump_to the target step cannot be the same as the source step. Advanced programming message