Expression language methods for actions
The AI assistant expression language can be used to specify values that are independent of, or derived from, values that are collected in steps or stored in session variables. You can use an expression to define a step condition or to define the value of a session variable.
The AI assistant expression language is based on the Spring Expression Language (SpEL), but with some important differences in syntax. For detailed background information about SpEL, see Spring Expression Language (SpEL).
You can use SpEL expressions in two ways:
- Defining a step condition. For more information, see Writing expressions.
- Assigning a value to a session variable. For more information, see Using variables to manage conversation information.
Referencing action variables
An action variable is created implicitly for any step that expects customer input, and the variable is bound to the step. To reference an action variable inside an expression, you must specify the step ID by using the format ${step_id}
(for example, ${step_771}
. To find the step ID for a step, select the step and then look at the end of the URL in your browser.
Referencing session variables
Session variables are created explicitly in the Variables section of the step. To reference a session variable inside an expression, you must specify the variable ID by using the format ${variable_id}
(for example,
. You can find the variable ID in the list of variables. (For more information, see Using variables to manage conversation information.)
When you are editing an expression, you can type $
to see a list of variables you can reference. Select a variable from the list to automatically insert the step ID or variable ID.
Supported data types
Expressions can use atomic JSON types (such as integer
, string
, number
, and boolean
), and compound data types (such as JSON arrays ([]
) and objects ({}
). When you
specify literal string values, you can use either single ('
) or double ("
) quotation marks.
Values that action steps collect from customers use customer response types such as date, time, currency, or percent. These values are stored as JSON objects in the following format:
"system_type": "{system_type}",
"value": "{value}"
where {system_type}
is one of the following types:
Date and Time methods
Several methods are available to work with date and time values.
now(String timezone)
The now()
method returns the current date and time for a specified time zone, in the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss 'GMT'XXX
In this example, if the current date and time is 2021-11-26 11:41:00
, the returned string is 2021-11-26 21:41:00 GMT+10.00
or 2021-11-26 21:41:00 GMT+11.00
depending on Daylight Saving Time.
The output string format change is applicable to date and time calculation methods as well. For example, if the <date>
string used is in the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
, such as when you use the method today()
then the output is in the same format (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
). However, if the <date>
string is in the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss 'GMT'XXX
, such as when you use the method now()
, then
the output is in the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss 'GMT'XXX
.reformatDateTime(String format)
Formats date and time strings for output. The parameter is a format string that specifies how the date or time value is formatted. The format string must be specified by using the Java SimpleDateFormat syntax.
This method returns a string that is formatted according to the specified format:
for 12/31/2016h a
for 10pm
To return the day of the week:
for TuesdayE
for Tueu
for day index (1 = Monday, ..., 7 = Sunday)
For example, this expression returns the value 17:30:00 as 5:30 PM
${system_current_date}.reformatDateTime('h:mm a')
If the input string includes only a time, the default date 1970-01-01
is used in the output. If the input string includes only a date, the default time 12 AM (00:00)
is used.
.before(String date/time)
- Determines whether a date and time value is before the specified date and time argument, as in this example:
You can compare a date with another date, or a time with another time. You can also compare a time with a date and time value, in which case the date is ignored and only the times are compared. Any other comparisons of mismatched values (for
example, comparing a date with a time) return false
, an exception is logged in output.debug.log_messages
(which you can see in the AI assistant preview or in API responses).
.after(String date/time)
- Determines whether the date and time value is after the date and time argument.
.sameMoment(String date/time)
- Determines whether the date and time value is the same as the date and time argument.
.sameOrAfter(String date/time)
- Determines whether the date and time value is after or the same as the date and time argument.
- Analogous to
.sameOrBefore(String date/time)
- Determines whether the date and time value is before or the same as the date and time argument.
Date and time calculations
Use the following methods to calculate a date.
Method | Description |
<date>.minusDays(_n_) |
Returns the date of the day n days before the specified date. |
<date>.minusMonths(_n_) |
Returns the date of the day n months before the specified date. |
<date>.minusYears(_n_) |
Returns the date of the day n years before the specified date. |
<date>.plusDays(_n_) |
Returns the date of the day n days after the specified date. |
<date>.plusMonths(_n_) |
Returns the date of the day n months after the specified date. |
<date>.plusYears(n) |
Returns the date of the day n years after the specified date. |
where <date>
is specified in the format yyyy-MM-dd
or yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
For example, to get tomorrow's date, specify the following expression:
Use the following methods to calculate a time.
Method | Description |
<time>.minusHours(_n_) |
Returns the time n hours before the specified time. |
<time>.minusMinutes(_n_) |
Returns the time n minutes before the specified time. |
<time>.minusSeconds(_n_) |
Returns the time n seconds before the specified time. |
<time>.plusHours(_n_) |
Returns the time n hours after the specified time. |
<time>.plusMinutes(_n_) |
Returns the time n minutes after the specified time. |
<time>.plusSeconds(_n_) |
Returns the time n seconds after the specified time. |
where <time>
is specified in the format HH:mm:ss
For example, to get the time one hour from now, specify the following expression:
Working with time spans
To show a response based on whether today's date falls within a certain time span, you can use a combination of time-related methods. For example, if you run a special offer during the holiday season every year, you might want to check whether today's date falls between November 25 and December 24 of this year.
First, define the dates of interest as session variables. In the following start and end date session variable expressions, the date is being constructed by concatenating the dynamic current year value with hardcoded month and day values:
start_date = now().reformatDateTime('Y') + '-12-24'
end_date = now().reformatDateTime('Y') + '-11-25'
Then, in a step condition, you can indicate that you want to show the response only if the current date falls between the start and end dates that you defined as session variables:
now().after(${start_date}) && now().before(${end_date})
In addition to the built-in methods, you can use standard methods of the java.util.Date
For example, to get the date of the day that falls a week from today, you can use the following syntax:
new Date(new Date().getTime() + (7 * (24*60*60*1000L)))
This expression first gets the current date in milliseconds (since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT). It also calculates the number of milliseconds in 7 days ((24*60*60*1000L)
represents one day in milliseconds). It then adds 7 days
to the current date. The result is the full date of the day that falls a week from today (for example, Fri Jan 26 16:30:37 UTC 2018
Number methods
These methods help you get and reformat number values.
For information about recognizing numbers in customer responses, see Choosing a response type.
If you want to change the decimal placement for a number (for example, to reformat a number as a currency value), see the String format() method.
Converts the object or field to the Double number type. You can call this method on any object or field. If the conversion fails, null
is returned.
Converts the object or field to the Integer number type. You can call this method on any object or field. If the conversion fails, null
is returned.
Converts the object or field to the Long number type. You can call this method on any object or field. If the conversion fails, null
is returned.
To specify a Long number type in a SpEL expression, you must append an L
to the number to identify it as such (for example, 5000000000L
). This syntax is required for any numbers that do not fit into the 32-bit Integer
type. Numbers that are greater than 2^31 (2,147,483,648) or less than -2^31 (-2,147,483,648) are considered Long number types. Long number types have a minimum value of -2^63 and a maximum value of 2^63-1 (or 9,223,372,036,854,775,807).
Standard math
Use SpEL expressions to define standard math equations, where the operators are represented by using these symbols:
Arithmetic operation | Symbol |
addition | + |
division | / |
multiplication | * |
subtraction | - |
You can use the functions of the java.lang.Math class to perform basic numeric operations.
You can use the Class methods, including:
See the java.lang.Math reference documentation for information about other methods.
Returns a random number. You can use any of the following syntax options:
- To return a random Boolean value (
), usenew Random().nextBoolean()
. - To return a random double number between 0 (included) and 1 (excluded), use
new Random().nextDouble()
- To return a random integer between 0 (included) and a number you specify, use
new Random().nextInt(_n_)
, where n is 1 greater than the top of the number range you want. For example, if you want to return a random number between 0 and 10, specifynew Random().nextInt(11)
. - To return a random integer from the full integer value range (-2147483648 to 2147483648), use
new Random().nextInt()
For example, you might create step that is executed only for a randomly selected subset of customers. The following step condition would mean that the step has a 50% chance of executing:
new Random().nextInt(2) == 1
See the java.util.Random reference documentation for information about other methods.
You can also use standard methods of the following classes:
String methods
These methods help you work with text.
For details about the syntax to use in methods that involve regular expressions, see RE2 Syntax reference.
This method appends an input object (as a string) to a string, and returns a modified string.
${step_297}.append('next text')
This method returns true
if the action variable or session variable contains a substring, which is useful in conditions.
This method returns true
if the string ends with the input substring.
This method returns true
if the specified string equals the action variable or session variable.
This method returns true
if the specified string equals the action variable or session variable irrespective of case.
String.extract(String regexp, Integer groupIndex)
This method returns a string from the input that matches the specified regular expression group pattern. It returns an empty string if no match is found.
This method is designed to extract matches for different regex pattern groups, not different matches for a single regex pattern. To find different matches, see the getMatch() method.
In this example, the action variable is saving a string that matches the regex pattern group that you specify. In the expression, two regex patterns groups are defined, each one enclosed in parentheses. Inherent is a third group that is composed of the two groups. This is the first (groupIndex 0) regex group; it matches with a string that contains the full number group and text group. The second regex group (groupIndex 1) matches with the first occurrence of a number group. The third group (groupIndex 2) matches with the first occurrence of a text group after a number group.
${step_297}.extract('([\d]+)(\b [A-Za-z]+)', <n>)
If action variable contains:
Hello 123 this is 456.
the results are as follows:
- When
, the value is123 this
. - When
, the value is123
. - When
, the value isthis
String.find(String regexp)
This method returns true
if any segment of the string matches the input regular expression. You can call this method against a JSONArray or JSONObject element, and it converts the array or object to a string before it makes the
For example, if the action variable ${step_297}
collects the string Hello 123456
, then the following expression returns true
The condition is true
because the numeric portion of the input text matches the regular expression ^[^\d]*[\d]{6}[^\d]*$
String.getMatch(String regexp, Integer matchIndex)
This method returns a string that matches the occurrence of the specified regular expression pattern. This method returns an empty string if no match is found.
As matches are found, they are added to what you can think of as an array of matches. Because the array element count starts at 0, if you want to return the third match, you would specify 2 as the matchIndex
value. For example,
if you enter a text string with three words that match the specified pattern, you can return the first, second, or third match only by specifying its index value.
For example, the following example is looking for a group of numbers in an action variable.
${step_297}.getMatch('([\d]+)', 1)
If the action variable ${step_297}
contains the string hello 123 i said 456 and 8910
, this expression returns 456
This method returns true
if the string is an empty string, but not null
, as in this example:
This method returns the character length of the string, as in this example:
If the action variable ${step_297}
contains the string Hello
, this expression returns 5.
String.matches(String regexp)
This method returns true
if the string matches the input regular expression, as in the example:
If the action variable ${step_297}
contains the string Hello
, this expression evaluates to true
This method returns true
if the string starts with the specified substring, as in this example:
If the action variable ${step_297}
contains the string What is your name?
, this expression returns true
String.substring(Integer beginIndex, Integer endIndex)
This method returns a substring beginning with the character at beginIndex
and ending with the character before endIndex
. (The endIndex
character itself is not included in the substring.) The index values
are zero-based, so the first character in the string is at index 0.
This example returns a substring that begins at index 5 (which is the sixth character), and continuing to the end of the string:
${step_297}.substring(5, ${step_297}.length())
If the action variable ${step_297}
contains the string This is a string.
, this expression returns is a string.
This method parses a string that contains JSON data and returns a JSON object or array, as in this example:
If the session variable ${json_var}
contains the following string:
"{ \"firstname\": \"John\", \"lastname\": \"Doe\" }"
the toJson()
method returns the following object:
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe"
This method returns the specified string that is converted to lowercase letters, as in this example:
If the action variable ${step_297}
contains the string This is A DOG!
, this expression returns the string this is a dog!
This method returns the original string that is converted to uppercase letters, as in this example:
If the action variable ${step_297}
contains the string hi there
, this method returns the string HI THERE
This method trims any spaces at the beginning and end of a string and returns the modified string, as in this example:
If the action variable ${step_297}
contains the string something is here
, this method returns the string something is here
In addition to the built-in methods, you can use standard methods of the java.lang.String
You can apply the standard Java String format()
method to text. For information about the syntax to use, see Format String Syntax.
This example takes three decimal integers (1, 1, and 2) and adds them to a sentence:
T(java.lang.String).format('%d + %d equals %d', 1, 1, 2)
The resulting string is 1 + 1 equals 2
This example changes the decimal placement for a number that is collected by a step:
If the ${step_297}
variable that needs to be formatted in US dollars is 4.5, the resulting string is 4.50
Array methods
These methods help you work with arrays.
This method adds one or more new values to the array and returns true
if the operation is successful.
${Items}.add('four', 'five')
If Items
is ['one', 'two', 'three']
, this example updates it in place to become ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five']
Array.addAll(Array array)
This method adds one array to another and returns null
If Items
is ['one', 'two', 'three']
and New_items
is ['four', 'five', 'six']
, this example updates Items
in place to become ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six']
This method appends one or more new values to the array and returns the result as a new array. The original array is not modified.
${Items}.append('four', 'five')
If Items
is ['one', 'two', 'three']
, this example returns the new array ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five']
This method removes all values from the array and returns null.
After this expression is evaluated, Items
is an empty array ([]
This method returns true
if the array contains an item that is exactly equal to the input value. The specified value can be a string or a number.
If Items
is [123, 456, 789]
, this example returns true
This method returns true
if the array contains an item that is equal to the input value. Strings are matched regardless of whether the value is specified in uppercase or lowercase letters. The specified value can be a string or
a number.
This example returns true
if the Items
array contains any capitalization of the string two
(for example, TWO
or Two
would also match).
Array.filter(temp_var, " operator comparison_value")
Filters an array by comparing each array element to a value you specify, returning a new array that contains only the matching elements.
The filter expression consists of the following values:
: An arbitrary name for a temporary variable that is used to hold each array element as it is evaluated. For example, if the original array contains objects that describe cities, you might usecity
as the temporary variable name. -
: The element property that you want to filter on. This must be a property of the elements in the source array. Specify the property as a property oftemp_var
, by using the
. For example, iflatitude
is a valid property name for the source elements, you might specify the property ascity.latitude
. -
: The operator to use to compare the property value to the comparison value. You can use any of the following operators:Supported filter operators Operator Description ==
Is equal to >
Is greater than <
Is less than >=
Is greater than or equal to <=
Is less than or equal to !=
Is not equal to -
: The value that you want to compare each array element property value to. You can specify a literal value or reference a variable.
Filter examples
For example, you might have an array of objects that contain city names and their population numbers:
If the source array is stored in a variable that is called ${cities}
, the following expression returns a smaller array that contains only cities with populations greater than 5 million:
${cities}.filter("city", "city.population > 5000000")
The expression returns the following filtered array:
Instead of a hardcoded comparison value, you might also filter based on a dynamic value that is stored in a variable. This example filters by using a population value that is specified by a customer response in a previous step:
${cities}.filter("city", "city.population > ${step_123}")
When you compare number values, be sure to set the context variable that is involved in the comparison to a valid value before the filter method is triggered. Note that null
can be a valid value if the array element you are
comparing it against might contain it.
Array.get(Integer index)
This method returns the item from the array that is at the specified index position. Arrays are zero-indexed, meaning that the first item in the array is at index position 0
If Items
is ['one', 'two', 'three']
, this example returns two
The get()
method is an alternative to using brackets ([]
) to retrieve an item from an array. The following example is also valid and returns the same result:
If you are using a value that is specified by a customer to choose an item from an array, you might need to subtract 1 to convert to a zero-indexed value. For example, you might use an expression like ${Items}.get(${step_123} - 1)
to retrieve the intended value.
This method returns a randomly chosen item from the array.
If Items
is ['one', 'two', 'three']
, this example returns one
, two
, or three
, on a random basis.
This method returns the index position of the first occurrence of the input value in the array, or -1
if the array does not contain the input value. The specified value can be a string or a number.
If Items
is ['one', 'two', 'three']
, this example returns the integer 1
(indicating the second position in the zero-indexed array).
Array.join(String delimiter)
This method joins all values in this array to a string. Values are converted to string and delimited by the input delimiter.
For example, you might use a variable that is named pizza_toppings
that contains the array ["pepperoni", "ham", "mushrooms"]
. The following expression converts this array into the string
pepperoni, ham, mushrooms
${toppings_array}.join(', ')
If you use that expression to define the value of a variable, you can then reference that variable in your AI assistant output to create a human-readable message (for example, You have selected the following toppings: pepperoni, ham, mushrooms
JSONArray.joinToArray(template, retainDataType)
This method extracts information from each item in the array and builds a new array that is formatted according to the template you specify. The template can be a string, a JSON object, or an array. The method returns an array of strings, an array of objects, or an array of arrays, depending on the type of template.
This method is useful for formatting information as a string that you can return as part of the output of a step, or for transforming data into a different structure so you can use it with an external API.
In the template, you can reference values from the source array by using the following syntax:
where {property}
represents the name of the property in the source array.
For example, suppose that your AI assistant stores an array that contains flight details in a session variable. The stored data might look like this:
"flights": [
"flight": "AZ1040",
"origin": "JFK",
"carrier": "Alitalia",
"duration": 485,
"destination": "FCO",
"arrival_date": "2019-02-03",
"arrival_time": "07:00",
"departure_date": "2019-02-02",
"departure_time": "16:45"
"flight": "DL1710",
"origin": "JFK",
"carrier": "Delta",
"duration": 379,
"destination": "LAX",
"arrival_date": "2019-02-02",
"arrival_time": "10:19",
"departure_date": "2019-02-02",
"departure_time": "07:00"
"flight": "VS4379",
"origin": "BOS",
"carrier": "Virgin Atlantic",
"duration": 385,
"destination": "LHR",
"arrival_date": "2019-02-03",
"arrival_time": "09:05",
"departure_date": "2019-02-02",
"departure_time": "21:40"
To build an array of strings that describe these flights in a user-readable form, you might use the following expression:
${Flight_data}.joinToArray("Flight %e.flight% to %e.destination%", true)
This expression would return the following array of strings: ["Flight AZ1040 to FCO","Flight DL1710 to LAX","Flight VS4379 to LHR"]
The optional retainDataType
parameter specifies whether the method preserves the data type of all input values in the returned array. If retainDataType
is set to false
or omitted, in some situations,
strings in the input array might be converted to numbers in the returned array. For example, if the selected values from the input array are "1"
, "2"
, and "3"
, the returned
array might be [ 1, 2, 3 ]
. To avoid unexpected type conversions, specify true
for this parameter.
Complex templates
A more complex template might contain formatting that displays the information in a legible layout. For a complex template, you might want to store the template in a session variable, which you can then pass to the joinToArray
method instead of a string.
For example, this complex template contains a subset of the array elements, adding labels and formatting:
<br/>Flight number: %e.flight% <br/> Airline: %e.carrier% <br/> Departure date: %e.departure_date% <br/> Departure time: %e.departure_time% <br/> Arrival time: %e.arrival_time% <br/>
Make sure any formatting that you use in your template is supported by the channel integration that displays the AI assistant output.
If you create a session variable that is named Template
, and assign this template as its value, you can then use that variable in your expressions:
At run time, the response would look like this:
Flight number: AZ1040
Airline: Alitalia
Departure date: 2019-02-02
Departure time: 16:45
Arrival time: 07:00
Flight number: DL1710
Airline: Delta
Departure date: 2019-02-02
Departure time: 07:00
Arrival time: 10:19
Flight number: VS4379
Airline: Virgin Atlantic
Departure date: 2019-02-02
Departure time: 21:40
Arrival time: 09:05
JSON templates
Instead of a string, you can define a template as a JSON object, which provides a way to standardize the formatting of information from different systems, or to transform data into the format required for an external service.
In this example, a template is defined as a JSON object that extracts flight details from the elements that are specified in the array that is stored in the Flight data
session variable:
"departure": "Flight %e.flight% departs on %e.departure_date% at %e.departure_time%.",
"arrival": "Flight %e.flight% arrives on %e.arrival_date% at %e.arrival_time%."
Using this template, the joinToArray()
method returns a new array of objects with the specified structure.
Array.remove(Integer index)
This method removes the item in the specified index position from the array, and returns the updated array.
If Items
is ['one', 'two', 'three']
, this example returns ['one', 'three']
. The original Items
array is also modified in place.
This method removes the first occurrence of the specified value from the array, and returns the updated array. The specified value can be a string or a number.
If Items
is ['one', 'two', 'three']
, this example returns ['one', 'three']
. The original Items
array is also modified in place.
Array.set(Integer index, value)
This method replaces the item in the specified index position with the specified value, and returns the updated array.
If Items
is ['one', 'two', 'three']
, this example returns ['one', 'two', 'five']
. The original Items
array is also modified in place.
This method returns the number of items in the array as an integer.
If Items
is ['one', 'two', 'three']
, this example returns 3
This method does an in-place sorting and returns the sorted array. The default parameter is ascending
. You can specify descending
to change the sort order. Any other parameter entry is ignored and a log error appears.
The method compares numbers and strings. A number is always smaller than a string. Any other type is converted to string by default to compare.
For example:
Original array | Sorted array |
[2,1,3,5,4,3,2] | [1,2,2,3,3,4,5] |
["Banana", "Orange", "Apple", "Mango"] | ["Apple", "Banana", "Mango", "Orange"] |
[3, 2, 4, "1", "10", "12", "Banana", "Orange", 0, "Apple", "Mango"] | [0, 2, 3, 4, "1", "10", "12", "Apple", "Banana", "Mango", "Orange"] |
The Array.transform()
method is used with the session_history
variable only. You can transform the output of the variable to match a specific generative AI system.
Table: Signatures for chat formats shows signatures that you can use for the different chat formats:
Particulars | OpenAI | Google PaLM2 | Llama2 |
Signature | transform(String rolePrefix, String userPrefix, String assistantPrefix, optional Boolean currentAction=false) |
transform(String rolePrefix, String userPrefix, String assistantPrefix, optional Boolean currentAction=false) |
transform(optional String systemPrompt, optional Boolean currentAction=false) |
Customer message format | {$rolePrefix: $userPrefix, "content": $content} |
{$rolePrefix: $userPrefix, "content": $content} |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>{{ $systemPrompt }} <</SYS>>{{ $user_content }} [/INST] {{ $assistant_content }} </s><s>[INST] {{ $user_content }} [/INST] |
Assistant message format | {$rolePrefix: $assistantPrefix, "content": $content} |
{$rolePrefix: $assistantPrefix, "content": $content} |
NA |
Example | ${system_session_history}.transform("role", "user", "assistant") |
${system_session_history}.transform("author", "USER", "AI") |
${system_session_history}.transform("<your system prompt>") |
If currentAction
is true:
AI assistant uses | Description |
Actions only | The transform excludes all messages where n is true, which indicates that a customer question triggered a new base action. |
Dialog only | currentAction is ignored and the transform includes the entire contents of the session history variable. |
Dialog and actions | The transform includes everything in the session_history variable since the most recent start of an action, regardless of whether any dialog nodes are triggered. |
The n : true
flags are not included in the output of transform.