CDR log event reference

For cdr_logged events sent by a log webhook, the payload object contains data about a call detail record (CDR) event that was handled by the phone integration. The payload object for a CDR event contains the following properties.

Properties of the CDR webhook payload object
Property Type Description
primary_phone_number string Phone number that was called.
global_session_id string Unique session identifier.
failure_occurred boolean Whether a failure occurred during the call.
failure_details string Details about any failure that occurred.
transfer_occurred boolean Whether an attempt was made to transfer a call.
active_calls Number Number of active calls when the call started.
x-global-sip-trunk-call-id string

Value of the SIP trunk call ID header extracted from the initial SIP INVITE request. The following SIP trunk call ID headers are supported:

  • X-Twilio-CallSid
  • X-SID
  • X-Global-SIP-Trunk-Call-ID
call Object Information about the call. See call.
session_initiation_protocol Object SIP protocol-related details. See session_initiation_protocol.
max_response_milliseconds Object Maximum latency for services used during the call. See max_response_milliseconds.
assistant_interaction_summaries Array Details about the AI assistant interactions that took place during the call. See assistant_interaction_summaries.
injected_custom_data Object A set of key/value pairs extracted from the cdr_custom_data context variable.
warnings_and_errors Array Warnings or errors that were logged during the call. See warnings_and_errors.
realtime_transport_network_summary Object Statistics for the inbound stream in the inbound_stream object and statistics for the outbound stream in the outbound_stream object. Included only if RTCP is enabled. See realtime_transport_network_summary.


The call object contains the following properties.

Properties of the call object
Property Type Description
start_timestamp String Time when the call started, in ISO format (yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ).
stop_timestamp String Time when the call ended, in ISO format (yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ).
milliseconds_elapsed Number Duration of the call, in milliseconds.
end_reason string

Reason the call ended. Possible reasons are:

  • assistant_transfer
  • assistant_hangup
  • caller_hangup
  • failed
security.media_encrypted Boolean Whether the media was encrypted.
security.signaling_encrypted Boolean Whether the SIP signaling was encrypted.
security.sip_authenticated Boolean Whether SIP authentication was used to authenticate the caller.


The session_initiation_protocol object contains the following properties.

Properties of the session_initiation_protocol object
Property Type Description
invite_arrival_timestamp String Time when the INVITE request arrived, in ISO format (yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ).
setup_milliseconds Number Time that it took to set up the call, in milliseconds. The time between when the initial SIP INVITE request was received and when the final SIP ACK request was received.
headers.call_id String SIP Call-ID header field pulled from the SIP INVITE related to the call.
headers.from_uri String SIP URI from the initial SIP INVITE From header.
headers.to_uri String SIP URI from the initial SIP INVITE To header.


The assistant_interaction_summaries object contains the following properties.

Properties of the assistant_interaction_summaries object
Property Type Description
assistant_id String Unique identifier of the AI assistant.
session_id String Unique identifier of the session.
turns Array An array of objects describing the AI assistant interactions that took place during the conversation. See assistant_interaction_summaries.turns[].


Objects in the assistant_interaction_summaries.turns array contain the following properties.

Properties of the objects in the assistant_interaction_summaries.turns[] array
Property Type Description
assistant.log_id String Unique identifier for the logged event, which can be used to correlate between message logs and CDR events.
assistant.start_timestamp String Time when the request was sent to the AI assistant, in ISO format (yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ).
assistant.response_milliseconds Number Time (in milliseconds) between when the request was sent and when the response was received from the assistant.
request Object A request sent to the AI assistant. See assistant_interaction_summaries.turns[].request.
response Array An array of the response objects associated with the request.


The assistant_interaction_summaries.turns[].request object contains the following properties.

Properties of the assistant_interaction_summaries.turns[].request object
Property Type Description
type String

Request type:

  • start: an initial request is sent to the AI assistant
  • speech_to_text: input is received from the Speech to Text service
  • dtmf: DTMF collection completes
  • sms: an SMS message is received from the caller
  • post_response_timeout: the post-response timer expires
  • redirect: a call is redirected
  • transfer: a call is transferred
  • transfer_failed: a call transfer fails
  • final_utterance_timeout: the final utterance timer expires
  • no_input_turn: no input turn is enabled
  • sms_failure: an SMS message cannot be sent to the caller
  • speech_to_text_result_filtered: an utterance is filtered due to a low confidence level
  • mrcp_recognition_unsuccessful: the MRCP recognition completes without a final utterance
  • network_warning: a network error is detected
  • media_capability_change: media capabilities change during a call.
streaming_statistics Object Information and statistics that are related to the Speech to Text recognition. See assistant_interaction_summaries.turns[].request.streaming_statistics.

The assistant_interaction_summaries.turns[].request.streaming_statistics object contains the following properties.

Properties of the assistant_interaction_summaries.turns[].streaming_statistics object
Property Type Description
transaction_id String Unique identifier of the transaction.
start_timestamp String Time when the transaction started, in ISO format (yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ).
stop_timestamp String Time when the transaction ended, in ISO format (yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ).
response_milliseconds Number The latency (in milliseconds) between when silence is detected in the caller's speech and a final result from the AI assistant is received.
echo_detected Boolean Whether an echo was detected.
confidence Number Confidence score of the final utterance.


The assistant_interaction_summaries.turns[].response object contains the following properties.

Properties of the assistant_interaction_summaries.turns[].response object
Property Type Description
type String

Response type:

  • text_to_speech: a command to play an utterance to the caller
  • sms: a command to send an SMS message to the caller
  • url: a command to play an audio file to the caller
  • transfer: a command to transfer a call
  • text_to_speech_config: a command to change the Text to Speech settings
  • speech_to_text_config: a command to change the Speech to Text settings
  • pause_speech_to_text: a command to stop speech recognition
  • unpause_speech_to_text: a command to start speech recognition
  • pause_dtmf: a command to stop processing of inbound DTMF signals
  • unpause_dtmf: unpause_dtmf: a command to start processing of inbound DTMF signals
  • enable_speech_barge_in: a command to enable speech barge-in so that callers can interrupt playback by speaking
  • disable_speech_barge_in: a command to disable speech barge-in so that playback isn't interrupted when callers speak during audio playback
  • enable_dtmf_barge_in: a command to enable DTMF barge-in so that callers can interrupt playback from the phone integration by pressing a key
  • disable_dtmf_barge_in: a command to disable DTMF barge-in so that playback from the phone integration isn't interrupted when the caller presses a key
  • dtmf: a command to send DTMF signals to the caller
  • hangup: a command to disconnect the call
    See Mapping between CDR and AI assistant response types.
barge_in_occurred Boolean Whether barge-in occurred during the turn.
streaming_statistics Object Information and statistics that are related to Text to Speech synthesis and playback. See assistant_interaction_summaries.turns[].response.streaming_statistics.
Mapping between CDR and AI assistant response types

The values of the type property map to AI assistant response types.

CDR response type AI assistant response type
text_to_speech text
url audio
dtmf dtmf, command_info.type : send
sms user_defined, vgwAction.command : vgwActSendSMS
transfer connect_to_agent
text_to_speech_config text_to_speech, command_info.type : configure
speech_to_text_config speech_to_text, command_info.type : configure
unpause_speech_to_text start_activities, type:speech_to_text_recognition
pause_speech_to_text stop_activities, type:speech_to_text_recognition
unpause_dtmf start_activities, type:dtmf_collection
pause_dtmf stop_activities, type:dtmf_collection
enable_speech_barge_in text_to_speech, command_info.type : enable_barge_in
disable_speech_barge_in text_to_speech, command_info.type : disable_barge_in
enable_dtmf_barge_in dtmf, command_info.type : enable_barge_in
disable_dtmf_barge_in dtmf, command_info.type : disable_barge_in
hangup end_session

The assistant_interaction_summaries.turns[].response.streaming_statistics object contains the following properties.

Properties of the assistant_interaction_summaries.turns[].response.streaming_statistics object
Property Type Description
transaction_id String Unique identifier of the transaction.
start_timestamp String Time when the transaction started, in ISO format (yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ).
stop_timestamp String Time when the transaction ended, in ISO format (yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ).
response_milliseconds Number Time (in milliseconds) between when a text utterance is sent to the AI assistant and when the phone integration receives the first packet of synthesized audio.


The warnings_and_errors object contains warnings and errors that were logged during the call, which are listed in order of occurrence. Warnings for the following conditions are included.

  • Messages when utterances are filtered out by the confidence score threshold.
  • Text to Speech underflows, which is when Text to Speech synthesis can't keep up with the phone integration streaming rate and audio might skip.
  • RTP network warnings, such as high packet loss or high average jitter, if RTCP is enabled.

The following example shows the structure of the warnings_and_errors object:

  "warnings_and_errors": [
      "message": "CWSMR0032W: A Watson Speech to Text final utterance has a confidence score of 0.1, which does not meet the confidence score threshold of 0.2. The utterance will be ignored.",
      "id": "CWSMR0032W"
      "message": "CWSMR0031W: The synthesis stream from the Watson Text-to-Speech service can't keep up with the playback rate to the caller, so audio might skip. transaction ID=a1b2c3d4e5",
      "id": "CWSMR0031W"

The object for each warning contains the following properties.

Properties of the warnings_and_errors object
Property Type Description
message String Text of the warning message.
id String Unique message identifier.


The max_response_milliseconds object contains the following properties.

Properties of the max_response_milliseconds object
Property Type Description
assistant Number Maximum round-trip latency (in milliseconds), calculated from all AI assistant requests related to the call.
text_to_speech Number Maximum time (in milliseconds) between when a text utterance is sent to the Text to Speech service and when the phone integration receives the first packet of synthesized audio. This value is calculated from all Text to Speech requests related to the call.
speech_to_text Number Maximum latency (in milliseconds) between when silence is detected in the caller's speech and when a final result from the Speech to Text service is received. This value is calculated from all Speech to Text recognition results related to the call.


When RTCP is enabled, the realtime_transport_network_summary object provides statistics for the inbound stream in the inbound_stream object and statistics for the outbound stream in the outbound_stream object.

The following example shows the structure of the realtime_transport_network_summary object.

"realtime_transport_network_summary": {
  "inbound_stream": {
    "maximum_jitter": 5,
    "average_jitter": 1,
    "packets_lost": 0,
    "packets_transmitted": 1000,
    "canonical_name": "",
    "tool_name": "User SIP Phone"
  "outbound_stream": {
    "maximum_jitter": 5,
    "average_jitter": 1,
    "packets_lost": 0,
    "packets_transmitted": 2000,
    "canonical_name": "voice.gateway@",
    "tool_name": "IBM Voice Gateway/"

The object for each stream contains the following properties.

Properties of the realtime_transport_network_summary object
Properties Type Description
maximum_jitter Number Maximum jitter during the call.
average_jitter Number Average jitter calculated over the duration of the call.
packets_lost Number An estimate of the number of packets that were lost during the call.
packets_transmitted Number Estimate of the total number of packets that were transmitted during the call.
canonical_name String Unique identifier for the sender of the stream, typically in @ format.
tool_name String Name of the application or tool where the stream originated. For the phone integration, the default is IBM Voice Gateway/ .