Adding and using multiple environments

For more information about environments, see Environments.

Adding environments

Each new environment appears as an extra tab on your Environments page. You can't reorder these environments, so add them to match your test-to-deploy lifecycle.

To add an environment:

  1. Open the Environments page and click Add Environment.

    Add environment
    Add environment

  2. Enter a name and a description, then click Save. Names can't contain spaces or use any special characters.

    Add an environment
    Add an environment

The new environment appears as an extra tab on your Environments page.

Environment tab
Environment tab

Using your environments

You can use extra environments in your development and test process before you deploy an AI assistant for customer use.

Add extra environments to match your existing test-to-deploy process. For example, you might name and use five environments in a scenario like this:

Environment Used for
Draft Conversation authors build actions and test as they work
Review Conduct an initial content review with stakeholders
Test Test assistant content on a configured channel
Staging Use a staging website to test assistant content and channel configurations
Live Deploy for customer use

Access control to environments

You can control who can work in each environment. Each environment has an ID that you can use in IBM Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM) and set access by resource. For more information on settings, see Environment settings.

Publishing content to an environment

For more information, see Publishing your content.

To publish new changes from the draft environment to an environment:

  1. If changes are available to publish, click Publish.

  2. Enter a description of the version.

  3. Choose an environment.

  4. Click Publish.

To publish an existing version to an environment:

  1. On the Environments page, click the environment tab.

  2. In Resolution Methods, click Switch version.

  3. Choose a version to publish, then click Switch version.

Moving a version through multiple environments

This example explains moving a content version through multiple environments to build, test, iterate, and deploy.

Environment Activity
Draft Publish version V3 to Review environment
Review Conduct initial testing of V3
Test Switch to version V3 for further testing with a configured channel
Staging Switch to version V3 for testing with an internal staging website
Live Switch to version V3 for customer use
Live Switch to version V2 after a bug is found in version V3
Draft Revert to version V3 to fix the bug. For more information, see Reverting to a previous version
Draft Publish version V4 to Review environment for retesting
Test Switch to version V4 for further retesting
Staging Switch to version V4 for testing with an internal staging website
Live Switch to version V4 for customer use

Previewing an environment

On each environment tab, you can click Preview this environment to open another browser tab and preview your AI assistant as an interactive web chat widget.


You can share this unauthenticated version of your AI assistant with your team by sending them the link to the environment preview. Your subject-matter experts can test your in-progress AI assistant without needing access to AI assistant builder itself.

Environment settings

Each environment has its own settings. Click the Settings gear icon Gear icon to open the settings.

Setting Description
API Details Environment name and ID, session URL, and a link to the IBM Cloud console to see the service credentials for your instance
Webhooks Settings for pre-message, post-message, and log webhooks. For more information, see Extending your assistant with webhooks.
Inactivity timeout Specify the amount of time to wait after the customer stops interacting with the assistant before the session ends. The maximum inactivity timeout differs by service instance plan type. For more information, see Inactivity timeout.
Session history For each environment, you can record the recent messages from the conversation for each customer, for use with the session_history variable. For more information, see Session history.
Edit environment Change the name or description of the environment. Names can't contain spaces or use any special characters.
Delete environment If necessary, you can remove the environment. Any channel or extension configurations are removed. Deleting an environment doesn't delete any published content versions. They remain in your list of published versions.