Configuring prebuilt app endpoints and skills schemas

Configure endpoints from prebuilt apps to use your own app server on prebuilt skills of watsonx Orchestrate.

Some prebuilt apps need extra configuration to connect to your personal app endpoint. On watsonx Orchestrate exist different types of apps and that's why different apps depend on different types of configuration to set up custom endpoints.

Configuring endpoints per connection

For some apps, you configure the endpoint while you cofigure the app connection. To do it, set your personal endpoint in the API URL field when you configure the app connection.

The endpoint that is configured is valid only for that connection. Therefore, it is possible to have different endpoints for each personal or team connections.

Example of API URL field
Figure 1. Example of API URL field.

Configuring endpoints per watsonx Orchestrate tenant

For some prebuilt apps, you configure the app endpoint per watsonx Orchestrate tenant.

Not configured apps or apps with invalid endpoints, displays a red symbol in the app tile on the catalog page.

Example of not configured app
Figure 2. Example of not configured app.

To configure the app endpoint, access the prebuilt skill enhancement page. To do it:

  • Through the Apps tab on the Skills and apps page, click the vertical ellipsis button of the app that you want to configure the endpoint.
    Note:The Apps tab lists only the apps that support this configuration. Included in this list are the apps that are imported by developers through OpenAPI specifications.
  • Through the skill catalog, click the app tile with the red exclamation mark and then click Configure app.

Then, follow the following procedure to configure app endpoint:

  1. Click Configuration.

  2. Configure the app endpoint. The following table describes the fields configuration:

    Field Description
    Server url The URL of your app endpoint.
    Token url The URL used to validate the user connection.
    Authentication type The method that is used by the users to connect to the app.
  3. Optional: Test the connection by clicking Test connection and set your connection credentials.

  4. Click Save.

After that, the app is updated to use the new endpoint and the status Configured is shown on the Skills and apps page.

Configuring apps endpoints and skills schemas

For some apps, the endpoint configuration also affects the skills schemas of the skills in that app. For that case, to configure the endpoint it is necessary to create a new app on watsonx Orchestrate tenant.

The Configure prebuilt skills window lists all apps that support this configuration. To open the Configure prebuilt skills window:

  1. From the menu menu, select Skill studio.
  2. Select Configure prebuilt skills.

Then, to configure the endpoint by creating a new app, follow the steps of the procedure:

  1. Select the app that you want to configure.
  2. Select the skills for this new app.
  3. Click Connect app.
  4. On Custom URL (optional), set the new app endpoint.
  5. Click Connect app.
  6. Click Configure.

The customized prebuilt skills appear on the Skills and apps page with the Published status. Now, you can enhance that skill as an imported skill. For more information, see Enhancing and publishing skills.