Building OpenAPI specifications for skills

IBM watsonx Orchestrate platform gives you the capability to import skills in the form of OpenAPI specifications (OAS).

You can either use watsonx Orchestrate to create these specifications or any other OAS editors.

To create OAS within watsonx Orchestrate, see:

See the following sections for details on creating OpenAPI specifications that you can import as skills.

Some OpenAPI specification properties can change the method in which the user interact with watsonx Orchestrate. See how to configure these properties to give the best user experience:

You can create skill flows, sequence skills, or inputs with lists of dynamic values through OpenAPI files by using the skill IDs. See the following sections:

You can use IBM properties in your OpenAPI specification to enhance your watsonx Orchestrate skills by adding more details and clarity. See the following sections to learn more:

Learn to update skills by configuring the OpenAPI specifications: