Find answers to the frequently asked questions (FAQs) about watsonx Orchestrate.
Accounts and setup
How do I upgrade my support plan?
If you want to upgrade your support plan, contact IBM account support. For more information about different watsonx Orchestrate plans, see details on Licenses and entitlements.
Apps, skills, and skill sets
Are IBM® watsonx Orchestrate® and the skill sets secure?
The skill set was designed with your security and privacy in mind, employing IBM's Security and Privacy by Design (SPbD) methodology. For more information about SPbD, see Security and Privacy by Design (SPbD).
How can I rename the skill sets?
Your skill sets are a collection of skills and are categorized into personal skill sets and team skill sets. You cannot rename them. You can add skills to your personal skill set from the skill catalog, and an admin adds skills to your team skill set.
How can I run multiple skills in parallel?
In the watsonx Orchestrate chat, you can run multiple skills in parallel. If the skill you are running takes a while to finish, one suggestion to you work on something else is displayed on the chat. You can initiate another skill while the previous task runs in the background. When a task is completed, the result is displayed on the chat.
However, in the AI chat, the skills run per chat as asynchronous skills. When a skill runs, the chat is halted until the skill finishes. You can start more than one skill over multiple chats.
How can I add more to my skills with ibm-x properties?
You can use x-ibm
properties on OpenAPI specifications of skills to customize their behavior. To learn more, see Using x-ibm properties.
I added a skill, but when I ask watsonx Orchestrate to do it, it doesn't work. What can I do?
Most of the time, what you tell watsonx Orchestrate to do is clear, but sometimes it's not. You can check out what keywords and phrases watsonx Orchestrate needs to hear by looking at the details of a particular skill in the skill catalog.
The skill tiles contain the following information:
- A description of the skill.
- The phrasing that you must give the skill set to start the skill in the Ask me to tab.
- The data that the skill set requires from you to complete the work in the I'll ask you for tab.
- A confirmation that the skill set completed the work in the I'll give you tab.
The following GIF illustrates how you can view a description of a skill and understand your interaction better with watsonx Orchestrate:

For more information about working with skills, see Using the chat.
I'm looking for a skill or app that isn't there. What can I do?
If you're looking for a skill or app that isn't there, you can contact IBM directly through the IBM watsonx Orchestrate ideas portal. The ideas portal is closely monitored by engineering, design, and support to ensure that we hear every piece of feedback.
Alternatively, you can create your custom skills by using the watsonx Orchestrate SDK. For more information on developing your custom apps and skills, see Adding skills from files.
I'm trying to add skills, but it's not working. What can I do?
Before you can assign a skill to a skill set or create a skill-based action in the AI assistant builder, you must make sure that you are connected to the app first. From the app page in the skill catalog, if the Connect app button exists, the app is not connected. For more information about connecting to apps, see Prebuilt apps.
I'm trying to connect an app, but nothing seems to be happening. What can I do?
When you click Connect app in the menu of the app skill catalog, pay close attention to what's going on in the address bar of your browser. Some apps require new windows to validate or verify the connection. For example, Gmail opens a new window to enter your Google account credentials, then confirm permissions. Give the browser permission to do those actions.
I created a skill flow, but I'm having trouble mapping the skill outputs to skill inputs. What can I do?
With the skill flow, you map skill outputs to skill inputs of the same type. For example, you can map string to string, but not a string to integer. See the list of mappings that you can do:
- Integer to Integer
- String to String
- Boolean to Boolean
- Number to Number
- If objects, subfields of an object can be mapped to any of the previous skills output based on the type.
- For arrays, you can map arrays of primitive data types.
I created a skill, but I'm having trouble to enhance it. What can I do?
You can export and save the skill locally. Delete the skill and then reupload the skill and try again.
Where can I find an example for creating a custom skill?
Follow the steps in the Creating a Hello World skill from an OpenAPI file tutorial to get help in creating your first custom skill.
Why do I keep seeing the response "No skill matches your request. Try rephrasing your question"?
You may notice this message as an watsonx Orchestrate chat response for various reasons, such as:
Your request may not be clear and easy for watsonx Orchestrate to understand. As a best practice, simplify your request.
The action or information that you requested may not be accessible.
The skill that you want to use may not be trained to process your request. You may need to contact the builder who created the skill and ask them to add support for the requested action.
If you are still having issues, you can reach out to your administrator or builder on watsonx Orchestrate.
Product information
How can I know my crn ID?
Sign in to watsonx Orchestrate, click your profile and select About. The alphanumeric characters that are mentioned after the product edition is your crn ID.
How do I search the product documentation?
On the watsonx Orchestrate user interface, click the user profile icon and then click Get help to access more information. Select Docs and support to access the documentation and support links.
How do I request support for watsonx Orchestrate?
To get support of watsonx Orchestrate, see Support.
What kind of work can watsonx Orchestrate do for me?
watsonx Orchestrate provides you a comprehensive set of prebuilt skills that can help you automate repetitive tasks. See watsonx Orchestrate chat for starting a skill.
Additionally, builders can also extend and create custom apps using the watsonx Orchestrate's low-code platform and make them available to the users who need them.
What browsers does watsonx Orchestrate support?
The supported web browsers provide the best experience for watsonx Orchestrate. Use the last versions of the following web browsers with watsonx Orchestrate:
- Apple Safari
- Google Chrome
- Microsoft Edge
- Mozilla Firefox
What advantages do I get by using the Standard plan?
The Standard edition has all the features as in the Essentials edition plus unlimited access for building projects and more resource units per month. For more information about the Standard plan, see Licenses and entitlements for more details.
What are the limitations of watsonx Orchestrate?
To know the limitations of watsonx Orchestrate, see Known issues and limitations.
Where can I provide feedback on the product?
To submit an idea, or upvote and comment on ideas you like click your profile and select Provide feedback.
Where can I see my conversation history with watsonx Orchestrate?
If you're using the watsonx Orchestrate chat, follow the next steps to see all the notifications:
- Select the skill set.
- Click Notification icon.
- Select the Tasks in progress section for details on the ongoing tasks.
- Select the Results section for details on the completed tasks.
Upon clicking the results in the notification, you are taken to the utterance that initiated the skill. Click View context to see the results that the skill returned.
If you're using the AI chat, you can see all the chats in the chat panel and access the conversation in each one.
Why use watsonx Orchestrate?
With no specialized training needed, you can get started in minutes by using natural language to interact with the chat and use prebuilt skills that are designed for you and your needs.
You can use watsonx Orchestrate to complete standard business processes, from sending emails to scheduling meetings to obtaining approvals by chatting with it. You can connect the skill set with several apps that might be relevant to your enterprise, including Asana, Box, Microsoft Outlook, Oracle, and Salesforce.
Depending on your demand your team can add more apps to your watsonx Orchestrate, it expands the number of tasks you can do just by interacting with the chat
For more information, see Using the chat and Apps.
Why can't I see the teams page?
You must have access to a watsonx Orchestrate tenant with administrator permissions to access the teams page.