Licenses and entitlements for watsonx Orchestrate on Amazon Web Services (AWS)

The IBM watsonx Orchestrate on Amazon Web Services (AWS) offering supports the following editions:

1. IBM watsonx Orchestrate Essentials

The IBM watsonx Orchestrate Essentials edition includes the following:

1000 Resource Units per month; unused Resource Units do not roll over to the next month.
Unlimited AI assistant builder access to design, build, and use sophisticated conversational AI assistants.
The AI assistant builder provides a low-code, self-service experience to build conversational AI assistants. Your users can interact with AI assistants to initiate conversations that use natural language and can optionally run skills. The number of unique active users per month (MAUs) interacting with the AI assistants uses resource units. Extra resource units are used if the users run published skills and projects from the watsonx Orchestrate skill catalog. The conversion ratios are as follows:

  • 10 unique monthly active user (MAU) interactions: 1 Resource Unit (RU)
  • 100 skill runs: 1 Resource Unit (RU)
The IBM Robotic Process Automation (RPA) as a Service Platform:

  • 1 x IBM Robotic Process Automation as a Service Environment.
  • Unlimited use of IBM Robotic Process Automation as a Service Studio.
  • Unlimited number of IBM Robotic Process Automation as a Service Unattended Bot Agents.
  • Use of IBM RPA with the watsonx Orchestrate is restricted to building bots as watsonx Orchestrate skills.

2. IBM watsonx Orchestrate Standard

The IBM watsonx Orchestrate Standard edition includes the following:

The IBM watsonx Orchestrate Standard edition includes all the features from the watsonx Orchestrate Essentials edition plus the following.
6900 Resource Units per month; unused resource units do not roll over to the next month.
Unlimited access to Skill studio to build and use projects for Workflows, Decision services and Document processing workloads. The Skill studio provides users with a low code experience to build projects using workflows, AI decisions and document processing. These projects can be published as skills in the skill catalog for users to consume. Resource units are consumed when users run the skills from the skill catalog. When a user starts a skill from the skill catalog, in addition to the skill run, the number of workflows, decision executions and pages processed are counted toward resource unit consumption. The conversion ratios are as follows:

  • 100 workflow skill types executions: 1 Resource Unit (RU).
  • 100 pages processed: 1 Resource Unit (RU).
  • 100 decision executions: 1 Resource Unit (RU).
The IBM Robotic Process Automation (RPA) as a Service Platform includes the following:

  • 1 x IBM Robotic Process Automation as a Service Environment.
  • Unlimited use of IBM Robotic Process Automation as a Service Studio.
  • Unlimited number of IBM Robotic Process Automation as a Service Unattended Bot Agents.
  • Use of IBM RPA with the watsonx Orchestrate is restricted to building bots as watsonx Orchestrate skills.

Additional offerings

1. IBM watsonx Orchestrate Add-on Resource Unit: It is an optional subscription for Essentials and Standard editions, providing extra Resource Units per month in packs of 1000. Unused Resource Units do not roll over to the next month.

Continuous delivery and model improvements

a. Continuous delivery

watsonx Orchestrate operates under a continuous delivery model, which allows for updates without causing downtime to you.

b. Model improvements

The underlying learning models in watsonx Orchestrate may be periodically modified by IBM, based on learning, to improve its performance. Existing models that you trained in watsonx Orchestrate deployment not immediately impacted. Expired models are updated to the current model, if not already done by you, without interruption. Any new model trained incorporates the latest model available.

License to use third-party applications

watsonx Orchestrate capabilities involve connecting to third-party applications through skills. You can review and accept any applicable terms when signing up for the third-party applications and provide appropriate connection information to enable watsonx Orchestrate to access your content in such applications.

Certain endpoint applications are subject to usage limitations imposed by the application provider. It results in a lower number of permitted calls to an application than the relevant watsonx Orchestrate monthly limit.

License to use the pre-trained content

If you opt to use the pre-trained content, then review the following terms:

  • IBM grants you a revocable (solely in the event of termination or expiration of your license agreement), nonexclusive, nonassignable, worldwide, paid-up license to use, run, reproduce, perform and modify the utterances provided with the pre-trained content, for internal (for customer-specific use only), for the sole purpose of enhancing, extending, or customizing the training of your Subscription Service.

  • Any custom enhancements or extensions of pre-trained content are treated as customer-specific content. Pre-trained content may not be further distributed or used separately from the Subscription Service.

  • IBM has no responsibility for the training data resulting from your use and modification to the pre-trained content and IBM warranties does not apply.

  • IBM has no obligation to maintain or provide support for the modified library of pre-trained content containing your enhancements, extensions or customizations.

  • Utterances mean the terms and phrases for specific Intents used as the basis of training for the Subscription Services. Intents are the purpose or goal expressed in an input, such as answering a question or processing a bill payment. By recognizing the Intent expressed in an input, the Subscription Service can choose the correct dialog flow for responding to it.

Service level agreement

IBM offers the following availability service level agreement (SLA). IBM applies the highest applicable compensation based on the cumulative availability of watsonx Orchestrate as shown in the following table. The availability percentage is calculated as the total number of minutes in a contracted month, minus the total number of minutes of service down in the contracted month, divided by the total number of minutes in the contracted month. The service down definition, the claim process and how to contact IBM regarding service availability issues are in IBM’s cloud service support handbook here.

Availability Credit (% of monthly subscription fee*)
Less than 99.9% 2%
Less than 99.0% 5%
Less than 95.0% 10%

The subscription fee is the contracted price for the month which is subject to the claim.

Technical support

Technical support for the watsonx Orchestrate, including support contact details, severity levels, support hours of availability, response times, and other support information and processes, is found by selecting the cloud service in the IBM support guide available here.


To protect watsonx Orchestrate from issues arising when there is too much traffic, the amount of data transfers that you can make in a month is limited to 10 GB.


The charge metrics for the cloud service are specified in the Transaction Document. The following charge metrics applies to the current cloud service:

  • Instance is each access to a specific configuration of the cloud services.

  • Authorised User is a unique user authorised to access the cloud services in any manner directly or indirectly (for example, through a multiplexing program, device or application server) through any means.

  • Gigabyte (GB) is 2 to the 30th power bytes of data processed by, analyzed, used, stored, or configured in the cloud services.

  • Event is an occurrence of a specific event that is processed by or related to the use of the cloud services. For the current cloud service, an event is a skill run as defined in the Service Description.

  • Resource Unit is an independent measure of a resource managed by, processed by, or related to the use of the cloud service.

  • For the current cloud service, a Resource Unit measures the resources used independently in the execution of the project workloads within the watsonx Orchestrate platform.

Data processing and protection datasheet

IBM's Data processing and protection details for watsonx Orchestrate on IBM Cloud are listed here.

Terms applicable to the cloud services hosted on third-party environments

The following prevails over anything to the contrary in the base cloud service terms between the parties:

The cloud service application layer (in whole or in part) and customer's data and content are hosted by Microsoft and are not managed by IBM. The cloud service infrastructure, certain aspects of the cloud service platform, and related services, including data center, servers, storage, and network; application and data backup; perimeter security and threat detection; and APIs for application deployment, monitoring, and operation (collectively, the "Third-Party cloud services") are hosted and managed by Microsoft as designated below. Accordingly, notwithstanding anything in the Service Description or the base services agreement under which the cloud service is provided (for example, the Subscription Services Agreement):

  • If Microsoft withdraws or terminates its services or IBM's or customer's access to such services, IBM might (i) provide customer access to a functionally equivalent IBM-hosted cloud service offering; or (ii) terminate the cloud service immediately upon the effective date of such termination by Microsoft, as applicable, by providing notice of termination to the customer.

  • IBM makes no warranties or conditions, express or implied, regarding the third-party cloud services or the cloud service to the extent dependent on the third-party cloud services. The disclaimer does not apply to or limit compensation that may be payable under the Service Level Agreement.

  • The IBM Data Security and Privacy Principles (DSP) and Data Processing Addendum (DPA) do not apply to the third-party cloud services or the cloud service solely to the extent dependent on or under the control of the third-party cloud Services or Microsoft, as applicable. For such third-party cloud services and the cloud service to the extent dependent on or under the control of the third-party cloud services or Microsoft, the data protection and technical and operational security measures for the cloud service will be no less than those described in the:

    • Microsoft Product and Services Data Protection Addendum is available here. If customer's content is hosted or processed on the third-party cloud services in connection with the cloud service, Microsoft may use and otherwise process such content as a data controller in respect of their business operations incident to the delivery of its services as described in the Microsoft before this Product and Services Data Protection Addendum.
Info: Review the complete service description for watsonx Orchestrate on AWS here.

Parent topic:

Licenses and entitlements