Backing up and restoring AI assistant data

Back up and restore your AI assistant data by downloading, and then uploading the data.

You can download:

  • Actions from the draft environment
  • Published versions of actions

You can upload:

  • Actions to the draft environment

Downloading from the draft environment

To download your actions from the draft environment:

  1. On the Actions page, click Global settings Gear icon.

  2. On the Upload/Download tab, click Download. The download includes your actions in a JSON file.

Downloading a published version

You can download a published version from the Publish page or from Assistant settings.

To download from the Publish page:

  1. On the Publish page, click the Download icon Download. for a recent version. The download includes your actions in a JSON file.

To download from Assistant settings:

  1. Open Assistant settings.

  2. In the Download/Upload section, click Download/Upload files.

  3. On the Download tab, select a published version, then click Download. You need at least one version for the download to be available. The .zip file includes your actions in an action-skill.json file.

    You can also enable a multilingual download to download your training and responses in CSV files, which you can use with a translation service. For more information, see Using multilingual downloads for translation.

Uploading to the draft environment

You can upload actions to the draft environment. The upload replaces any actions that you're currently working on, so make sure you back up your content or publish a version before you upload.

If the AI assistant service changes between the time you export the actions and import it, due to functional updates that are regularly applied to instances in cloud-hosted continuous delivery environments, your imported actions might function differently than before. The imported JSON file must use UTF-8 encoding, without byte order mark (BOM) encoding. The JSON file cannot contain tabs, newlines, or carriage returns.

To upload your actions to the draft environment:

  1. On the Actions page, click Global settings Gear icon.

  2. On the Upload/Download tab, drag a JSON file onto the tab or click to select a file from your local system, then click Upload.

As an alternative, you can use Assistant settings to upload to the draft environment:

  1. Compress your JSON file into a .zip file. You can include an actions JSON file in the same .zip file if you want.

  2. Open Assistant settings.

  3. In the Download/Upload section, click Download/Upload files.

  4. On the Upload tab, choose Assistant only.

  5. Attach your .zip file package, then click Upload.