Using skills in the AI chat
Use the AI chat to start by using the skills that you add to an AI assistant or run a skill that you add directly to the AI chat. You can send a prompt that aligns with the skill to do so.
You can use skills in the AI chat in two ways:
You can use prebuilt skills, custom skills, and skill flows directly in the AI chat.
You can use prebuilt skills, custom skills, and skill flows through AI assistants by adding them as skill-based actions into the assistant.
Before you begin
Comply with the following requirements to use the skills in the AI chat:
The admin of the tenant must add the app and skills to the AI chat, and they need to be visible. For more information, see Adding skills to the AI chat.
Next best skill suggests the next skills to run. The admin of the tenant must connect to the apps that hold these skills to the Orchestrate agent skill set. For more information, see Adding skills to the AI chat.
Running skills added directly to the chat
You can run the skills that are added directly to the chat by sending a prompt that matches with the skill description. You can also mention the app of the skill with the @ symbol followed by the app name in the chat bar. For example, @trello, @salesforcechatter.
Running skills through AI assistants
You can run the skills through AI assistants by entering the phrase that starts a skill-based action. The AI agent verifies whether the phrase matches with the skill-based actions in any of the AI assistants added to the chat. It then route you to the appropriate AI assistant to run the skill.
To run the skills in the chat, the administrator of the tenant must create AI assistants and add skill-based actions to them. For more information, see Adding AI assistants to the AI chat.
Check out what skills can do
You can check the skill-related data before you use a specific skill to understand the inputs needed, as well as the skills results and outputs.
Follow the procedure to check the skill-related data:
- Click the menu icon.
- Select Skill catalog.
- Choose the skill catalog that you are using.
- Select the app of the skill that you want to use.
- Select the skill that you want to use.
After that you can view specific information about the skills, such as:
- A description of the skill.
- The phrase that you must give to run the skill.
- The data that the skill set requires from you to complete the work.
- A confirmation that the work was completed.

What to do next
After you start a skill, you can provide the inputs that are needed to run it. For more information, see Providing inputs to skills. The Next best skills feature helps you find skills to complete tasks that naturally follow the work currently being done.