Managing and organizing your actions

Use different AI assistant capabilities to manage your actions workflow within a single assistant and between multiple assistants.

Task You can
Creating skill-based actions Create a skill-based action to use custom skills in your AI assistant.
Duplicating an action Duplicate an action to reuse information in a new action. When you duplicate an action, the new action includes everything except example phrases.
Copying an action to another assistant Copy an action from one assistant to another. When you copy an action, references to other actions, variables, and saved responses are also copied.
Uploading or downloading all actions Upload or download all your actions as a JSON file.
Filtering actions Locate specific actions by filtering the list.
Organizing actions in collections Use a collection to organize your actions. You can put actions into folder-style groups based on whatever categorization you need at your organization, such as by use case, internal team, or status.