Adding more assistants

You can create multiple assistants in your instance.

If you need to add more assistants, follow these steps:

  1. In the navigation, click the name of your current assistant, and then choose Create New.

    Create new
    Create new assistant

  2. Add details about the new assistant.

    • Assistant name (Required): Enter a name no more than 100 characters in length.
    • Description (Optional): Enter a description no more than 200 characters in length.
    • Assistant language: Select a language for the assistant to use in conversations. For more information, see language support.
  3. Click Create assistant.

Switching between assistants

To switch to another assistant in your instance:

  1. In the navigation, click the name of your current assistant.

    Switch assistants
    Switch assistants

  2. Choose the assistant that you want to open.