Oracle Human Capital Management

Oracle Human Capital Management (Oracle HCM) is a complete cloud-based human resource management solution that improves the Human Resources capabilities and experiences. This document describes how to connect IBM watsonx Orchestrate to Oracle HCM and use its skills on watsonx Orchestrate.

Connecting to Oracle HCM

Note: Some app connections require you to allow pop-up windows and redirects in your browser for validation. If you're having trouble connecting to an app, check the address bar to see if you have to turn off popup and redirect blocking.
- A credential type must be set for apps that are a part of team skill sets and AI assistants. Skill-based actions in AI assistants support only shared credentials.
- If a credential type of an app is not specified, an error message is displayed when users attempt to run the skills of the app. To resolve the error, an admin must set the credential type for the app. For more information, see Managing connections.

An app can be connected either through the skill catalog or through the watsonx Orchestrate chat. Use the method that suits you to connect to an app.

Connect to the app through the skill catalog when you add that skill to your skill set:

  1. On the watsonx Orchestrate chat page, click Add skills from the catalog.
  2. Search and click the app tile.
  3. Click Connect app.
  4. Configure the connection. For more information, see Configuring the connection.
  5. Click Connect app.

Otherwise, connect to that app through the watsonx Orchestrate chat when you use the skill:

  1. Open the watsonx Orchestrate chat.
  2. On the chat, start the skill.
  3. Click Connect app.
  4. Configure the connection. For more information, see Configuring the connection.
  5. Click Connect app.

Configuring the connection

To connect watsonx Orchestrate to Oracle HCM, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Connect app.
  2. You are prompted to enter the following connection details:
    • Specify the Endpoint URL of your Oracle HCM cloud instance. For example,
    • Enter the Username to log in to your Oracle HCM cloud instance.
    • Enter the Password for the specified username.
  3. Click Connect app.

To get the connection values (Endpoint URL, Username, and Password) for Oracle HCM, see the welcome email sent to you by the Oracle Cloud service administrator. For more information, see Quick Start on the Oracle Help Center page.

What to do next

After you connect to the app, you can use the app’s skills. For more information see, Using the chat. To know what skill you can use, see the skills and skill flow column of List of prebuilt apps, skills and skill flows.

Parent topic:

Connecting to apps