Dun & Bradstreet

Dun & Bradstreet (DnB) provides business intelligence products to clients through its database and analytics software. The products are used in improving business profits, marketing, and risk management. This document describes how to connect IBM watsonx Orchestrate to DnB and use its skills on watsonx Orchestrate.

Before you begin

Before you begin, make sure that you meet the following requirements:

  1. Enable pop-up windows on your browser.
  2. Contact your DnB representative to obtain your Client Key, Client Secret and the host API URL.
    Note: The client key, client secret and access tokens are as sensitive as passwords and should only be used by authorised parties, as specified in the DnB agreement.
  3. Provision the bearer token, see Retrieving the bearer token for more details.

Connecting to DnB

- A credential type must be set for apps that are a part of team skill sets and AI assistants. Skill-based actions in AI assistants support only shared credentials.
- If a credential type of an app is not specified, an error message is displayed when users attempt to run the skills of the app. To resolve the error, an admin must set the credential type for the app. For more information, see Managing connections.

An app can be connected either through the skill catalog or through the watsonx Orchestrate chat. Use the method that suits you to connect to an app.

Connect to the app through the skill catalog when you add that skill to your skill set:

  1. On the watsonx Orchestrate chat page, click Add skills from the catalog.
  2. Search and click the app tile.
  3. Click Connect app.
  4. Configure the connection. For more information, see Configuring the connection.
  5. Click Connect app.

Otherwise, connect to that app through the watsonx Orchestrate chat when you use the skill:

  1. Open the watsonx Orchestrate chat.
  2. On the chat, start the skill.
  3. Click Connect app.
  4. Configure the connection. For more information, see Configuring the connection.
  5. Click Connect app.

Configuring the connection

Before you configure, see the list of skills available upon request. Each skill interacts with a different DnB app that requires distinct configurations. Hence, the steps for configuration vary depending on the skill.

1. Configuring the connection to the skill "Get all DUNS numbers"

To connect watsonx Orchestrate to the skill Get all DUNS numbers, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Connect app.
  2. You are prompted to enter the following connection details:
  3. Click Connect app.
Note: The icon A green check icon appears to show that the app is connected. indicates that the connection was successfully established.

2. Configuring the connection to the skill "Get all details based on search terms"

To connect watsonx Orchestrate to the skill Get all details based on search terms, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Connect app.
  2. You are prompted to enter the following connection details:
    • Hostname: Specify the hostname, the API server URL.
    • Client key: The client key of your DnB application that you received from the DnB admin.
    • Client secret: The client secret of your DnB application that you received from the DnB admin.
  3. Click Connect app.
Note: The icon A green check icon appears to show that the app is connected. indicates that the connection was successfully established.

3. Configuring the connection to the skill "Get a company name from DnB question"

To connect watsonx Orchestrate to the skill Get a company name from DnB question, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Connect app.
  2. You are prompted to connect to watsonx.ai (experimental) and to enter the following connection details:
    • Bearer token: You can provide some dummy data to connect. The connection information to watsonx.ai is handled by watsonx Orchestrate internally.
  3. Click Connect app.
Note: The icon A green check icon appears to show that the app is connected. indicates that the connection was successfully established.

4. Configuring the connection to the skill "Get details for a DnB question"

To connect watsonx Orchestrate to the skill Get details for a DnB question, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Connect app.
  2. You are prompted to connect to watsonx.ai (experimental) and to enter the following connection details:
    • Bearer token: You can provide some dummy data to connect. The connection information to watsonx.ai is handled by watsonx Orchestrate internally.
  3. Click Connect app.
Note: The icon A green check icon appears to show that the app is connected. indicates that the connection was successfully established.

Skills available upon request

The skills and skill flows for DnB are available upon request and are not listed on the watsonx Orchestrate skill catalog. Following are the skills and skill flows that you can avail for DnB:

App name Skill name
DnB Get all DUNS numbers Get all DUNS numbers
DnB Service Get all details based on search terms
watsonx.ai (experimental) Get a company name from DnB question
watsonx.ai (experimental) Get details for a DnB question
To avail the skills:

Follow the procedure to request access to DnB skills and skill flows:

  • Access the request form.
  • Fill the form to describe the reason for the request.
    Note: The * icon on the field name means that the field is required to submit the form.
  • Click Submit.
After you submit the form, the Product team will review your submission within 3-5 days and reach out to you regarding the decision.

Retrieving the bearer token

To get a bearer token:

  1. Use the following sample cURL command:
curl --location 'https://example.dnb.com/v3/token' \

--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \

--header 'Authorization: Basic <ClientKey:ClientSecret>' \

--header 'Accept: application/json' \

--data-urlencode 'grant_type=client_credentials'
  1. Copy the JWT token from the API response and use it as the bearer token to connect to watsonx Orchestrate.

What to do next

After you connect to the app, you can use the app’s skills. For more information, see Using the chat.

To learn about the available skills and skill flows that you can request to use, see List of prebuilt apps, skills and skill flows.

Parent topic:

Connecting to apps