Boost words


Use boost words to enter keywords or phrases to help the AI assistant recognize what a customer wants. If a customer's input includes matches the boost words or phrases, the AI assistant can be more confident to use an action.

Boost words or phrases are used in addition to example phrases. They can contain only letters, underscores, hyphens, spaces, or dots. They must start with an alphanumeric character. Words or phrases can't be entered more than once per action, but you can use the same boost words or phrases across multiple actions.

This beta feature is available for evaluation and testing purposes only. To request access to the Boost words feature, use the Request access for AI assistant Boost Words (beta) form.

To add boost words or phrases to an action:

  1. Create or open an action.

  2. In Customer starts with, ensure that the action has at least one example phrase before you add any boost words.

  3. Click the Boost icon.

    Boost icon

  4. Enter a boost word or phrase, then click Add.

    Boost words

  5. You can keep entering words or phrases one at a time. When you're finished, click Apply.

Testing recognition of boost words

You can use Preview to test recognition of boost words. If a boost word or phrase matches, you can see Boost word detected in the Preview pane.

Boost preview
Test boost in preview