Adding custom R packages

You can install the following types of R packages to use in RStudio:

To add custom RStudio packages, you must have the correct permissions to install package types.

You can use the following command to see the library locations for these package types:

> .libPaths()

This command returns the following locations:

Example output for runtime 23.1 for watsonx release 2.0.0:

[1] "/home/wsuser/R/library"
[2] "/cc-home/_global_/R"
[3] "/opt/conda/envs/R-4.2-rt23.1/lib/R/extra-library"
[4] "/opt/ibm/spark/R/lib"
[5] "/opt/conda/envs/R-4.2-rt23.1/lib/R/site-library"
[6] "/opt/conda/envs/R-4.2-rt23.1/lib/R/library"
[7] "/opt/not-FIPS-compliant/R/library"

From watsonx release 2.0.1, .libPaths() output includes the runtime specific library path for both local and global libraries. Here is an example output for runtime 24.1:

[1] "/home/wsuser/R/library/24.1"                  "/home/wsuser/R/library"
[3] "/cc-home/_global_/R/24.1"                     "/cc-home/_global_/R"
[5] "/opt/conda/envs/R-RT24.1/lib/R/extra-library" "/opt/ibm/spark/R/lib"
[7] "/opt/conda/envs/R-RT24.1/lib/R/site-library"  "/opt/conda/envs/R-RT24.1/lib/R/library"
[9] "/opt/not-FIPS-compliant/R/library"

Global R packages

Required permissions: You must be a Cloud Pak for Data cluster administrator to install global R packages to the /cc-home/_global_/R folder.

For watsonx release 2.0.0:

You can install global R packages to the /cc-home/_global_/R folder using the following procedure:

install.packages("prophet", lib="/cc-home/_global_/R")

For watsonx release 2.0.1:

You can install global R packages to the /cc-home/_global_/R folder using the following procedure:

install.packages("prophet", lib="/cc-home/_global_/R",Sys.getenv("RUNTIME_TRAIN"),sep="/")

Additionaly, you can select the /cc-home/_global_/R folder as the default installation location for all users of RStudio. After you have installed all global R packages to this location, RStudio users can load packages from this location to use in their RStudio sessions.

For watsonx release 2.0.0: If you want to use global R packages in a deployed Shiny app, add this line to your code:


User R packages

All RStudio users can install custom R packages to their home folder at /home/wsuser/R/library. User R packages are not shared with other users or with other projects.

User R packages take precedence over global and system R packages in the runtime image.

System R packages

System R packages are pre-installed to the /opt/conda/envs/R-4.2-rt23.1/lib/R/site-library and the /opt/conda/envs/R-4.2-rt23.1/lib/R/library folders.

RStudio users can only load packages from those locations. To override system R packages, users need to install packages as global or user R packages.

R packages located in a Storage volume

To install packages located in any user-defined storage volume:

  1. Create a corresponding Connection asset in the project. For details, refer to Managing assets in projects.
  2. Restart RStudio if it is running.
  3. Install the package. For example:
    install.packages("zoo", lib="/mnts/YourRpackages")

To load a package located in a user-defined storage volume, use this sample code:

library("zoo", lib.loc="/mnts/YourRpackages")

Shiny apps added to a deployment space can also use packages located in a storage volume. The deployment space must have a valid Connection asset for the storage volume. For details, refer to Deploying Shiny apps from a deployment space.

How to add a custom path to .libPaths

If you have custom packages in a storage volume, you can register their custom destination by using the .libPaths() command in your applications. This will enable you to load a package by using a plain library command, without having to provide the lib.loc parameter each time.

To register a custom path in your application, use the following template:

.libPaths(c("/home/wsuser/R/library","<your path>",.libPaths()))

  • A plain install.packages() command writes files to the first path from .libPaths() by default.
  • It is recommended that you begin the list of paths in .libPaths() with a local directory that gets reset when you start a new RStudio session or Shiny deployment. This makes sure that your applications do not accidentally change packages in a permanent directory.
  • In user-defined storage volumes, the mount path usually begins with /mnts followed by the volume name. To register a custom path for user-defined storage volumes, replace <your path> with a real path. For example /mnts/YourRpackages.

Parent topic: RStudio