Output data for Decision Optimization deployment jobs

When your submit a job, you can define what output data you want to use and how you collect it (as either inline or referenced data).

Inline Data

You can define how to collect your output data as inline data.

This example collects solution.csv output as inline data.
"output_data": [{

Referenced data

To use referenced data in your request, you can adapt and use the following code examples.
Data assets
You can use data assets to reference any data asset or connected data asset present in your space and benefit from the data-connector integration capabilities.
You can specify the location for the output either by using an href, if the asset already exists in the space, or by using a file name. The file is then created or updated. For example,
      "location": {
           "href": "/v2/assets/<ASSET_ID>?space_id=<SPACE_ID>"
or (this example creates the asset solution.csv)
      "location": {
            "name": "solution.csv"

This example defines output data references to a data asset in space.

output_data_references": [{
      "type": "data_asset",
      "id" : "solution.csv",
      "connection": {},
      "location": {
            "href": "/v2/assets/<ASSET_ID>?space_id=<SPACE_ID>"
This example provides the exact name for the output data as defined in the model in the id field. You can define a different name for the output in the name field.
"output_data_references": [{
      "type" : "data_asset",
      "id" : "solution.csv",
      "connection": {},
      "location": {
            "name": "my_solution.csv"

You can also use a regular expression as an identifier. For more information, see Regexp.

Connection assets
You can use connection assets to reference any data and then refer to the connection without having to specify credentials each time. Referencing a secure connection without having to use inline credentials in the payload also offers you better security. You can use the id to identify connections. For example,
"output_data_references": [{
      "type": "connection_asset",
      "connection": {
              "id" : "<CONNECTION_ID>",
      "location": {  
              <other properties depending on connection type>

The <CONNECTION_ID> is the globally unique identifier for a connection. You can find this identifier when you have created a connection and you then edit the connection in your project. The identifier is visible in the Edit connection window's URL.

For information about job definitions, see Deployment job definitions.

You can specify the parameters that are required for the connection in the location field.

This example connects to a COS/S3 asset. The connection parameters are provided in the location field.
      "location": {
            "file_name" : "<FILENAME>",
            "bucket" : "<BUCKET_NAME>"
This example connects to a Db2 asset. The connection parameters are provided in the location field.
      "location": {
            "table_name" : "<TABLE_NAME>",
            "schema_name" : "<SCHEMA_NAME>"
This example connects to a COS/S3 asset. The connection parameters are provided in the id field.
"output_data_references": [{
      "type": "connection_asset",
      "id": "diet_food.csv",
      "connection": {
            "id" : "<CONNECTION_ID>"
      "location": {
            "file_name" : "<FILENAME>",
            "bucket" : "<BUCKET_NAME>"

This example shows you how to connect to a Db2 asset. The connection parameters are provided in the id field.
"output_data_references": [{
      "type" : "connection_asset",
      "id" : "solution.csv",
      "connection" : {
            "id" : "<CONNECTION_ID>"
      "location" : {
            "table_name" : "<TABLE_NAME>",
            "schema_name" : "<SCHEMA_NAME>"

For more information about the different connections available for Decision Optimization, see Supported data sources in Decision Optimization.

URL-referenced data
You can use URL-referenced data to store data at a particular URL.
This example uses the PUT command to place the solution.csv output file on the server.
"output_data_references": {
      "type": "url",
      "id": "solution.csv",
      "connection": {
            "verb": "PUT",
            "url": "https://myserver.com/diet_food.csv",
            "headers": {
                  "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
      "location": {}


You can use a Regexp as an identifier for all types of outputs. For example to collect all .csv output files:
Or all output files of any kind:
You can use a Regexp as an identifier, and combine it with ${oaas_job_id} and ${oaas_attachment_name} place holders in the name, to avoid overwriting the output each time the job is run.
"output_data_references": [{
      "type" : "data_asset",
      "id" : ".*",
      "connection": {
            "href" : "/v2/connections/<CONNECTION_ID>?space_id=><SPACE_ID>"
      "location": {
            "name" : "${oaas_job_id}_${oaas_attachment_name}"
This example collects all files in a job-specific folder for a COS/S3 connection. If, for example, a solution.csv file is generated as output, this file is saved in a folder that has the same name as the job number.
"output_data_references": [{
      "type" : "connection_asset",
      "id" : ".*",
      "connection": {
            "id" : "<CONNECTION_ID>"
      "location": {
            "bucket" : "<BUCKET_NAME>",
            "file_name": "${oaas_job_id}/${oaas_attachment_name}"

You can combine different types of data in the same request. For more information about data definitions, see Adding data to an analytics project.