
The CLEM language supports the time formats listed in this section.

Table 1. CLEM language time formats
Format Examples
HHMMSS 120112, 010101, 221212
HHMM 1223, 0745, 2207
MMSS 5558, 0100
HH:MM:SS 12:01:12, 01:01:01, 22:12:12
HH:MM 12:23, 07:45, 22:07
MM:SS 55:58, 01:00
(H)H:(M)M:(S)S 12:1:12, 1:1:1, 22:12:12
(H)H:(M)M 12:23, 7:45, 22:7
(M)M:(S)S 55:58, 1:0
HH.MM.SS 12.01.12, 01.01.01, 22.12.12
HH.MM 12.23, 07.45, 22.07
MM.SS 55.58, 01.00
(H)H.(M)M.(S)S 12.1.12, 1.1.1, 22.12.12
(H)H.(M)M 12.23, 7.45, 22.7
(M)M.(S)S 55.58, 1.0