Exporting synthetic data
Using Synthetic Data Generator, you can export synthetic data to remote data sources using connections or write data to a project (Delimited or SAV).
Double-click the node to open its properties. Various options are available, described as follows. After running the node, you can find the data at the export location you specified.
Exporting to a project
Under Export to, select This project and then select the project path. For File type, select either Delimited or SAV.
Exporting to a connection
Under Export to, select Save to a connection to open the Asset Browser and then select the connection to export to. For a list of supported data sources, see Creating synthetic data from imported data.
Setting the field delimiter, quote character, and decimal symbol
Different countries use different symbols to separate the integer part from the fractional part of a number and to separate fields in data. For example, you might use a comma instead of a period to separate the integer part from the fractional
part of numbers. And, rather than using commas to separate fields in your data, you might use colons or tabs. With a Data Asset import or export node, you can specify these symbols and other options. Double-click the node to open its properties
and specify data formats as desired.