Metadata: Information about data

Because nodes are connected together in a flow, information about the columns or fields that are available at each node is available. For example, in the SPSS Modeler user interface, this allows you to select which fields to sort or aggregate by. This information is called the data model.

Scripts can also access the data model by looking at the fields coming into or out of a node. For some nodes, the input and output data models are the same (for example, a Sort node simply reorders the records but doesn't change the data model). Some, such as the Derive node, can add new fields. Others, such as the Filter node, can rename or remove fields.

In the following example, the script takes a standard IBM® SPSS® Modeler druglearn.str flow, and for each field, builds a model with one of the input fields dropped. It does this by:

  1. Accessing the output data model from the Type node.
  2. Looping through each field in the output data model.
  3. Modifying the Filter node for each input field.
  4. Changing the name of the model being built.
  5. Running the model build node.
Note: Before running the script in the druglean.str flow, remember to set the scripting language to Python if the flow was created in an old version of IBM SPSS Modeler desktop and its scripting language is set to Legacy).
import modeler.api

stream =
filternode = stream.findByType("filter", None)
typenode = stream.findByType("type", None)
c50node = stream.findByType("c50", None)
# Always use a custom model name
c50node.setPropertyValue("use_model_name", True)

lastRemoved = None
fields = typenode.getOutputDataModel()
for field in fields:
    # If this is the target field then ignore it
    if field.getModelingRole() == modeler.api.ModelingRole.OUT:

    # Re-enable the field that was most recently removed
    if lastRemoved != None:
        filternode.setKeyedPropertyValue("include", lastRemoved, True)

    # Remove the field
    lastRemoved = field.getColumnName()
    filternode.setKeyedPropertyValue("include", lastRemoved, False)

    # Set the name of the new model then run the build
    c50node.setPropertyValue("model_name", "Exclude " + lastRemoved)[])

The DataModel object provides a number of methods for accessing information about the fields or columns within the data model. These methods are summarized in the following table.

Table 1. DataModel object methods for accessing information about fields or columns
Method Return type Description
d.getColumnCount() int Returns the number of columns in the data model.
d.columnIterator() Iterator Returns an iterator that returns each column in the "natural" insert order. The iterator returns instances of Column.
d.nameIterator() Iterator Returns an iterator that returns the name of each column in the "natural" insert order.
d.contains(name) Boolean Returns True if a column with the supplied name exists in this DataModel, False otherwise.
d.getColumn(name) Column Returns the column with the specified name.
d.getColumnGroup(name) ColumnGroup Returns the named column group or None if no such column group exists.
d.getColumnGroupCount() int Returns the number of column groups in this data model.
d.columnGroupIterator() Iterator Returns an iterator that returns each column group in turn.
d.toArray() Column[] Returns the data model as an array of columns. The columns are ordered in their "natural" insert order.

Each field (Column object) includes a number of methods for accessing information about the column. The following table shows a selection of these.

Table 2. Column object methods for accessing information about the column
Method Return type Description
c.getColumnName() string Returns the name of the column.
c.getColumnLabel() string Returns the label of the column or an empty string if there is no label associated with the column.
c.getMeasureType() MeasureType Returns the measure type for the column.
c.getStorageType() StorageType Returns the storage type for the column.
c.isMeasureDiscrete() Boolean Returns True if the column is discrete. Columns that are either a set or a flag are considered discrete.
c.isModelOutputColumn() Boolean Returns True if the column is a model output column.
c.isStorageDatetime() Boolean Returns True if the column's storage is a time, date or timestamp value.
c.isStorageNumeric() Boolean Returns True if the column's storage is an integer or a real number.
c.isValidValue(value) Boolean Returns True if the specified value is valid for this storage, and valid when the valid column values are known.
c.getModelingRole() ModelingRole Returns the modeling role for the column.
c.getSetValues() Object[] Returns an array of valid values for the column, or None if either the values are not known or the column is not a set.
c.getValueLabel(value) string Returns the label for the value in the column, or an empty string if there is no label associated with the value.
c.getFalseFlag() Object Returns the "false" indicator value for the column, or None if either the value is not known or the column is not a flag.
c.getTrueFlag() Object Returns the "true" indicator value for the column, or None if either the value is not known or the column is not a flag.
c.getLowerBound() Object Returns the lower bound value for the values in the column, or None if either the value is not known or the column is not continuous.
c.getUpperBound() Object Returns the upper bound value for the values in the column, or None if either the value is not known or the column is not continuous.

Note that most of the methods that access information about a column have equivalent methods defined on the DataModel object itself. For example, the two following statements are equivalent:
