Building skills

As a builder you can build new skills to Orchestrate.

You have two methods to build new skills to Orchestrate, from apps and from files. See:

Building skills

Orchestrate gives you the capability to build, edit, or generate OpenAPI specifications by using OpenAPI builder. The OpenAPI builder function uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to simplify the process of generating these specifications, making it easier for you to create your custom skills. After you create or edit an OpenAPI specification, you can download the specification and use it to add skills to Orchestrate.

After the skills are built, either from apps or from files, the skills are saved on Orchestrate, but are not available for use. Therefore, you need to first enhance and publish the skill to the skill catalog, see:

Enhancing and publishing skills

You can also create skills by combining the skills that you built and the prebuilt skills. You do this combination by create skill flows on Orchestrate, see:

Combining skills into skill flows

You can export the skill flows and the skills you built as OpenAPI specification files with all the enhancements you made on Orchestrate. You can use the exported OpenAPI spec resource as a backup or to build the same skill on other Orchestrate tenants. See:

Exporting skills and skill flows

Therefore, skills are used by users on Orchestrate, it's important to create intuitive skills for them to improve the inventiveness of your skills, see: