Developing OSGi applications
OGSi applications are modular applications that you can manage without restarting your
system. These topics provide instructions for creating, importing, exporting, and deploying OSGi
Learn about OSGi applications
The OSGi applications framework provides a programming model for developing, assembling, and deploying modular applications that use Java™ EE and OSGi technologies. OSGi application development tools provide a way to build enterprise applications that benefit from the modularity, dynamism, version control, and third-party library integration that is provided by the OSGi applications framework.
OSGi overview
OSGi is a module system that is compatible with systems that are based on Java and implements a dynamic component model. Enterprise systems can use OSGi to improve the maintainability of runtime infrastructures. Applications, in the form of bundles, can be remotely installed, started, stopped, updated, and uninstalled without requiring a restart.
Known problems and limitations for OSGi applications
Various known problems and limitations apply when you are working with WebSphere® Developer Tools. Issues include, among others, headers remaining in the manifest after they are deleted and the file is regenerated.
Tools for OSGi application development
The OSGi application development tools help you to create OSGi applications.
Installing the server
Creating OSGi projects
OSGi projects hold all of the resources that you create, maintain, and use as you develop your applications.
Importing and configuring OSGi applications
Learn how to import EBA files as OSGi applications, bundle JAR files as OSGi bundles, fragment JAR files as fragments, and CBA files as OSGi composite bundles. Learn also how to import deployment manifest files.
Exporting OSGi applications
Learn how to export OSGi applications, OSGi bundles, OSGi fragments, and OSGi composite bundles. Learn also how to export deployment manifest files.
Converting existing projects to OSGi projects
Adding OSGi support to Maven projects
You can add OSGi support to Maven projects by converting the project to an OSGi bundle project.
Adding Maven support to OSGi applications
You can add Maven support to OSGi applications by converting the project to a Maven project. The converted project remains an OSGi application but configurations for the bundle, such as its ID, version, and its dependencies are defined in a pom.xml file.
Accessing data using Java Persistence API (JPA)
Java Persistence API (JPA) is a specification for the persistence of Java objects to relational databases. JPA helps you to manage relational data in your applications
Deploying OSGi applications
Learn how to deploy your OSGi applications, and composite bundles.
Adding independent Java archives (JARs) to OSGi applications
You can use packages in JAR files that were developed independently from your OSGi application. Either include the JAR files in your application or set up your environment so that the OSGi application can use JAR files that are external to the OSGi application.
Managing extensions
You can extend your OGSi applications by selecting composite bundles or by associating composite bundles with the application.
Exposing EJBs as OSGi services
You can include EJBs in OSGi bundles and expose EJBs as OSGi services.
Configuring OSGi bundle repositories
OSGi application samples and tutorials
To view the sample and tutorials in this product, click and expand the Samples and Tutorials sections. Learn about different aspects of OSGi application development from the following samples and tutorials: