Migration command group for the AdminTask object

The wsadmin commands in the migration command group use the Migration Toolkit for Application Binaries to either generate a Liberty migration report for a single application or create a Transformation Advisor data collection. These resources help you migrate and modernize your applications.

You can use the following wsadmin command types to generate migration and modernization resources.
Transformation Advisor data collection commands
[ or later]You can upload the Transformation Advisor data collection into Transformation Advisor to get a comprehensive view of your application estate for application modernization and to generate more migration artifacts.
Migration report commands
The single application migration report details the steps that are needed to migrate the application to Liberty and provides a starter configuration for use in Liberty.
[ or later]

Transformation Advisor data collection commands

The Migration command group also includes commands to help users generate an IBM Cloud Transformation Advisor data collection by using the Migration Toolkit For Application Binaries. Commands can be used to generate a Transformation Advisor data collection for a profile, delete the previously generated data collection, or to get a summary of the data collection status. The Migration Command Group for the AdminTask object includes the following commands for generating a Transformation Advisor data collection:

Use the createTADataCollection command to scan the current profile and generate a Transformation Advisor data collection. If the command is run from a federated node, the deployment manager is scanned.

The report is run asynchronously. The call itself does not return anything, but a Transformation Advisor data collection is generated in the WAS_HOME/profiles/<profile_name>/libertyAdvisor/ location when the scan is complete.

The following parameters are available for this command.
Removes the previously generated Transformation Advisor data collection and generates a new one. (Boolean, optional)
Specify this option to generate a trace file with extra logging to assist with debugging. This option supports custom arguments to adjust the information that is present in the trace. If no custom arguments are provided, the trace is set to the INFO level by default. The trace is saved to the WAS_HOME/profiles/<profile_name>/logs/ location. The following syntax can be used: --debug="*=all|finest|fine". (String, optional).
Use this parameter to specify the maximum heap size to use for the JVM when you run the Transformation Advisor data collection. Specify the value as a number followed by a letter that indicates the byte size. If no letter is used, the default unit is megabytes. For example, --maxHeap=100M will set the maxHeap to 100 megabytes (String, Optional).
The following examples demonstrate how to use this command in interactive mode.
Using Jacl:
$AdminTask createTADataCollection {-interactive}
Using Jython:

Use the deleteMigrationReport command to delete the previously generated Transformation Advisor. This command does not take any parameters and has no return values.

The following examples demonstrate how to use this command.
Using Jacl:
$AdminTask deleteTADataCollection {}
Using Jython:

Use the getTADataCollectionSummary command to get a summary of the ongoing or completed Transformation Advisor data collection. This command does not take any parameters.

This command returns a JSON object with information about the status of the Transformation Advisor data collection. If a Transformation Advisor data collection does not exist and one is not in progress, the JSON object contains the following entry.

  • status: A status code that indicates the state of the Transformation Advisor data collection. Four status codes are possible.
    • 0: The summary was successfully retrieved.
    • 1: The Transformation Advisor data collection does not exist, most likely because it was never run or it was deleted. Run the createTADataCollection command to generate a Transformation Advisor data collection.
    • 2: The Transformation Advisor data collection is in progress.
    • 3: An error occurred during the Transformation Advisor data collection. Check the server logs to determine the problem.
If the Transformation Advisor data collection is in progress, the JSON object contains the following entries in addition to the status entry.
  • startTime: The date and time at which the Transformation Advisor data collection began.
  • endTime: The date and time at which the Transformation Advisor data collection completed.
  • statusFilePath: The location of the JSON file that contains information about the status of the Transformation Advisor data collection. This file updates as the scan progresses.
  • warnings: The current number of warning messages detected during the scan.
  • errors: The current number of severe messages detected during the scan.
  • profiles: An object that of the following entries that details the scan progress of the profile.
    • total: The total number of profiles to scan.
    • completed: The total number of profiles that were already scanned.
    • current: The name of the profile that is being scanned.
  • applications: An object of the following entries that details the scan progress of the applications.
    • total: The total number of applications to scan.
    • completed: The total number of applications that were already scanned.
    • current: The name of the application that is being scanned.
  • sharedLibraries: An object of the following entries that details the scan progress of the shared libraries.
    • total: The total number of shared libraries to scan.
    • completed: The total number of shared libraries that were already scanned.
    • current: The name of the shared libraries that are currently being scanned.
  • zipFiles: An object of the following entries that details the scan progress of creating the .zip files.
    • total: The total number of .zip files to be created.
    • completed: The total number of .zip files that were already created.
    • current: The name of the .zip file that is being created.
If the Transformation Advisor data collection is successfully completed, then the JSON object contains the following entry in addition to the previous entries.
  • collectionFiles: An array of the .zip files that are generated as part of the Transformation Advisor data collection for upload to Transformation Advisor.

The following examples demonstrate how to use this command.
Using Jacl:
$AdminTask getTADataCollectionSummary {}
Using Jython:

Migration report commands

You can use commands to generate migration reports for installed applications, delete generated reports, get a summary or location of a certain report, and get the default options for generating a report. The migration command group for the AdminTask object includes the following commands:

Use the createMigrationReport command to scan an application and generate a migration report. The report is run asynchronously. The call itself does not return anything, but a report is generated in the WAS_HOME/profiles/<profile_name>/libertyAdvisor/ location when the scan is complete.

The following parameters are available for this command.
The name of the application. This parameter does not include the file type extension. (String, required)
The target version of Java™ for the migration. Valid values include ibm8, oracle8, openjdk11. (String, optional)
A comma-separated list of Java™ package names for the binary scanner to include (String, optional).
A comma-separated list of Java™ package names for the binary scanner to exclude (String, optional).
The maximum heap size to use for the JVM when you run the Liberty migration scan, indicated as a number followed by a letter that indicates the byte size. For example, -maxHeap=100M sets the maxHeap to 100 megabytes (String, optional).
The following examples demonstrate how to use this command in interactive mode.
Using Jacl:
$AdminTask createMigrationReport {-interactive}
Using Jython:

Use the deleteMigrationReport command to delete the migration report for an application. This command has no return values.

The following parameters are available for this command.
The name of the application. This parameter does not include the file type extension (String, required).
The following examples demonstrate how to use this command in interactive mode.
Using Jacl:
$AdminTask deleteMigrationReport {-interactive}
Using Jython:

Use the getMigrationReport command to get the absolute path of an application migration report. The command returns an empty string if the report does not exist or the scan is not yet completed.

The following parameters are available for this command.
The name of the application. This parameter does not include the file type extension (String, required).
The following examples demonstrate how to use this command in interactive mode.
Using Jacl:
$AdminTask getMigrationReport {-interactive}
Using Jython:

Use the getMigrationSummary command to get a summary of an existing migration report. The summary includes the number of informational, warning, and severe issues found in the report.

The following parameters are available for this command.
The name of the application. This parameter does not include the file type extension (String, required).
This command returns a JSON object that contains status and a summary of the number of informational, warning, and severe issues found in the report. The potential values for the status are as follows:
  • 0: The summary was successfully retrieved.
  • 1: The report does not exist, most likely because it was never run or it was deleted. Run the report again.
  • 2: The report is still running, and is not yet finished being generated. Wait for the report to finish and run the command again.
  • 3: An error occurred when the scan was running, and the report does not exist. Check the logs to determine the problem and verify that the report was run correctly.
The following examples demonstrate how to use this command in interactive mode.
Using Jacl:
$AdminTask getMigrationSummary {-interactive}
Using Jython:

Use the getMigrationOptions command to get the default options used for the binary scanner. The command returns a JSON object that contains the default options for generating a report. This command does not take any parameters.

The following examples demonstrate how to use this command in interactive mode.
Using Jacl:
$AdminTask getMigrationOptions {}
Using Jython: