[ or later]

Prometheus metrics

Prometheus Metrics define a particular display format of PMI metrics by using the metrics.ear file, which enables the scraping of metrics from your application servers into Prometheus format. This Prometheus format displays performance metrics for an entire administrative domain so you can track overall system health, behavior, and performance of your system.

You can use Prometheus metrics that are exposed by the metrics.ear file.

Table 1. Prometheus metrics - Alarm manager.

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for alarm manager. The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is alarmManagerModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
Alarm manager was_alarmmanager_create_total{workmanager="<workManager>"} The total number of alarms created Per workmanager Counter 1
Alarm manager was_alarmmanager_cancelled_total{workmanager="<workManager>"} The total number of alarms cancelled Per workmanager Gauge 3
Alarm manager was_alarmmanager_fired_total{workmanager="<workManager>"} The total number of alarms fired Per workmanager Gauge 2
Alarm manager was_alarmmanager_latency_seconds{workmanager="<workManager>"} Latency of alarms fired in seconds Per workmanager Gauge 4
Alarm manager was_alarmmanager_pending_alarms{workmanager="<workManager>"} Number of alarms waiting to fire Per workmanager Gauge 5
Table 2. Prometheus metrics - Connection pool.

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for connection pool. The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is connectionPoolModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
Connection pool was_connectionpool_create_total{jndiname="<dataSource>"} The total number of connections that were created Per data source Counter 1
Connection pool was_connectionpool_close_total{jndiname="<dataSource>"} The total number of connections that were closed Per data source Counter 2
Connection pool was_connectionpool_allocate_total{jndiname="<dataSource>"} The total number of connections that were allocated Per data source Counter 3
Connection pool was_connectionpool_return_total{jndiname="<dataSource>"} The total number of connections that were returned to the pool Per data source Counter 4
Connection pool was_connectionpool_size{jndiname="<dataSource>"} The size of the connection pool. Per data source Gauge 5
Connection pool was_connectionpool_free_connections{jndiname="<dataSource>"} The number of free connections in the pool Per data source Gauge 6
Connection pool was_connectionpool_waiting_threads{jndiname="<dataSource>"} The number of threads that are concurrently waiting for a connection Per data source Gauge 7
Connection pool was_connectionpool_fault_total{jndiname="<dataSource>"} The number of connection timeouts in the pool Per data source Counter 8
Connection pool was_connectionpool_wait_time_seconds_total{jndiname="<dataSource>"} The total wait time (in seconds) until a connection esd granted Per data source Gauge 13
Connection pool was_connectionpool_utilization{jndiname="<dataSource>"} Percent of the pool that was in use. The value is based on the total number of configured connections in the ConnectionPool, not the current number of connections. Per data source Gauge 9
Connection pool was_connectionpool_wait_total{jndiname="<dataSource>"} The number of times a request was waited for a connection to be granted Per data source Gauge 13
Connection pool was_connectionpool_inUse_time_seconds_total{jndiname="<dataSource>"} The total time (in seconds) that a connection was used. The total time is difference between the time at which the connection is allocated and returned. This value includes the JBDC operation time. Per data source Gauge 12
Connection pool was_connectionpool_inUse_total{jndiname="<dataSource>"} The total number of times that a connection was in use Per data source Counter 12
Connection pool was_connectionpool_managed_connections{jndiname="<dataSource>"} The number of ManagedConnection objects that are in use for a particular connection pool. The number applies to V5.0 data sources only. Per data source Gauge 14
Connection pool was_connectionpool_connectionHandles{jndiname="<dataSource>"} The number of Connection objects in use for a particular connection pool. The number applies to V5.0 data sources only. Per data source Counter 15
Connection pool was_connectionpool_prepStmtCacheDiscard_total{jndiname="<dataSource>"} The number of statements that were discarded because the cache is full Per data source Counter 21
Connection pool was_connectionpool_jdbcOperation_time_seconds_total{jndiname="<dataSource>"} The total time (in seconds) that was spent running the JDBC calls, including the time spent in the JDBC driver, network, and database. The total time applies to V5.0 data sources only. Per data source Gauge 21
Connection pool was_connectionpool_jdbcOperations_total{jndiname="<dataSource>"} The number of JDBC calls Per data source Counter 22
Table 3. Prometheus metrics - DCS statistics.

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for DCS statistics. The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is DCSStats.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
DCS statistics was_dcs_coalesce_time_seconds_total{dcs="<dcsName>"} Amount of time to coalesce a view Per DCS Gauge 11
DCS statistics was_dcs_coalesce_total{dcs="<dcsName>"} Number of coalesce calls Per DCS Counter 11
DCS statistics was_dcs_highSeverityCongestionEvents_total{dcs="<dcsName>"} Number of times that a high severity congestion event for outgoing messages was raised Per DCS Counter 9
DCS statistics was_dcs_received_messages_bytes_total{"<dcsName>"} The total size (in bytes) of the messages that were received by the stack Per DCS Gauge 4
DCS statistics was_dcs_received_messages_total{"<dcsName>"} Number of messages received by the stack Per DCS Counter 5
DCS statistics was_dcs_sent_messages_bytes_total{"<dcsName>"} The total size (in bytes) of the messages that were sent through the stack Per DCS Gauge 2
DCS statistics was_dcs_sent_messages_total{"<dcsName>"} Number of messages sent through the stack Per DCS Counter 3
DCS statistics was_dcs_localMemberMessageRetransmission_total{dcs="<dcsName>"} Number of messages that were retransmitted during the view change to ensure synchronization with other members Per DCS Gauge 7
DCS statistics was_dcs_messageBufferReallocation_total{dcs="<dcsName>"} Number of message buffer reallocations due to inadequate buffer size Per DCS Counter 1
DCS statistics was_dcs_joinViewChange_time_seconds_total{dcs="<dcsName>"} Amount of time (in seconds) consumed when joining existing partitions Per DCS Gauge 12
DCS statistics was_dcs_joinViewChange_total{dcs="<dcsName>"} Number of times existing partition joined Per DCS Counter 12
DCS statistics was_dcs_removeViewChange_time_seconds_total{dcs="<dcsName>"} Amount of time (in seconds) consumed when splitting a group Per DCS Gauge 13
DCS statistics was_dcs_removeViewChange_total{dcs="<dcsName>"} Number of splitting group calls Per DCS Counter 13
DCS statistics was_dcs_suspicion_total{dcs="<dcsName>"} Number of times that the local member suspected other members Per DCS Counter 14
DCS statistics was_dcs_synchronizationComplete_time_seconds_total{dcs="<dcsName>"} Amount of time (in seconds) needed to guarantee that all view members were synchronized Per DCS Gauge 6
DCS statistics was_dcs_synchronizationComplete_total{dcs="<dcsName>"} Number of view members synchronized Per DCS Counter 6
DCS statistics was_dcs_synchronizationTimeout_total{dcs="<dcsName>"} Number of times that the synchronization procedure timed out Per DCS Counter 8
DCS statistics was_dcs_viewChange_total{dcs="<dcsName>"} Number of times that this member underwent view changes Per DCS Counter 15
DCS statistics was_dcs_viewChangeTimeout_total{dcs="<dcsName>"} Number of times the view change procedure timed out Per DCS Counter 10
DCS statistics was_dcs_viewGroup_total{dcs="<dcsName>"} Number of view groups Per DCS Counter 16
DCS statistics was_dcs_viewGroup_bytes_total{dcs="<dcsName>"} Size of view groups (in bytes) that the local member belongs to Per DCS Gauge 16
Table 4. Prometheus metrics - Dynamic object cache.

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for dynamic object cache. The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is cacheModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
Dynamic object cache was_dynamiccaching_hit_total {type="memory|disk"} The number of cache hits per cacheModule Counter 21, 22
Dynamic object cache was_dynamiccaching_cache_entries The current number of in-memory cache entries. per cacheModule Counter 2
Dynamic object cache was_dynamiccaching_remote_hit_total The number of requests for cacheable objects that were served from other Java virtual machines within the replication domain per cacheModule Counter 27
Dynamic object cache was_dynamiccaching_invalidate_total {type="lru/timeout"} The number of cache entries that were removed from memory per cacheModule Counter 24, 25
Dynamic object cache was_dynamiccaching_inMemoryAndDisk_cache_entries_total The current number of used cache entries in memory and disk per cacheModule Counter 26
Dynamic object cache was_dynamiccaching_explicit_invalidate_total {type="remote|local|memory|disk"} The number of explicit invalidations resulting in the removal of entries per cacheModule Counter 35, 34, 321, 32
Dynamic object cache was_dynamiccaching_miss_total The number of requests for cacheable objects that were not found in the cache per cacheModule Counter 28
Dynamic object cache was_dynamiccaching_requests_total {type="client | distributed"} The number of requests for cacheable objects that were generated by applications that run on this application server per cacheModule Counter 30
Dynamic object cache was_dynamiccaching_distributed_requests_total The number of requests for cacheable objects that were generated by cooperating caches in this replication domain. per cacheModule Counter 29
Dynamic object cache was_dynamiccaching_remote_create_total The number of cache entries that were received from cooperating dynamic caches. per cacheModule Counter 36
Dynamic object cache was_dynamiccaching_objectsOnDisk The current number of cache entries on disk per cacheModule Counter 4
Dynamic object cache was_dynamiccaching_hitsOnDisk_total The number of requests for cacheable objects that were served from disk per cacheModule Counter 5
Dynamic object cache was_dynamiccaching_pendingRemovalFromDisk_total The current number of pending entries that are to be removed from disk per cacheModule Counter 8
Dynamic object cache was_dynamiccaching_dependencyID {state="on disk | offloaded | buffered | based invalidation"} The current number of dependency IDs per cacheModule Counter 9, 11, 14
Dynamic object cache was_dynamiccaching_templates_total {state="on disk | offloaded | buffered"} The current number of templates per cacheModule Counter 13-15
Dynamic object cache was_dynamiccaching_invalidationsFromDisk_total{type="template based |gc|overflow|explicit|timeout"} The total number of invalidations from disk per cacheModule Counter 16, 17, 18, 6, 7
Table 5. Prometheus metrics - EJB statistics.

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for EJB processing. The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is beanModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
EJB was_ejb_create_total{ejb="<beanName>"} The number of times that beans were created Per EJB Counter 1
EJB was_ejb_remove_total{ejb="<beanName>"} The number of times that beans were removed Per EJB Counter 2
EJB was_ejb_activated_total{ejb="<beanName>"} The number of times that beans were activated Per EJB Counter 3
EJB was_ejb_passivation{ejb="<beanName>"} The number of beans that are in a passivated state. Per EJB Counter 34
EJB was_ejb_instantiation_total{ejb="<beanName>"} The number of times that beans were instantiated Per EJB Counter 5
EJB was_ejb_freed_total{ejb="<beanName>"} The number of times that beans were freed Per EJB Counter 6
EJB was_ejb_load_total{ejb="<beanName>"} The number of times that bean data was loaded from persistent storage. Per EJB Counter 7
EJB was_ejb_store_total{ejb="<beanName>"} The number of times that bean data was stored in persistent storage Per EJB Counter 8
EJB was_ejb_ready{ejb="<beanName>"} The number of entity bean instances in ready state. Per EJB Gauge 9
EJB was_ejb_live{ejb="<beanName>"} The number of concurrently live beans Per EJB Gauge 10
EJB was_ejb_method_calls_total{ejb="<beanName>"} The number of calls to the remote methods of the bean. Per EJB Counter 51
EJB was_ejb_response_time_seconds_total{ejb="<beanName>"} The total response time in seconds on the remote methods of the bean Per EJB Gauge 12
EJB was_ejb_responses_total{ejb="<beanName>"} The number of times that the remote methods of the bean were processed. Per EJB Counter 12
EJB was_ejb_create_time_seconds_total{ejb="<beanName>"} The total time (in seconds) that is used to process bean create calls (including the time for the load, if any) Per EJB Gauge 14
EJB was_ejb_remove_time_seconds_total{ejb="<beanName>"} The total time (in seconds) that is used to process a beanRemove call (including the time at the database, if any) Per EJB Gauge 15
EJB was_ejb_active_methods{ejb="<beanName>"} Number of concurrently active methods, which are the number of methods called at the same time. Per EJB Gauge 18
EJB was_ejb_retrieveFromPool_total{ejb="<beanName>"} The number of calls retrieving an object from the pool Per EJB Counter 19
EJB was_ejb_retrieveFromPool_success_total{ejb="<beanName>"} The number of times that a retrieve found an object available in the pool Per EJB Counter 20
EJB was_ejb_returnToPool_total{ejb="<beanName>"} The number of calls returning an object to the pool Per EJB Counter 21
EJB was_ejb_returnsDiscard_total{ejb="<beanName>"} The number of times that the returning object was discarded because the pool was full Per EJB Counter 22
EJB was_ejb_drainSize_total{ejb="<beanName>"} The number of objects discarded in each drain Per EJB Gauge 24
EJB was_ejb_drainsFromPool_total The number of times that the daemon found the pool idle and attempted to clean it Per EJB Gauge 23
EJB was_ejb_pooled{ejb="<beanName>"} The number of objects in the pool Per EJB Gauge 25
EJB was_ejb_messages_total{ejb="<beanName>"} The number of messages delivered to the onMessage method of the bean (applies to: message-driven beans) Per EJB Counter 26
EJB was_ejb_messageBackout_total{ejb="<beanName>"} The number of backed out messages that failed to be delivered to the onMessage method of the bean (applies to: message-driven beans) Per EJB Counter 27
EJB was_ejb_wait_time_seconds_total{ejb="<beanName>"} The total time (in seconds) consumed to obtain a server session from the pool (applies to: message-driven beans). Per EJB Counter 28
EJB was_ejb_wait_total{ejb="<beanName>"} The total number of waits consumed to obtain a server session from the pool (applies to: message-driven beans). Per EJB Counter 28
EJB was_ejb_serverSessionPool_utilization{ejb="<beanName>"} The percentage of the ServerSession pool in use (applies to: message-driven beans) Per EJB Gauge 29
EJB was_ejb_activation_time_seconds_total{ejb="<beanName>"} The total time in seconds for activating a bean object. Per EJB Gauge 30
EJB was_ejb_activation_total{ejb="<beanName>"} The total number of bean activations Per EJB Counter 30
EJB was_ejb_passivation_time_seconds_total{ejb="<beanName>"} The total time (in seconds) for passivating a bean object. Per EJB Gauge 31
EJB was_ejb_passivated_total{ejb="<beanName>"} The number of times that beans were passivated Per EJB Counter 4
EJB was_ejb_load_time_seconds_total{ejb="<beanName>"} The total time (in seconds) for loading the bean data from persistent storage. Per EJB Counter 32
EJB was_ejb_store_time_seconds_total{ejb="<beanName>"} The total time in seconds for storing the bean data in persistent storage. Per EJB Gauge 33
EJB was_ejb_readLock_time_seconds_total{ejb="<beanName>"} The total time (in seconds) that threads wait for a read lock prior to the invocation of the Singleton methods Per EJB Gauge 36
EJB was_ejb_readLocks_total{ejb="<beanName>"} The total number of read locks prior to the invocation of Singleton methods. Per EJB Gauge 36
EJB was_ejb_writeLock_time_seconds_total{ejb="<beanName>"} The total number of write locks prior to the invocation of Singleton methods Per EJB Gauge 37
EJB was_ejb_writeLocks_total{ejb="<beanName>"} The total number of write locks prior to the invocation of Singleton methods. Per EJB   37
EJB was_ejb_lockCancel_total{ejb="<beanName>"} The total number of Singleton method invocations that were canceled because they exceeded the specified Access Timeout value. Per EJB Counter 38
EJB was_ejb_asyncWait_time_seconds_total{ejb="<beanName>"} The total time (in seconds) asynchronous methods wait on the work manager queue before methods run Per EJB Gauge 39
EJB was_ejb_asyncWait_total{ejb="<beanName>"} The total number of asynchronous methods waits on the work manager queue before methods run Per EJB   39
EJB was_ejb_asyncQSize{ejb="<beanName>"} The size of the work manager queue for asynchronous methods. Per EJB Gauge 40
EJB was_ejb_asynCancel_total{ejb="<beanName>"} The number of canceled asynchronous methods Per EJB Counter 41
EJB was_ejb_asyncFNFFail_total{ejb="<beanName>"} The number of failed fire and forget asynchronous methods Per EJB Counter 42
EJB was_ejb_asyncFutureObjects_total{ejb="<beanName>"} Number of server side Future object from Asynchronous Methods where results were returned. This situation only applies for clients that call the enterprise bean by using a remote business interface Per EJB Counter 43
EJB was_ejb_discard_total{ejb="<beanName>"} The number of beans that were discarded Per EJB Counter 44
EJB was_ejb_method_calls_total{ejb="<beanName>",method="<methodName>"} The number of calls to the remote methods of the bean Per EJB method Counter 51
EJB was_ejb_method_response_time_seconds_total{ejb="<beanName>",method="<methodName>"} The total method response time in seconds Per EJB method Counter 52
EJB was_ejb_method_responses_total{ejb="<beanName>",method="<methodName>"} The number of method invocations Per EJB method Counter 52
EJB was_ejb_method_methodLoads_total{ejb="<beanName>",method="<methodName>"} The number of concurrent calls to invoke the same method Per EJB method Gauge 53
EJB was_ejb_method_methodLevelCalls_total{ejb="<beanName>",method="<methodName>"} The number of method invocations Per EJB method Counter 54
EJB was_ejb_methodReady{ejb="<beanName>",method="<methodName>"} The number of session bean instances in method-ready state. Per EJB method Counter 35
Table 6. Prometheus metrics - Extension registry stats.

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for extension registry stats. The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is ExtensionRegistryStats.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
Extension registry stats was_extensionregistry_requests_total The total number of cache read requests served Per server Counter 1
Extension registry stats was_extensionregistry_hit_total Number of cache hits out of the total requests Per server Counter 2
Extension registry stats was_extensionregistry_displacement_total Number of cache displacements Per server Counter 4
Table 7. Prometheus metrics - HA manager stats.

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for HA manager stats. The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is hamanagerModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
HAManager was_hamanager_local_groups The number of local groups in this server Per server Gauge 1
HAManager was_hamanager_groupStateRebuild_time_seconds_total Time taken (in seconds) to rebuild global group state in this server Per server Gauge 2
HAManager was_hamanager_groupStateRebuild_total Number of times the global group state was rebuilt in this server Per server Counter 2
HAManager was_hamanager_bulletinBoardSubjects The number of subjects currently managed by this server Per server Gauge 3
HAManager was_hamanager_bulletinBoardSubcriptions The number of local subject subscriptions. Per server Gauge 4
HAManager was_hamanager_bulletinBoardRebuild_time_seconds_total Time taken (in seconds) to rebuild the global state of the bulletin-board Per server Gauge 5
HAManager was_hamanager_bulletinBoardRebuild_total The number of times the global state of the bulletin-board was rebuilt. Per server Counter 5
HAManager was_hamanager_local_bulletinBoardSubjects The number of subjects being posted locally Per server Gauge 6
HAManager was_hamanager_local_bulletinBoardSubcriptions The number of subjects being posted locally Per server Gauge 7
Table 8. Prometheus metrics - JVM stats.

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for JVM stats. The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is jvmRuntimeModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
JVM jvm_memory_committed_bytes The total memory (in bytes) in the Java virtual machine runtime Per server Gauge 1
JVM jvm_memory_used_bytes The free memory (in bytes) in the Java virtual machine runtime Per server Gauge 3
JVM jvm_memory_max_bytes The total memory (in bytes) in the Java virtual machine runtime Per server Counter 1
JVM process_cpu_utilization The CPU Usage (in percent) of the Java virtual machine Per server Gauge 5
JVM process_uptime_seconds The amount of time (in seconds) that the Java virtual machine was running Per server Gauge 4
JVM jvm_gc_total The number of garbage collection calls Per server Counter 11
JVM jvm_gc_interval_time_seconds_total The total time (in seconds) that elapsed between garbage collection calls Per server Gauge 12
JVM jvm_gc_interval_total The total number of intervals between garbage collections calls. Per server Counter 12
JVM jvm_gc_duration_seconds_total The total time consumed, in seconds in garbage collection Per server Gauge 13
JVM was_thread_waitForLock_time_seconds_total The number of times that a thread waits for a lock Per server Gauge 20
JVM was_thread_waitForLock_total The number of times that a thread waits for a lock Per server Counter 19
JVM was_thread_started_total The number of threads started Per server Counter 17
JVM was_thread_ended_total The number of threads ended Per server Counter 18
Table 9. Prometheus metrics - Object pool stats.

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for Object pool stats. The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is objectPoolModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
Object pool was_objectpool_create_total{objectpool="<objectpool>"} The total number of objects created with the new operator Per object pool Counter 1
Object pool was_objectpool_allocate_total{objectpool="<objectpool>"} The number of objects requested from the pool Per object pool Counter 2
Object pool was_objectpool_idle_objects{objectpool="<objectpool>"} The number of idle object instances in the pool Per object pool Gauge 4
Object pool was_objectpool_return_total{objectpool="<objectpool>"} The number of objects returned to the pool Per object pool Gauge 3
Table 10. Prometheus metrics - Object request broker.

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for Object request broker. he corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is orbPerfModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
Object request broker was_orb_lookup_time_seconds_total The total time (in seconds) taken to look up object references before method dispatch can be completed. An excessively long time might indicate an EJB container lookup problem. Per server Gauge 1
Object request broker was_orb_lookup_total The number of object reference look up actions Per server   1
Object request broker was_orb_requests_total The total number of requests serviced by this on demand router. Per server Counter 2
Object request broker was_orb_concurrent_requests The number of requests that are concurrently processed by the Object Request Broker Per server Gauge 3
Object request broker was_orb_processing_time_seconds_total {interceptor="<interceptor>"} The total time (in seconds) consumed for registered portable interceptors to run Per interceptor   11
Object request broker was_orb_processing_total {interceptor="<interceptor>"} The total number of processed registered portable interceptors Per interceptor Gauge 11
Table 11. Prometheus metrics - odrStatModule stats.

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for odrStatModule stats. The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is odrStatModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
odrStatModule was_odr_requests_total The total number of requests serviced by this on demand router Per odr Counter 1
odrStatModule was_odr_outstanding_requests The number of requests which are currently being processed by the on demand router Per odr Gauge 2
odrStatModule was_odr_errors_local_percent The percentage of error responses returned by this ODR itself, not including error responses from backend application servers Per odr Gauge 3
odrStatModule was_odr_errors_backend_percent The percentage of error responses proxied by the on demand router from a backend application server Per odr Gauge 4
odrStatModule was_odr_errors_total The total number of error responses returned by this ODR itself, not including error responses from backend application servers. Per odr Gauge 5
Table 12. Prometheus metrics - Proxy stats.

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for Proxy stats. The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is proxyModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
Proxy was_proxy_outbound_connections_total The number of concurrent outbound connections Per proxy Counter 2
Proxy was_proxy_active_outbound_connections The number of active service contexts that the proxy server is working on Per proxy Counter 4
Proxy was_proxy_cache_hit_total{type="validated | unvalidated} The total cache hit count Per proxy Counter 31, 32
Proxy was_proxy_cache_miss_total The total cache miss count. Per proxy Counter 33
Proxy was_proxy_cache_esiCacheInvalidate_total The total ESI cache invalidate count Per proxy Counter 34
Proxy was_proxy_cache_esiEdgeCacheable_total The number of responses that are ESI edge cacheable Per proxy Counter 35
Proxy was_proxy_cache_esiEdgeCached_total The number of ESI edge cacheable responses that were cached in the proxy server Per proxy Counter 36
Proxy was_proxy_serviceContext_total{type="active|suspended"} The number of service contexts by type Per proxy Counter 41, 42
Proxy was_proxy_requests_total{type="all |failed|proxied|local"} The number of requests that were processed by proxy server by type Per proxy Counter 10, 11, 12, 13
Proxy was_proxy_ttlb_time_seconds_total For the proxy channel response time, the number of seconds that passed before the last byte of the response was sent back to the client Per proxy Gauge 20
Proxy was_proxy_ttlb_total The number of intervals between requests Per proxy Counter 20
Proxy was_proxy_response_time_seconds_total Target server response time (in seconds) that passed before the proxy server received the first byte from target servers Per proxy Gauge 21
Table 13. Prometheus metrics - Schedulers stats.

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for Schedulers stats. The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is schedulerModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
Schedulers was_schedulers_tasks_total {scheduler="<scheduleName>",state="failure|finish"} The number of tasks by status Per scheduler Counter 1, 2
Schedulers was_schedulers_task_collisions{scheduler="<schedulerName>"} The number of collisions encountered per second between competing poll daemons Per scheduler Gauge 4
Schedulers was_schedulers_pullQuery_time_seconds{scheduler="<scheduleName>"} The run time (in seconds) for each database poll query for each poll daemon thread Per scheduler Gauge 5
Schedulers was_schedulers_run_time_seconds{scheduler="<schedulerName>"} The time taken (in seconds) for a task to complete Per scheduler Gauge 6
Schedulers was_schedulers_task_loads_per_poll{scheduler="<schedulerName>"} The number of tasks that were loaded by each poll daemon thread. Multiply this number by the number of poll daemon threads to get the tasks expiring per effective poll cycle. Per scheduler Gauge 7
Schedulers was_schedulers_task_runs_per_poll{scheduler="<schedulerName>"} The number of tasks that were completed by each poll daemon thread. Multiply this number by the number of poll daemon threads to get the tasks completed per effective poll cycle. Per Scheduler Gauge 10
Schedulers was_schedulers_taskDelay_time_seconds{scheduler="<scheduleName>"} The number of seconds that a task completed late Per scheduler Gauge 8
Schedulers was_schedulers_poll_time_seconds{scheduler="<schedulerName>"} The number of seconds between poll cycle Per scheduler Gauge 9
Schedulers was_schedulers_polls_total{scheduler="<scheduleName>"} The number of tasks that were completed by each poll daemon thread. Multiply this number by the number of poll daemon threads to get the tasks completed per effective poll cycle. Per scheduler Counter 11
Table 14. Prometheus metrics - Security authentication stats.

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for Security authentication stats. The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is securityAuthenticationModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
Security authentication was_authentication_authentications_total{authtype="web|basic|token|jaasbaisc|jaastoken|rmi"} The total number of authentications processed by type Per authetication Counter 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9
Security authentication was_authentication_authentication_time_seconds_total{authtype="web|basic|token|jaasbaisc|jaastoken|rmi"} The total response time (in seconds) for the specified authentication type Per authetication Gauge 10, 13, 14, 16, 17, 1, 8
Security authentication was_authentication_identityAssertions_total{assertiontype="all|JASS"} The total number of authentications processed when an identity token was presented. If the type is JAAS, the identity token is not found in the cache. Per authentication Counter 12, 15
Security authentication was_authentication_identityAssertion_time_seconds_total{assertiontype="all|JASS"} The total response time (in seconds) for identity assertion authentications Per authentication Gauge 12, 15
Security authentication was_authentication_credentialCreation_time_seconds_total The total response time (in seconds) for creating credentials when a credential for the subject is not found in the user registry. The time required to access user registries is included. Per authentication Gauge 19
Security authentication was_authentication_crententialCreations_total The total number of credentials created Per authentication Counter 19
Security authentication was_authentication_taiRequest_time_seconds_total The total response time (in seconds) for TAI requests This time includes the time of all TAIs configured to run. Per authentication Gauge 11
Security authentication was_authentication_taiRequests_total The total number of requests for authentication processed by all Trust Association Interceptors that were configured. Note: The TAI might be accessed several times in a single authentication. Per authentication Counter 11
Table 15. Prometheus metrics - Security authorization.

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for Security authorization. The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is securityAuthorizationModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
Security authorization was_authorization_authorization_time_seconds_total {type="web|ejb|admin|jacc"} The total response time (in seconds) for a given authorization type Per authorization Gauge 1, 2, 3, 4
Security authorization was_authorization_authorizations_total {type="web|ejb|admin|jacc"} The total number of authorizations performed for a given authorization type Per authorization Counter 1, 2, 3, 4
Table 16. Prometheus metrics - Session manager stats.

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for Session manager stats. The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is servletSessionsModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
Session manager was_session_create_total{appname="<appName>"} The number of sessions that were created Per Webapp Counter 1
Session manager was_session_invalidated_total{appname="<appName>"} The number of sessions that were invalidated Per Webapp Counter 2
Session manager was_session_life_time_seconds_total{appname="<appName>"} The total session lifetime in seconds (time invalidated - time created) Per Webapp Gauge 4
Session Manager was_session_finished_total{appname="<appName>"} The total number of finished sessions, which is equivalent to the invalidated count Per Webapp Counter 4
Session manager was_session_active_sessions{appname="<appName>"} The number of sessions that are currently accessed by requests Per Webapp Gauge 6
Session manager was_session_live_sessions{appname="<appName>"} The number of sessions that are currently live. Per Webapp Gauge 7
Session manager was_session_noRoomForNewSession_total{appname="<appName>"} The number of times that a request for a new session cannot be handled because this value exceeds the maximum session count. This number of times applies to a session in memory only when the AllowOverflow property is set to a value of false. Per Webapp Counter 8
Session manager was_session_cacheDiscard_total{appname="<appName>"} The number of session objects that were forced out of the cache. An LRU algorithm removes old entries to make room for new sessions and cache misses. This number of session objects applies only for persistent sessions. Per Webapp Gauge 9
Session manager was_session_externalRead_seconds_total{appname="<appName>"} The number of session objects that were forced out of the cache. An LRU algorithm removes old entries to make room for new sessions and cache misses. This number of session objects applies only for persistent sessions. Per Webapp Gauge 10
Session manager was_session_externalRead_total{appname="<appName>"} The total number of times session data was read from persistent stores Per Webapp Counter 10
Session manager was_session_externalRead_bytes_total{appname="<appName>"} The size of the session data (in bytes) read from persistent stores. This size is applicable only for serialized persistent sessions and similar to the externalReadTime field. Per Webapp Gauge 11
Session manager was_session_externalWrite_seconds_total{appname="<appName>"} The time (in seconds) taken to write the session data from persistent stores. This time is applicable only for (serialized) persistent sessions and is similar to the externalReadTime field. Per Webapp Gauge 12
Session manager was_session_externalWrite_bytes_total{appname="<appName>"} The size of the session data (in bytes) written to persistent stores. This size is applicable only for serialized persistent sessions and similar to the externalReadTime field. Per Webapp Gauge 13
Session manager was_session_externalWrite_total{appname="<appName>"} The total number of times the session data being written to persistent store Per Webapp Counter 12
Session manager was_session_affinityBreak_total{appname="<appName>"} The number of HTTP session affinities that were broken, not counting WebSphere Application Server intentional breaks of session affinity Per Webapp Counter 14
Session manager was_session_timeSinceLastActivated_seconds_total{appname="<appName>"} The total time difference (in seconds) of the previous and current access time stamps. The time difference does not include sessions that timed out. Per Webapp Counter 15
Session manager was_session_activated_total{appname="<appName>"} The total number of activated sessions. Per Webapp Counter 15
Session manager was_session_invalidatedByTimeout_total{appname="<appName>"} The number of sessions that were invalidated with timeout. Per Webapp Counter 16
Session manager was_session_activateNonExistSession_total{appname="<appName>"} The number of sessions that were invalidated with timeout Per Webapp Counter 17
Session manager was_session_sessionObjects_total{appname="<appName>"} The total size of the session objects (in bytes) at session level, including only serializable attributes in the cache Per Webapp Counter 18
Session manager was_session_sessionObjects_bytes_total{appname="<appName>"} The total size of the session objects (in bytes) at session level, including only serializable attributes in the cache Per Webapp Gauge 18
Table 17. Prometheus metrics - SIB message store stats.

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for SIB message store stats. The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is sibModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
SIB message store was_sib_messagestore_cache_current_bytes{state="stored|not stored"} The current total of the declared sizes of all items in the dynamic memory cache Per message engine Counter 1510, 1511
SIB message store was_sib_messagestore_cache_current{state="stored|not stored"} The total number of items that were added to the dynamic memory cache during the current session Per message engine Counter 1508, 1509
SIB message store was_sib_messagestore_cache_restore_total The number of items restored to memory from persistence during the current session Per message engine Counter 1507
SIB message store was_sib_messagestore_cache_update_total {type="stored|not stored|"} The number of items that were updated in the message store during the current session Per message engine Counter 1503, 1504
SIB message store was_sib_messagestore_cache_remove_total {type="not stored|stored"} The number of items that were removed from the message store during the current session Per message engine Counter 1505, 1506
SIB message store was_sib_messagestore_cache_refusal_total{type="not stored|stored"} The total number of items that were refused entry to the dynamic memory cache during the current session Per message engine Counter 1520, 1521
SIB message store was_sib_messagestore_cache_streamSpilling_total The total number of streams currently spilling potentially persistent items Per message engine Counter 1522
SIB message store was_sib_messagestore_cache_total {type="stored|not stored"} The total number of items that were added to the dynamic memory cache during the current session Per message engine Counter 1512, 1513
SIB message store was_sib_messagestore_cache_discard_bytes_total {type="stored|not stored"} The total of the declared sizes of all items that were added to the dynamic memory cache during the current session Per message engine Counter 1518, 1519
SIB message store was_sib_messagestore_cache_discard_total{type="stored|not stored"} The total number of items that were discarded from the dynamic memory cache during the current session. Per message engine Counter 1516, 1517
SIB message store was_sib_messagestore_cache_bytes_total {type="stored|not stored"} The current total of the declared sizes of all items in the dynamic memory cache Per message engine Counter 1514, 1515
SIB message store was_sib_messagestore_cache_add_total{type="stored|not stored"} The total number of items that were added to the dynamic memory cache during the current session Per message engine Counter 1501, 1502
SIB message store was_sib_messagestore_datastore_itemBatch_total {action="insert|delete|update"} The total number of batches affected by a given item table action. Per message engine Counter 1547, 1548, 1549
SIB message store was_sib_messagestore_datastore_jdbcItem_total {action="delete|insert|update"} The total number of JDBC transaction table action counts Per message engine Counter 1544, 1545, 1546
SIB message store was_sib_messagestore_datastore_jdbcOpen_total The total number of JDBC connections opened Per message engine Counter 1440
SIB message store was_sib_messagestore_datastore_jdbcTransaction_total The total number of JDBC transactions. Per message engine Counter 1543
SIB message store was_sib_messagestore_datastore_jdbcTransactionAbort_total JDBC local transactions aborted Per message engine Counter 1542
SIB message store was_sib_messagestore_datastore_jdbcTransactionComplete_total JDBC local transactions completed. Per message engine Counter 1541
SIB message store was_sib_messagestore_datastore_jdbcTransaction_time_seconds_total Total run time (in seconds) of internal batches Per message engine Gauge 1543
SIB message store was_sib_messagestore_datastore_transactionBatch_total {action="delete|insert|update"} The total available space (in bytes) remaining in the file store logs Per message engine Counter 1553-1555
SIB message store was_sib_messagestore_datastore_spillDispatcherBatch_bytes_total The total amount of data (in bytes) associated with batching of operations on nonpersistent data dispatched for spilling to the data Per message engine Gauge 1524
SIB message store was_sib_messagestore_datastore_spillDispatcherBatch_total Measures the batching of operations on nonpersistent data dispatched for spilling to the data store Per message engine Counter 1524
SIB message store was_sib_messagestore_datastore_spillDispatcherRequest_bytes_total The total amount of data (in bytes) associated with operations on reliable persistent data dispatched for writing to the data store. Per message engine Counter 1523
SIB message store was_sib_messagestore_datastore_spillDispatcherRequest_total Measures the number of operations on reliable persistent data dispatched for writing to the data store. Per message engine Counter 1523
SIB message store was_sib_messagestore_datastore_spillDispatcherAvoidance_bytes_total The total amount of data (in bytes) associated with operations on nonpersistent data dispatched for spilling to the data store but whose spilling was subsequently unnecessary Per message engine Gauge 1526
SIB message store was_sib_messagestore_datastore_spillDispatcherAvoidance_total Measures the number of operations on nonpersistent data dispatched for spilling to the data store but whose spilling was subsequently unnecessary Per message engine Counter 1526
SIB message store was_sib_messagestore_datastore_spillDispatcherCancellation_total Counts the number of global transaction completion phases whose operations canceled out before being written to the data store Per message engine Counter  
SIB message store was_sib_messagestore_datastore_persistentDispatcherAvoidance_bytes_total Measures the number of operations on reliable persistent data dispatched for writing to the data store but whose writing was subsequently unnecessary Per message engine Counter 1529
SIB message store was_sib_messagestore_datastore_persistentDispatcherBatch_bytes_total The total amount of data (in bytes) associated with batching of operations on nonpersistent data dispatched for spilling to the data. Per message engine Gauge 1531
SIB message store was_sib_messagestore_datastore_persistentDispatcherBatch_total Measures the batching of operations on nonpersistent data dispatched for spilling to the data store. Per message engine Gauge 1528
SIB message store was_sib_messagestore_datastore_persistentDispatcherAvoidance_total Measures the number of operations on reliable persistent data dispatched for writing to the data store but whose writing was subsequently unnecessary Per message engine Counter 1528
SIB message store was_sib_messagestore_datastore_persistentDispatcherRequest_total Measures the number of operations on nonpersistent data dispatched for spilling to the data store. Per message engine Counter 1531
SIB message store was_sib_messagestore_expiry_indexItem_total Current number of items in the expiry index. Per message engine Gauge 1527
SIB message store was_sib_messagestore_datastore_persistentDispatcherRequest_bytes_total {type="persistent|spill"} The total amount of data (in bytes) associated with operations on reliable persistent data dispatched for writing to the data store Per message engine Gauge 1532
SIB message store was_sib_messagestore_filestore_fileStoreAvailable_bytes {type="temp|perm|all"} Total available space (in bytes) remaining in the file store Per message engine Gauge 1523, 1527
SIB message store was_sib_messagestore_filestore_fileStoreAvailable_total {type="temp|perm|all"} The total number of file store available Per message engine Counter 1557, 1558
SIB message store was_sib_messagestore_filestore_fileStoreLogSpace_bytes The total available space (in bytes) remaining in the file store logs Per message engine Gauge 1557, 1558
SIB message store was_sib_messagestore_filestore_fileStoreLog_total The total number of file stores logs Per message engine Counter 1556
SIB message store was_sib_messagestore_transactions_globalTransactionStart_total The total number of global transactions started Per message engine Counter 1556
SIB message store was_sib_messagestore_transactions_globalTransactionDoubt_total The total number of global transactions in doubt Per message engine Counter 1537
SIB message store was_sib_messagestore_transactions_globalTransactionAbort_total The total number of global transactions aborted Per message engine Counter 1538
SIB message store was_sib_messagestore_transactions_globalTransactionCommit_total The total number of local transactions committed Per message engine Counter 1539
SIB message store was_sib_messagestore_transactions_localTransactionStart_total The total number of local transactions started. Per message engine Counter 1533
SIB message store was_sib_messagestore_transactions_localTransactionAbort_total The total number of local transactions aborted Per message engine Counter 1534
SIB message store was_sib_messagestore_transactions_localTransactionCommit_total The total number of local transactions committed Per message engine Counter 1535
Table 18. Prometheus metrics - SIB message processor (queues).

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for SIB message processor (queues). The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is sibModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
SIB message processor (queues) was_sib_queue_messageConsumed_total {queue="<queueName>",type="assured persistent | best effort non persistent | express non persistent |reliable persistent | reliable non persistent | all"} The total number of messages consumed from this queue by type Per destination Counter 16, 12, 13, 15, 14
SIB message processor (queues) was_sib_queue_localConsumerAttaches_total{queue="<queueName>"} The total number of local consumer attachments to this queue Per destination Counter 3
SIB message processor (queues) was_sib_queue_localConsumer_total{queue="<queueName>"} The total number of local consumers currently attached to this queue Per destination Counter 4
SIB message processor (queues) was_sib_queue_localMessageWait_total{queue="<queueName>"} The total number of messages that waited on the bus. Per destination Counter 19
SIB message processor (queues) was_sib_queue_localMessageWait_time_seconds_total{queue="<queueName>"} Total amount of time spent (in seconds) on this queue by messages consumed from this queue. Per destination Gauge 19
SIB message processor (queues) was_sib_queue_localOldestMessageAge_seconds{queue="<queueName>"} Amount of time spent on this queue by the message available longest from this queue Per destination Gauge 20
SIB message processor (queues) was_sib_queue_localProducer_total {queue="<queueName>"} The total number of local producers currently attached to this queue. Per destination Counter 2
SIB message processor (queues) was_sib_queue_localProducerAttaches_total {queue="<queueName>"} The total number of local consumer attachments to this queue Per destination Counter 1
SIB message processor (queues) was_sib_queue_messageProduced_total{queue="<queueName>",type="assured persistent | best effort non persistent | express non persistent |reliable persistent"} The total number of messages produced and sent to this queue by type Per destination Counter 10, 6, 7, 9
SIB message processor (queues) was_sib_queue_messages_total {queue="<queueName>",type="available | unavailable"} The total number of messages on this queue based on availability Per destination Counter 21, 22
SIB message processor (queues) was_sib_queue_messageWait_time_seconds_total{queue="<queueName>",type="available | unavailable"} Total amount of time (in seconds) spent on the bus by messages consumed from this queue. Per destination Counter 18
SIB message processor (queues) was_sib_queue_messageWait_total{queue="<queueName>",type="available | unavailable"} The total number of messages that waited on the bus. Per destination Counter 18
SIB message processor (queues) was_sib_queue_reportEnabledMessagesExpired_total{queue="<queueName>"} The total number of report enabled messages that expired while on this queue Per destination Counter 17
Table 19. Prometheus metrics - SIB message processor (Topicspaces) stats.

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for SIB message processor (Topicspaces) stats. The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is sibModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
SIB message processor (Topicspaces) was_sib_topicspace_localSubscriptionHit_total{topicspace="<topicspace>",type="assured persistent | best effort non persistent | express non persistent |reliable persistent | reliable non persistent"} The total number of matches of local subscriptions to a given publication type on this topic space Per mediated destination Counter 112-116
SIB message processor (Topicspaces) was_sib_topicspace_localSubscription_total {topicspace="<topicspace>",type="durable|nondurable|all"} The total number of local subscriptions of a given message type to this topic space Per mediated destination Counter 104, 103
SIB message processor (Topicspaces) was_sib_topicspace_incompletePublication_total{topicspace="<topicspace>"} The total number of publications on this topic space not yet received by all current subscribers to this topic space Per mediated destination Counter 119
SIB message processor (Topicspaces) was_sib_topicspace_localPublisherAttaches_total{topicspace="<topicspace>"} The total number of local publisher attachments to this topic space Per mediated destination Counter 100
SIB message processor (Topicspaces) was_sib_topicspace_localPublisher {topicspace="<topicspace>} Number of local publishers currently attached to this topic space Per mediated destination Counter 101
SIB message processor (Topicspaces) was_sib_topicspace_localOldestPublicationAge_seconds{topicspace="<topicspace>"} Amount of time spent on this topic space by the oldest incomplete publication Per mediated destination Counter 118
SIB message processor (Topicspaces) was_sib_topicspace_messagesPublished_total{topicspace="<topicspace>",type="assured persistent | best effort non persistent | express non persistent |reliable persistent | reliable non persistent"} The total number of messages published to this topic space of a given message type Per mediated destination Counter 106-110
SIB message processor (Topicspaces) was_sib_topicspace_reportEnabledPublicationsExpiredCount_total{topicspace="<topicspace>"} The total number of report enabled publications that expired while on this topic space Per mediated destination Counter 117
Table 20. Prometheus metrics - SIB Message Processor (Durable Subscription) stats.

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for SIB Message Processor (Durable Subscription).

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
SIB Message Processor (Durable Subscription) was_sib_durableSubscription_messageConsumed_total{topicspace="<topicspace>"",type="assured persistent | best effort non persistent | express non persistent |reliable persistent"} The total number of messages consumed from this subscription by type Per mediated destination Counter 201-205
SIB Message Processor (Durable Subscription) was_sib_durableSubscription_messageWait_time_seconds_total{topicspace="<topicspace>""} Total amount of time (in seconds) spent on the bus by messages consumed from this subscription Per mediated destination Gauge 206
SIB Message Processor (Durable Subscription) was_sib_durableSubscription_messageWait_total{topicspace="<topicspace>"} The number of messages that waited on the bus Per mediated destination Counter 206
SIB Message Processor (Durable Subscription) was_sib_durableSubscription_availableMessage_total{topicspace="<topicspace>"} The total number of messages available for consumption from this subscription Per mediated destination Counter 209
SIB Message Processor (Durable Subscription) was_sib_durableSubscription_localMessageWait_time_seconds_total{topicspace="<topicspace>"} The total amount of time (in seconds) spent on the subscription by messages consumed from this subscription Per mediated destination Gauge 207
SIB Message Processor (Durable Subscription) was_sib_durableSubscription_localMessageWait_total{topicspace="<topicspace>"} The total number of local messages consumed from this subscription Per mediated destination Counter 207
Table 21. Prometheus metrics - SIB Communication (Client Stats).

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for SIB Communication (Client Stats). The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is sibModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
SIB Communication (Client Stats) was_sib_communication_client_apiConnection_total Client networks attached to messaging engines in this server All clients connected or that have been connected to this application server Counter 552
SIB Communication (Client Stats) was_sib_communication_client_bufferedRead_bytes_total The total amount of data (in bytes) received but not as yet made available to the application All clients connected or that have been connected to this application server Counter 561
SIB Communication (Client Stats) was_sib_communication_client_bufferedWrite_bytes_total The total amount of data (in bytes) held pending transmission All clients connected or that have been connected to this application server Counter 560
SIB Communication (Client Stats) was_sib_communication_client_attached_total Client networks attached to messaging engines in this server All clients connected or that have been connected to this application server Counter 551
SIB Communication (Client Stats) was_sib_communication_client_error_total The total number of errors that occurred All clients connected or that have been connected to this application server Counter 553
SIB Communication (Client Stats) was_sib_communication_client_messageRead_bytes_total The total amount of message data (in bytes) read All clients connected or that have been connected to this application server Counter 563
SIB Communication (Client Stats) was_sib_communication_client_messageWrite_bytes_total The total amount of message data (in bytes) written All clients connected or that have been connected to this application server Counter 562
SIB Communication (Client Stats) was_sib_communication_client_multicastSend_bytes_total The total amount of data (in bytes) written by using multicast All clients connected or that have been connected to this application server Counter 558
SIB Communication (Client Stats) was_sib_communication_client_multicastSend_total The total number of messages sent by using multicast. All clients connected or that have been connected to this application server Counter 559
SIB Communication (Client Stats) was_sib_communication_client_readBlocked_total The total number of non-multicast read operations that were blocked All clients connected or that have been connected to this application server Counter 557
SIB Communication (Client Stats) was_sib_communication_client_writeBlocked_total The total number of non-multicast write operations that were blocked All clients connected or that have been connected to this application server Counter 556
SIB Communication (Client Stats) was_sib_communication_client_read_total The total number of reads that occurred All clients connected or that have been connected to this application server Counter 555
SIB Communication (Client Stats) was_sib_communication_client_read_bytes_total The total amount of data (in bytes)read All clients connected or that have been connected to this application server Counter 565
SIB Communication (Client Stats) was_sib_communication_client_write_bytes_total The total amount of data (in bytes) written All clients connected or that have been connected to this application server Counter 564
SIB Communication (Client Stats) was_sib_communication_client_write_total The total number of writes that occurred All clients connected or that have been connected to this application server Counter 554
Table 22. Prometheus metrics - SIB Communication (Client Detailed).

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for SIB Communication (Client Detailed). The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is sibModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
SIB Communication (Client Detailed) was_sib_communication_clientDetailed_dataReceived_bytes_total {priority="lowest|very low|low|high|highest|JMS0-9"} The total amount of data (in bytes) received by priority levels All clients connected or that have been connected to this application server Counter 717-732
SIB Communication (Client Detailed) was_sib_communication_clientDetailed_dataSent_bytes_total {priority="lowest|very low|low|high|highest|JMS0-9"} The total amount of data (in bytes) sent by priority levels All clients connected or that have been connected to this application server Counter 701-716
SIB Communication (Client Detailed) was_sib_communication_clientDetailed_messagesReceived_bytes_total{priority="JMS0-9"} The total number of messages received by priority levels All clients connected or that have been connected to this application server Counter 743-752
SIB Communication (Client Detailed) was_sib_communication_clientDetailed_messagesSent_bytes_total {priority="JMS0-9"} The total number of messages sent by priority levels All clients connected or that have been connected to this application server Counter 733-742
Table 23. Prometheus metrics - SIB Communication (Messaging Engines).

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for SIB Communication (Messaging Engines). The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is sibModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
SIB Communication (Messaging Engines) was_sib_communication_me_apiConnection_total The total number of open API connections current applications servers hosting messaging engines/connections connected to this application server. Counter 502
SIB Communication (Messaging Engines) was_sib_communication_me_bufferedRead_bytes_total The total amount of data (in bytes)received but not as yet made available to the application current applications servers hosting messaging engines/connections connected to this application server. Counter 511
SIB Communication (Messaging Engines) was_sib_communication_me_bufferedWrite_bytes_total The total amount of message data (in bytes) written current applications servers hosting messaging engines/connections connected to this application server. Counter 510
SIB Communication (Messaging Engines) was_sib_communication_me_error_total The total number of errors that occurred current applications servers hosting messaging engines/connections connected to this application server. Counter 503
SIB Communication (Messaging Engines) was_sib_communication_me_attached_total Other messaging engine networks attached to messaging engines in this server current applications servers hosting messaging engines/connections connected to this application server. Counter 501
SIB Communication (Messaging Engines) was_sib_communication_me_messageRead_bytes_total The total amount of message data (in bytes) read current applications servers hosting messaging engines/connections connected to this application server. Counter 513
SIB Communication (Messaging Engines) was_sib_communication_me_messageWrite_bytes_total The total amount of message data (in bytes) written current applications servers hosting messaging engines/connections connected to this application server. Counter 512
SIB Communication (Messaging Engines) was_sib_communication_me_readBlocked_total The total number of read operations that were blocked current applications servers hosting messaging engines/connections connected to this application server. Counter 507
SIB Communication (Messaging Engines) was_sib_communication_me_writeBlocked_total The total number of write operations that were blocked current applications servers hosting messaging engines/connections connected to this application server. Counter 506
SIB Communication (Messaging Engines) was_sib_communication_me_read_total The total number of reads that occurred current applications servers hosting messaging engines/connections connected to this application server. Counter 505
SIB Communication (Messaging Engines) was_sib_communication_me_read_bytes_total The total amount of data (in bytes) read current applications servers hosting messaging engines/connections connected to this application server. Counter 515
SIB Communication (Messaging Engines) was_sib_communication_me_write_bytes_total The total amount of data (in bytes) written current applications servers hosting messaging engines/connections connected to this application server. Counter 514
SIB Communication (Messaging Engines) was_sib_communication_me_write_total The total number of writes that occurred current applications servers hosting messaging engines/connections connected to this application server. Counter 504
Table 24. Prometheus metrics - SIB Communication (ME Detailed).

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for SIB Communication (ME Detailed). The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is sibModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
SIB Communication (ME Detailed) was_sib_communication_meDetailed_dataReceived_bytes_total {priority="lowest|very low|low|high|highest|JMS0-9"} The total number of data (in bytes) received by the client All messaging engines connected or that have been connected to this application server Counter 617-632
SIB Communication (ME Detailed) was_sib_communication_meDetailed_dataSent_bytes_total{priority="lowest|very low|low|high|highest|JMS0-9"} The total number of message data (in bytes) sent by the client All messaging engines connected or that have been connected to this application server Counter 601-616
SIB Communication (ME Detailed) was_sib_communication_meDetailed_messagesReceived_bytes_total{priority="JMS0-9"} The total number of message data (in bytes) received by the client All messaging engines connected or that have been connected to this application server Counter 643-652
SIB Communication (ME Detailed) was_sib_communication_meDetailed_messagesSent_bytes_total{priority="JMS0-9"} The total number of message data (in bytes) sent by the client All messaging engines connected or that have been connected to this application server Counter 633-642
Table 25. Prometheus metrics - SIB Communication (MqClientLink) stats.

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for SIB Communication (MqClientLink) stats. The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is sibModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
SIB Communication (MqClientLink) was_sib_communication_mqClientLink_batchesSent_total The total number of batches of messages sent All MQ clients connected or that have been connected to this application server Counter 901
SIB Communication (MqClientLink) was_sib_communication_mqClientLink_messagesSent_total The total number of messages sent All MQ clients connected or that have been connected to this application server Counter 902
SIB Communication (MqClientLink) was_sib_communication_mqClientLink_messagesReceived_total The total number of messages received All MQ clients connected or that have been connected to this application server Counter 903
SIB Communication (MqClientLink) was_sib_communication_mqClientLink_messagesSent_bytes_total The total amount of data (in bytes) sent All MQ clients connected or that have been connected to this application server Counter 904
SIB Communication (MqClientLink) was_sib_communication_mqClientLink_messagesReceived_bytes_total The total amount of data (in bytes) received All MQ clients connected or that have been connected to this application server Counter 905
SIB Communication (MqClientLink) was_sib_communication_mqClientLink_apiCallsServiced_total The total number of MQ API calls serviced All MQ clients connected or that have been connected to this application server Counter 906
SIB Communication (MqClientLink) was_sib_communication_mqClientLink_commsError_total The total number of communication errors that occurred All MQ clients connected or that have been connected to this application server Counter 907
SIB Communication (MqClientLink) was_sib_communication_mqClientLink_clientsAttached_total The total number of clients currently network attached to this MQ Client Link All MQ clients connected or that have been connected to this application server Counter 908
SIB Communication (MqClientLink) was_sib_communication_mqClientLink_writesBlocked_total The total number of write operations that were blocked All MQ clients connected or that have been connected to this application server Counter 909
SIB Communication (MqClientLink) was_sib_communication_mqClientLink_readsBlocked_total The total number of read operations that were blocked All MQ clients connected or that have been connected to this application server Counter 910
Table 26. Prometheus metrics - SIB Communication (Mq Link Module) stats.

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for SIB Communication (Mq Link Module) stats. The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is sibModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
SIB Communication (Mq Link Module) was_sib_communication_mqLink_batchesSent_total The total number of batches of messages sent per MQ link module Counter 801
SIB Communication (Mq Link Module) was_sib_communication_mqLink_batchesReceived_total The total number of batches of messages received per MQ link module Counter 802
SIB Communication (Mq Link Module) was_sib_communication_mqLink_messagesSent_total The total number of messages sent per MQ link module Counter 803
SIB Communication (Mq Link Module) was_sib_communication_mqLink_messagesReceived_total The total number of messages received per MQ link module Counter 804
SIB Communication (Mq Link Module) was_sib_communication_mqLink_senderSent_bytes_total The total amount of data (in bytes) sent by the sender. per MQ link module Counter 805
SIB Communication (Mq Link Module) was_sib_communication_mqLink_senderReceived_bytes_total The total amount of data (in bytes) received by the sender per MQ link module Counter 806
SIB Communication (Mq Link Module) was_sib_communication_mqLink_receiverSent_bytes_total The total amount of data (in bytes) sent by the receiver. per MQ link module Counter 807
SIB Communication (Mq Link Module) was_sib_communication_mqLink_receiverReceived_bytes_total The total amount of data (in bytes) received by the receiver per MQ link module Counter 808
SIB Communication (Mq Link Module) was_sib_communication_mqLink_retries_total The total number of retries attempted per MQ link module Counter 809, 810
SIB Communication (Mq Link Module) was_sib_communication_mqLink_commsError_total The total number of communication errors that occurred per MQ link module Counter 811
SIB Communication (Mq Link Module) was_sib_communication_mqLink_qmAttached_total The total number of queue managers currently network attached to messaging engines in this server per MQ link module Counter 812
SIB Communication (Mq Link Module) was_sib_communication_mqLink_writesBlocked_total The total number of write operations that were blocked per MQ link module Counter 813
SIB Communication (Mq Link Module) was_sib_communication_mqLink_readsBlocked_total The total number of read operations that were blocked per MQ link module Counter 814
Table 27. Prometheus metrics - SIP (container module).

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for SIP (container module). The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is sipModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
SIP (container module) was_sipcontainer_incomingTrafficAverage The average number of messages handled by the container calculated over a configurable period Per Server Gauge 3
SIP (container module) was_sipcontainer_appSessionNew_total The average number of new SIP application sessions created in the container and calculated over a configurable period Per Server Gauge 4
SIP (container module) was_sipcontainer_response_time_seconds The average time that it takes from the time a message gets into the container until the response was sent Per Server Gauge 5
SIP (container module) was_sipcontainer_queueSize_total The size of the invoke queue for the application server. Per Server Counter 6
SIP (container module) was_sipcontainer_sessions_total {type="replicated|not replicated"} The total number of SIP sessions Per Server Counter 7, 8
SIP (container module) was_sipcontainer_appSessions_total {type="replicated|not replicated"} The average number of new SIP application sessions created in the container and calculated over a configurable period Per Server Counter 9, 10
SIP (container module) was_sipcontainer_activeSIPSessions The number of SIP sessions managed by the container Per application Gauge 11
SIP (container module) was_sipcontainer_activeSIPAppSessions The number of SIP application sessions managed by the container Per application Gauge 12
SIP (container module) was_sipcontainer_rejectedMessages_total The number of rejected SIP messages Per Server Counter 13
SIP (container module) was_sipcontainer_timerInvocation_total The number of invocations of the SIP timers (Timer A, Timer B, Timer C, Timer D, Timer E, Timer F, Timer G, and Timer H) Per Server Counter 14
SIP (container module) was_sipcontainer_taskInQueue_total{type="processing queue | outbound queue"} A counter of the total number of tasks that flowed through the specified queue over a configured window of time. These tasks include messages, SIP timer events, and so on Per Server Counter 31, 35
SIP (container module) was_sipcontainer_taskInQueueMaximum{type="processing queue | outbound queue"} A counter of the maximum number of tasks in the specified queue over a configured window of time. These tasks include messages, SIP timer events, and so on Per Server Gauge 32, 37
SIP (container module) was_sipcontainer_taskInQueueMinimum{type="processing queue | outbound queue"} A counter of the minimum number of tasks in the specified queue over a configured window of time. These tasks include messages, SIP timer events, and so on Per Server Gauge 33, 37
Table 28. Prometheus metrics - SIP (inbound request module).

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for SIP (inbound request module). The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is sipModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type  
SIP (inbound request module) was_sip_inboundRequest_total{appname="<appName>", requesttype="<requestType>} The number of Inbound requests that belong to each application by type Per application Counter 60-74
Table 29. Prometheus metrics - SIP (inbound Info Response Module).

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for SIP (inbound Info Response Module). The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is sipModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
SIP (inbound Info Response Module) was_sip_inboundInfoResponse_total{appname="<appName>",responsecode="<responseCode>"} The number of Inbound 1xx Info responses that belong to each application Per application Counter 1100-1183
Table 30. Prometheus metrics - SIP (inbound success response module).

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for SIP (inbound success response module). The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is sipModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
SIP (inbound success response module) was_sip_inboundSuccessResponse_total{appname="<appName>",responsecode="<responseCode>"} The number of Inbound 2xx Success responses that belong to each application Per application Counter 1200, 1202, 1204
Table 31. Prometheus metrics - SIP (inbound redirect response module).

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for SIP (inbound redirect response module). The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is sipModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
SIP (inbound redirect response module) was_sip_inboundRedirectResponse_total{appname="<appName>",responsecode="<responseCode>"} The number of Inbound 3xx Redirect responses that belong to each application Per application Counter 1300, 1301, 1302, 1305, 1380
Table 32. Prometheus metrics - SIP (inbound fail response module).

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for SIP (inbound fail response module). The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is sipModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
SIP (inbound fail response module) was_sip_inboundFailResponse_total{appname="<appName>",responecode="<responseCode>"} The number of Inbound 4xx Fail responses that belong to each application Per application Counter 1400-1438, 1480-1494
Table 33. Prometheus metrics - SIP (Inbound Server Fail Response).

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for SIP (Inbound Server Fail Response). The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is sipModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
SIP (Inbound Server Fail Response) was_sip_inboundServerFailResponse_total{appname="<appName>",responsecode="<responseCode>"} The number of Inbound 5xx Server Fail responses that belong to each application Per application Counter 1500-1505, 1513
Table 34. Prometheus metrics - SIP (Inbound Global Fail Request).

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for SIP (Inbound Global Fail Response). The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is sipModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
SIP (Inbound Global Fail Request) was_sip_inboundGlobalFailRequest_total{appname="<appName>",responsecode="<responseCode>"} The number of Inbound 6xx Global Fail responses that belong to each application Per application Counter 1600, 1603, 1604, 1606
Table 35. Prometheus metrics - SIP (outbound request response).

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for SIP (outbound request response). The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is sipModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
SIP (outbound request response) was_sip_outboundRequest_total{appname="<appName>",requesttype="<requestType>"} The number of Outbound requests that belongs to each application and that belong to each application by type Per application Counter 80-94
Table 36. Prometheus metrics - SIP (outbound request info response).

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for SIP (outbound request info response). The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is sipModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
SIP (outbound request info response) was_sip_outboundInfoResponse_total{appname="<appName>",responsecode="<responseCode>"} The number of Outbound 1xx Info responses that belong to each application Per application Counter 2100, 2180-2183
Table 37. Prometheus metrics - SIP (outbound request success response).

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for SIP (outbound request success response). The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is sipModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
SIP (outbound request success response) was_sip_outboundSuccessResponse_total{appname="<appName>",responsecode="<responseCode>"} The number of Outbound 2xx Success responses that belong to each application Per application Counter 2200, 2202, 2204
Table 38. Prometheus metrics - SIP (outbound request redirect response).

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for SIP (outbound request redirect response). The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is sipModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
SIP (outbound request redirect response) was_sip_outboundRedirectResponse_total{appname="<appName>",responsecode="<responseCode>"} The number of Outbound 3xx Redirect responses that belong to each application Per application Counter 2300, 2301, 2302, 2305, 2380
Table 39. Prometheus metrics - SIP (outbound fail response module).

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for SIP (outbound fail response module). The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is sipModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
SIP (outbound fail response module) was_sip_outboundFailResponse_total{appname="<appName>",responsecode="responseCode"} The number of Outbound 4xx Fail responses that belong to each application Per application Counter 2400-2438, 2480-2494
Table 40. Prometheus metrics - SIP (container outbound server fail).

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for SIP (container outbound server fail). The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is sipModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
SIP (container outbound server fail) was_sip_outboundServerFailResponse_total{appname="<appName>",responsecode="<responseCode>"} The number of Outbound 5xx Server Fail responses that belong to each application Per application Counter 2500-2513
Table 41. Prometheus metrics - SIP (container outbound global fail).

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for SIP (container outbound global fail). The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is sipModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
SIP (container outbound global fail) was_sip_outboundGlobalFailRequest_total{appname="<appName>",responsecode="<responseCode>"} The number of Outbound 6xx Global Fail responses that belong to each application Per application Counter 2600, 2603, 2604, 2606
Table 42. Prometheus metrics - SIP (container task duration module).

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for SIP (container task duration module). The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is sipModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
SIP (container task duration module) was_sip_taskDurationAverage_seconds{type="outbound queue|processing queue"} A counter of the average task duration over a configured window of time Per server Gauge 21, 24
SIP (container task duration module) was_sip_taskDurationMinimum_seconds{type="outbound queue|processing queue"} A counter of the minimum task duration in the SIP stack outbound queue over a configured window of time Per server Gauge 23, 26
SIP (container task duration module) was_sip_taskDurationMaximum_seconds{type="outbound queue|processing queue"} A counter of the maximum task duration over a configured window of time Per server Gauge 22, 25
SIP (container task duration module) was_sip_taskDurationInApplicationCodeMinimum_seconds{type="outbound queue|processing queue"} A counter of the minimum task duration in the application code over a configured window of time Per server Gauge 913
SIP (container task duration module) was_sip_taskDurationInApplicationCodeMaximum_seconds{type="outbound queue|processing queue"} A counter of the maximum task duration in the application code over a configured window of time Per server Gauge 912
SIP (container task duration module) was_sip_taskDurationInApplicationCodeAverage_seconds{type="outbound queue|processing queue"} A counter of the average task duration in the application code over a configured window of time Per server Gauge 911
Table 43. Prometheus metrics - Thread Pool.

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for Thread Pool. The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is threadPoolModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
Thread Pool was_threadpool_create_total{pool="<poolName>"} The total number of threads that were created Per threadpool Counter 1
Thread Pool was_threadpool_destroy_total{pool="<poolName>"} The total number of threads that were destroyed Per threadpool Counter 2
Thread Pool was_threadpool_active_threads{pool="<poolName>"} The number of concurrently active threads Per threadpool Gauge 3
Thread Pool was_threadpool_size{pool="<poolName>"} The number of threads in a pool Per threadpool Gauge 4
Thread Pool was_threadpool_declaredThreadHungs_total{pool="<poolName>"} The number of threads that were declared stopped Per threadpool Counter 6
Thread Pool was_threadpool_clearedThreadHungs_total{pool="<poolName>"} The number of thread stops that cleared Per threadpool Counter 7
Thread Pool was_threadpool_concurrentHung_threads{pool="<poolName>"} The number of concurrently stopped threads Per threadpool Counter 8
Thread Pool was_threadpool_active_time_seconds_total{pool="<poolName>"} The total time (in seconds) that the threads are in active state Per threadpool Gauge 9
Thread Pool was_threadpool_active_total{pool="<poolName>"} The number of concurrently active threads Per threadpool Counter 9
Table 44. Prometheus metrics - Transaction Manager.

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for Transaction Manager. The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is transactionModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
Transaction Manager was_transactionmanager_begun_total{type="global|local"}} The number of transactions begun on a server Per transaction manager or server Counter 1, 3
Transaction Manager was_transactionmanager_globalInvolved_total The number of global transactions that began and were imported on the server Per transaction manager or server Counter 2
Transaction Manager was_transactionmanager_active_transactions{type="global|local"} The number of concurrent transactions Per transaction manager or server Gauge 4, 5
Transaction Manager was_transactionmanager_transaction_time_seconds_total{type="global|local"} The total duration (in seconds) of all transactions Per transaction manager or server Gauge 6, 7
Transaction Manager was_transactionmanager_transactions_total{type="global|local"} The total number of transactions Per transaction manager or server Gauge 6, 7
Transaction Manager was_transactionmanager_beforeCompletion_seconds_total{type="global|local"} The total duration (in seconds) of the before_completion synchronization operation for global transactions Per transaction manager or server Gauge 8, 11
Transaction Manager was_transactionmanager_beforeCompletion_total{type="global|local"} The total number of before completion transactions Per transaction manager or server   8, 11
Transaction Manager was_transactionmanager_globalPrepare_time_seconds_total The total duration (in seconds) to prepare for global transactions Per transaction manager or server Gauge 9
Transaction Manager was_transactionmanager_globalPrepare_total The total number of global transaction preparations Per transaction manager or server   9
Transaction Manager was_transactionmanager_commit_time_seconds_total{type="global|local"} The total duration in seconds of commits for transactions Per transaction manager or server Gauge 10, 12
Transaction Manager was_transactionmanager_committed_total{type="global|local"} The total number of committed transactions Per transaction manager or server Gauge 14, 15
Transaction Manager was_transactionmanager_optimization_total The total number of global transactions that were converted to single phase for optimization Per transaction manager or server Counter 13
Transaction Manager was_transactionmanager_rolledback_total{type="global|local"} The number of transactions that were rolled back Per transaction manager or server Counter 16, 17
Transaction Manager was_transactionmanager_timedout_total{type="global|local"} The number of transactions that timed out Per transaction manager or server Counter 18, 19
Table 45. Prometheus metrics - WebApplication (Servlet).

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for WebApplication (Servlet). The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is webAppModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
WebApplication (Servlet) was_servlet_requests_total{appname="<appName>",servlet="<servlet>"} The total number of requests that a servlet processed Per Servlet Counter 11
WebApplicaton (Servlet) was_servlet_responses_total{appname="<appName>",servlet="<servlet>"} The total number of responses that a servlet processed Per Servlet Counter 13
WebApplication was_servlet_loaded_total{appname="<appName>"} The number of servlets that were loaded Per Web App Counter 1
WebApplication was_servlet_reload_total{appname="<appName>"} The number of servlets that were reloaded Per Web App Counter 2
WebApplication (Servlet) was_servlet_concurrent_requests{appname="<appName>",servlet="<servlet>"} The number of requests that were concurrently processed Per Servlet Gauge 12
WebApplication (Servlet) was_servlet_response_time_seconds_total{appname="<appName>",servlet="<servlet>"} The total response time (in seconds) to process servlet requests Per Servlet Gauge 13
WebApplication (Servlet) was_servlet_errors_total{appname="<appName>",servlet="<servlet>"} The total number of errors in the servlet and JSP files Per Servlet Gauge 14
WebApplication (Servlet) was_servlet_asyncContext_responses_total{appname="<appName>",servlet="<servlet>"} The total number of AsyncContext responses for the specified URL Per Servlet Gauge 18
WebApplication (Servlet) was_servlet_asyncContext_response_time_seconds_total The total time spent(in seconds) per servlet for the AsyncContext response to complete. Per Servlet Gauge 18
Table 46. Prometheus metrics - WebApplication (Portlet).

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for WebApplication (Portlet). The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is webAppModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
WebApplication (Portlet) was_portlet_requests_total{appname="<appName>",portlet="<portlet>"} The total number of requests that a portlet processed Per Portlet Counter 115
WebApplication (Portlet) was_portlet_errors_total{appname="<appName>",portlet="<portlet>"} The total number of errors in the portlet Per Portlet Counter 119
WebApplication (Portlet) was_portlet_concurrent_requests{appname="<appName>",portlet="<portlet>"} The number of requests that were concurrently processed Per Portlet Counter 116
WebApplication (Portlet) was_portlet_loaded_total{appname="<appName>",portlet="<portlet>"} The number of portlets that were loaded Per Portlet Counter 114
WebApplication (Portlet) was_portlet_response_time_seconds_total {appname="<appName>",portlet="<portlet>"} The total response time (in seconds) to process portlet requests Per Portlet Gauge 117, 118, 121, 129
Table 47. Prometheus metrics - WebApplication (URI).

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for WebApplication (URI). The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is webAppModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
WebApplication (URI) was_servlet_uri_requests_total {appname="<appName>",url="<url>"} The total number of requests that a servlet processed for the specified URL Per URI Counter 15
WebApplication (URI) was_servlet_uri_concurrent_requests {appname="<appName>",url="<url>"} The number of requests that were concurrently processed for the specified URL Per URI Gauge 16
WebApplication (URI) was_servlet_uri_response_time_seconds_total {appname="<appName>",url="<url>"} The total response time (in seconds) to process the requests for the specified URL Per URI Gauge 17
WebApplication (URI) was_servlet_uri_responses_total The total number of responses for the specified URL. Per URI Gauge 17
WebApplication (URI) was_servlet_uri_asyncContext_response_time_seconds_total {appname="<appName>",url="<url>"} The total time spent(in seconds) per URL for the AsyncContext response to complete Per URI Gauge 19
WebApplication(URI) was_servlet_uri_asyncContext_responses_total{appname="<appName>",url="<url>"} The total number of AsyncContext responses for the specified URL Per URI Gauge 19
Table 48. Prometheus metrics - WebService (WebServiceModule.services).

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for WebService (WebServiceModule.services). The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is webServiceModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
WebService (WebServiceModule.services) was_jaxws_requests_total{appname="<appName>"} The total number of requests Per Web App Counter 30
WebService (WebServiceModule.services) was_jaxws_payloads_bytes_total{appname="<appName>",type="request|response|all"} The total payload size (in bytes), of all the received requests and replies Per Web App Counter 36
WebService (WebServiceModule.services) was_jaxws_payloads_total {appname="<appName>",type="request|response|all"} The total payload size (in bytes), of all the requests Per Web App Gauge 18-20
WebService (WebServiceModule.services) was_jaxws_response_time_seconds_total {appname="<appName>"} The response time, in seconds, between the receipt of a request and the return of the reply Per Web App Gauge 14
WebService (WebServiceModule.services) was_jaxws_responses_total {appname="<appName>"} The total number of responses Per Web App Counter 14
WebService (WebServiceModule.services) was_jaxws_dispatch_time_seconds_total{appname="<appName>"} The total time (in seconds) between the dispatch of a request and the receipt of reply Per Web App Counter 16
WebService (WebServiceModule.services) was_jaxws_dispatch_total{appname="<appName>"} The total number of dispatched requests Per Web App Gauge 16
WebService (WebServiceModule.services) was_jaxws_reply_time_seconds_total{appname="<appName>"} The total time (in seconds) between the dispatch of the reply and the return of the reply Per Web App Gauge 17
WebService (WebServiceModule.services) was_jaxws_request_time_seconds_total{appname="<appName>"} The total time (in seconds) between the receipt of a request and the dispatch for processing of the request Per Web App Counter 15
WebService (WebServiceModule.services) was_jaxws_reply_total{appname="<appName>"} The total number of requests replied. Per Web App Counter 17
WebService (WebServiceModule.services) was_jaxws_requestsReceived_total{appname="<appName>"} The number of requests that were received by the service Per Web App Counter 11
WebService (WebServiceModule.services) was_jaxws_requestsDispatched_total{appname="<appName>"} The number of requests that were received by the service Per Web App Counter 12
WebService (WebServiceModule.services) was_jaxws_requestsSuccessful_total{appname="<appName>"} The number of requests that were dispatched with corresponding replies that were returned successfully Per Web App Counter 13
WebService (WebServiceModule.services) was_jaxws_servicesLoaded_total{appname="<appName>"} The number of Web services loaded by Application Server Per Web App Counter 1
Table 49. Prometheus metrics - WebService (WebServiceEndpoint).

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for WebService (WebServiceEndpoint). The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is webServiceModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
WebService (WebServiceEndpoint) was_jaxws_requests_total {appname="<appName>",endpoint="<endpoint>"} The total number of requests Per Endpoint Counter 15
WebService (WebServiceEndpoint) was_jaxws_successful_total{appname="<appName>",endpoint="<endpoint>"} The number of requests that were dispatched with corresponding replies that were returned successfully Per Endpoint Counter 31
WebService (WebServiceEndpoint) was_jaxws_failed_total{appname="<appName>",endpoint="<endpoint>"} The number of requests that were dispatched with corresponding replies that were failed to return Per Endpoint Counter 32
WebService (WebServiceEndpoint) was_jaxws_response_time_seconds_total{appname="<appName>",endpoint="<endpoint>"} The response time, in seconds, between the receipt of a request and the return of the reply Per Endpoint Gauge 33
WebService (WebServiceEndpoint) was_jaxws_payloads_bytes_total{appname="<appName>",endpoint="<endpoint>"} The total payload size (in bytes), of all the received requests and replies Per Endpoint Counter 36
WebService (WebServiceEndpoint) was_jaxws_responses_total{appname="<appName>",endpoint="<endpoint>"} The total number of responses Per Endpoint Counter 39
Table 50. Prometheus metrics - Workload Management (Server).

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for Workload Management (Server). The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is wlmModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
Workload Management (Server) was_wlm_server_clusterUpdate_total The number of times that this server received new server cluster information Per server Counter 16
Workload Management (Server) was_wlm_server_response_time_seconds_total The response time (in seconds), for IIOP requests that were serviced by this server Per server Gauge 19
Workload Management(Server) was_wlm_server_responses_total The number of IIOP requests serviced by this server Per server Counter 19
Workload Management (Server) was_wlm_server_wlmClientServiced_total The number of workload management-enabled clients that this server serviced Per server Counter 17
Workload Management (Server) was_wlm_server_concurrent_requests The number of IIOP requests that are currently processing in this server Per server Gauge 18
Workload Management (Server) was_wlm_server_iiop_requests_total The number of incoming IIOP requests that this server received Per server Counter 14,15, 51
Table 51. Prometheus metrics - Workload Management (Client)..

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for Workload Management (Client). The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is wlmModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
Workload Management (Client) was_wlm_client_clusterUpdate_total The number of times that this client received new server cluster information Per client Counter 52
Workload Management (Client) was_wlm_client_response_time_seconds_total The response time (in seconds), for IIOP requests sent by this client Per client Gauge 53
Workload Management (Client) was_wlm_client_responses_total The response time (in seconds), for IIOP requests sent by this client Per client Counter 53
Table 52. Prometheus metrics - xdSystem Module.

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for xdSystemModule. The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is xdSystemModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
xdSystem Module was_xd_systemModule_entitledCapacity_percent The percentage of entitled capacity that was being used by a server partition. Per server Gauge 1
xdSystem Module was_xd_systemModule_physicalProcessorsConsumed The number of physical processors consumed by a server partition. Per server Gauge 3
xdSystem Module was_xd_systemModule_availablePoolProcessors The number of processors available in the shared processor pool to which this server partition belongs. Per server Gauge 4
Table 53. Prometheus metrics - System Module.

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for System Module. The corresponding WebSphere Application Server PMI module name is systemModule.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
System Module system_cpu_utilization The average CPU utilization since the last query Per System Module Gauge 1
System Module system_memory_free_bytes A snapshot of free memory (in bytes) Per System Module Gauge 3
[ or later]
Table 54. Prometheus metrics - metrics.ear application.

This table lists the Prometheus metrics for the metrics.ear application.

Category Name Description Granularity Type PMI ID
metrics.ear application was_scrape_duration_seconds The amount that the server takes to respond to the most recent request for metrics, in seconds. Per Server Gauge N/A