WTRN0000E: An internal error occurred in method {0} in class {1};
the exception stack trace follows: {2}.
WTRN0001E: An internal error occurred in method {0} in class {1};
WTRN0002W: The transaction service was unable to find resource class {0}.
WTRN0003E: During recovery a required JAR file could not be found. The path use to locate it was {0}.
WTRN0004W: Unable to create XAResourceFactory. The XAResourceFactory class name was {0}. The exception stack trace follows: {1}
WTRN0005W: The XAResource for a transaction participant could not be recreated and transaction recovery may not be able to complete properly. The resource was {0}. The exception stack trace follows: {1}
WTRN0006W: Transaction {0} has timed out after {1} seconds.
WTRN0007W: Transaction service unable to import transaction with null or invalid context.
WTRN0008W: Transaction service unable to import nested transaction {0}
WTRN0009E: No globalTID for coordinator resource.
WTRN0010E: Transaction rolledback due to exception on registering coordinator with superior {0}
WTRN0011E: Unable to register transaction factory in JNDI namespace.
WTRN0012E: Unexpected failure during transaction factory registration.
WTRN0013W: No transaction log specified, logging in-memory
WTRN0014I: The transaction service detected an invalid log file configuration string. The transaction service will continue without recovery logging.
WTRN0015E: Invalid transaction log file size specified: {0}. The transaction service will use default log file size of 1M.
WTRN0016E: Exception caught during transaction service recovery! {0}
WTRN0017W: Unable to begin a nested transaction. Nested transactions are not supported.
WTRN0018W: One-phase resource does not support commit
WTRN0019E: The transaction service log file {0} has become corrupted.
WTRN0020W: Recovering transactions for server {0} on this server.
WTRN0021W: TMRESUME is not supported.
WTRN0022W: Unknown XAResource state.
WTRN0023W: Invalid XA end flag: {0}
WTRN0024E: Inconsistent Transaction and XA Resource recovery logs.
WTRN0025E: Recovery of Transaction failed {0}
WTRN0026E: Exception caught during keypoint after recovery! {0}
WTRN0027I: Transaction service recovering 1 transaction.
WTRN0028I: Transaction service recovering {0} transactions.
WTRN0029E: Error closing the log in shutdown!
WTRN0030E: Recovery of XAResource data failed {0}
WTRN0031E: An xa_rollback operation on a transactional resource failed. The global transaction was {0}. The exception stack trace follows: {1}
WTRN0032E: Implementation specific transaction context received on inbound request.
WTRN0033E: Transaction factory create caught exception {0}
WTRN0034W: During server quiesce transaction {0} was found. The attempt to rollback the transaction succeeded.
WTRN0035W: During server quiesce transaction {0} was found. The attempt to rollback the transaction failed.
WTRN0036W: During server quiesce transaction {0} was found. The transaction has been marked rollback only.
WTRN0037W: The transaction service encountered an error on an xa_recover operation. The resource was {0}. The error code was {1}. The exception stack trace follows: {2}
WTRN0038W: An exception occured when destroying an XA resource. The exception stack trace follows: {0}
WTRN0039E: Unable to serialize an object to byte form.
WTRN0040W: Object cannot be deserialized. The exception stack trace follows: {0}
WTRN0041I: Transaction {0} has been rolled back.
WTRN0042I: GlobalTransaction rolled-back due to timeout or setRollbackOnly.
WTRN0043I: LocalTransaction rolled-back due to setRollbackOnly.
WTRN0044W: A heuristic condition may have occurred for transaction {0}
WTRN0045W: The transaction service cannot recover resource {0}. The exception stack trace follows: {1}
WTRN0046E: An attempt by the transaction manager to call prepare on a transactional resource has resulted in an error. The error code was {0}. The exception stack trace follows: {1}
WTRN0047W: An XAER_RMERR occured when committing the work on a transaction branch. The resource was: {0}
WTRN0048W: An attempt by the transaction manager to call commit on a transactional resource has resulted in an XAER_RMFAIL error. The resource was {0}
WTRN0049W: An attempt by the transaction manager to call rollback on a transactional resource has resulted in an XAER_RMFAIL error. The resource was {0}
WTRN0050E: An attempt by the transaction manager to call commit on a transactional resource has resulted in an unexpected error. The XA error code was {0}.
WTRN0051E: An attempt by the transaction manager to call rollback on a transactional resource has resulted in an unexpected error. The XA error code was {0}.
WTRN0052E: An attempt by the transaction manager to call one phase commit on a transactional resource has resulted in an XAER_RMFAIL error. The resource was {0}
WTRN0053E: An attempt by the transaction manager to call one phase commit on a transactional resource has resulted in an unexpected error. The XA error code was {0}.
WTRN0054W: An xa_forget operation on a transactional resource encountered an exception. The error code was {0}. The exception stack trace follows: {1}
WTRN0055W: Giving up on outcome delivery for transaction {0}.
WTRN0056I: Transaction {0} resynchronization from originator failed, retrying....
WTRN0057E: Heuristic raised on prepare/commit_one_phase on subordinate.
WTRN0058E: Exception caught from commit operation during recovery of transaction {0}: {1}
WTRN0059E: Exception caught from rollback operation during recovery of transaction {0}: {1}
WTRN0060E: Exception caught from forget operation during recovery of transaction {0}: {1}
WTRN0061E: Encountered an error while building a JTAXAResource object
WTRN0062E: An illegal attempt to use multiple resources that have only one-phase capability has occurred within a global transaction.
WTRN0063E: An illegal attempt to commit a one phase capable resource with existing two phase capable resources has occurred.
WTRN0064E: An illegal attempt to commit a one phase capable resource in a subordinate transaction branch has occurred.
WTRN0065W: XAResource is not known to this transaction. The resource was: {0}
WTRN0066W: Encountered exception during transaction logfile write operation. The exception stack trace follows: {0}
WTRN0067W: The transaction service has detected usage that exceeds the WebSphere Application programming model
WTRN0068E: Commit failed with exception {0}
WTRN0069E: Commit received in bad transaction state {0}
WTRN0070E: One-phase commit failed with exception {0}
WTRN0071E: Rollback failed with exception {0}
WTRN0072E: Rollback received in bad transaction state {0}
WTRN0073E: Forget received in bad transaction state {0}
WTRN0074E: Exception caught from {0} synchronization operation: {1}
WTRN0075W: Transaction {0} received a heuristic exception when committing a resource.
WTRN0076W: Transaction {0} received a heuristic exception when rolling back a resource.
WTRN0077W: Transaction {0} was cancelled by the operator.
WTRN0078E: An attempt by the transaction manager to call start on a transactional resource has resulted in an error. The error code was {0}. The exception stack trace follows: {1}
WTRN0079E: An attempt by the transaction manager to call end on a transactional resource has resulted in an error. The error code was {0}. The exception stack trace follows: {1}
WTRN0080W: Transaction {0} has timed out due to no client activity for greater than {1} seconds.
WTRN0081W: The JTAXAResource object is null.
WTRN0082W: Transaction {0} was rolled back by the operator.
WTRN0083W: The transaction log is full. Transaction {0} rolled back.
WTRN0084W: Enlist failed due to resource adapter terminating.
WTRN0085E: No transaction found to dissociate from.
WTRN0086I: XAException encountered during prepare phase for transaction {0}. Local resources follow.
WTRN0087I: XAException encountered during completion phase for transaction {0}. Local resources follow.
WTRN0088I: {0} encountered XAException with error code {1}.
WTRN0089I: {0}: Vote: {1}.
WTRN0090I: {0}: Vote: {1}. Result: {2}.
WTRN0091E: Failed to associate Execution Context. Xid: {0}, timeout {1}.
WTRN0092W: Incomplete transaction (localid={0}) found during server quiesce; transaction service will wait.
WTRN0093W: Outcome not available for subordinate transaction {0}. Transaction is heuristically committed.
WTRN0094W: Outcome not available for subordinate transaction {0}. Transaction is heuristically rolled back.
WTRN0095W: Outcome not available for subordinate transaction {0}. Transaction is awaiting administrator intervention to determine its outcome.
WTRN0096W: A heuristic condition may have occurred for transaction {0}. Transaction is heuristically committed.
WTRN0097W: Unknown transaction outcome occurred for transaction {0}. Transaction is awaiting administrator intervention to determine its outcome.
WTRN0098W: Outcome not available for transaction {0} as resource adapter {1} has been uninstalled. Transaction is heuristically committed.
WTRN0099W: Outcome not available for transaction {0} as resource adapter {1} has been uninstalled. Transaction is heuristically rolled back.
WTRN0100E: {0}
WTRN0101W: Outcome not available for transaction {0} as resource adapter {1} has been uninstalled. Transaction is awaiting administrator intervention to determine its outcome.
WTRN0102W: A heuristic condition may have occurred for transaction {0}. Transaction is heuristically rolled back.
WTRN0103E: Recovery log is being marked as failed. [ {0} {1} ]
WTRN0104E: Details of recovery log failure: {0}
WTRN0105I: The transaction service has shutdown successfully with no transactions requiring recovery.
WTRN0106I: Client JTA demarcation is disallowed.
WTRN0107W: {0}
WTRN0108I: {0}
WTRN0109W: Exception encountered when activating Transaction JMX MBean: {0}
WTRN0110W: {0} is not a valid transaction service custom property
WTRN0111E: Unable to access or create the recovery log. The log configuration was {0}
WTRN0112E: An unexpected error occured whilst opening the recovery log. The log configuration was {0}
WTRN0113W: Recovery processing of a downlevel peer WebSphere server is not possible and has been halted ({0})
WTRN0114I: Transaction {0} could not notify all resources of its outcome. Will retry in {1} seconds.
WTRN0115E: Channel Framework configuration is not defined or is invalid for WebServices Atomic Transactions (WSAT) support.
WTRN0116I: Invalid transaction log file configuration string specified: {0}. The transaction service will continue without recovery logging for WebSphere server ({1}).
WTRN0117E: Invalid transaction log file size specified: {0}. The transaction service will use default log file size of 1M for WebSphere server ({1}).
WTRN0118W: The deprecated transaction service customer property {0} was found in the transaction service configuration.
WTRN0119W: Number of WS-TX protocol messages failing authorization: {0}
WTRN0120W: The transaction log directory specification of ;0 for server {1} is not valid because the server is in a cluster {0} that is enabled for high availability (HA).
WTRN0121E: The high availability (HA) configuration is not valid. The server will stop.
WTRN0122W: Transaction service log file {0} has used {1} bytes of a total of {2}. The size of the log file might need to be greater.
WTRN0123E: An incorrect external WS-Transaction HTTP(S) URL prefix was specified: {0}
WTRN0124I: When the timeout occurred the thread with which the transaction is, or was most recently, associated was {0}. The stack trace of this thread when the timeout occurred was: {1}
WTRN0125W: Unable to target module {0} on node {1} because the module specifies Resource Commit Ordering support which is not supported on the node
WTRN0126W: Unable to deploy application {0} on node {1} in cluster {2} because the application specifies Resource Commit Ordering support which is not supported on the node
WTRN0127E: Operation blocked by policy type configuration.
WTRN0128E: Unable to start application {0} because the application requires WS Transaction specifications which are not supported on all servers in the cluster.
WTRN0129W: The default setting for WS Transaction specification level is inappropriate for a mixed version cluster
WTRN0130W: Unable to target module {0} on node {1} because the module specifies Resource Branch Coupling support which is not supported on the node
WTRN0131W: Unable to deploy application {0} on node {1} in cluster {2} because the application specifies Resource Branch Coupling support which is not supported on the node
WTRN0132I: Transaction recovery for {0} initiated with server uuid {1} and restart epoch {2}
WTRN0133I: Transaction recovery processing for this server is complete
WTRN0134I: Recovering {0} XA resource manager(s) from the transaction partner logs
WTRN0135I: Transaction service recovering no transactions.
WTRN0136I: Processing recovered transaction {0} (tid={1}) with {2}
WTRN0137I: Recovered transaction (tid={0}) committing xid {1} with {2}
WTRN0138I: Recovered transaction (tid={0}) rolling back xid {1} with {2}
WTRN0139I: Recovered transaction (tid={0}) forgetting xid {1} with {2}
WTRN0140I: Recovered transaction (tid={0}) committed xid {1} successfully with {2}
WTRN0141I: Recovered transaction (tid={0}) commit of xid {1} with {2} resulted in {3}
WTRN0142I: Recovered transaction (tid={0}) rolled back xid {1} successfully with {2}
WTRN0143I: Recovered transaction (tid={0}) rollback of xid {1} with {2} resulted in {3}
WTRN0144I: Recovered transaction (tid={0}) forgot xid {1} successfully with {2}
WTRN0145I: Recovered transaction (tid={0}) forget of xid {1} with {2} resulted in {3}
WTRN0146I: Obtained {0} xid(s) from xa recover on {1} of which {2} will be processed by this server
WTRN0147W: Recovered xid {0} from {1} is from a earlier restarted server instance with epoch {2}
WTRN0148I: Recovered xid {0} from {1} - xid has no associated transaction and will be rolled back
WTRN0149I: Recovered xid {0} from {1} - xid has associated transaction (tid={2}) with logged state {3}
WTRN0150I: Response from rolling back recovered xid {0} from {1} - {2}
WTRN0151I: Preparing to call xa recover on {0}
WTRN0152W: Unusual HA configuration detected.
WTRN0153W: Resource {0} failed an xa_recover call test during enlistment. Exception: {1}