Tuning the application serving environment
Use this topic to understand the benefits of tuning for optimal performance. Learn about the tunable parameters of the major WebSphere® Application Server components and how these parameters affect performance.
Before you begin
WebSphere Application Server provides tunable settings for its major components so that you can adjust the runtime environment to match the characteristics of your application. Applications can run successfully without changing the default values for these tuning parameters. Other applications might need changes, for example, a larger heap size, to achieve optimal performance.
Performance tuning can yield significant gains in performance even if an application is not optimized for performance. However, correcting shortcomings of an application typically results in higher performance gains than are possible with just altering tuning parameters. Many factors contribute to a high performing application.
About this task
For your convenience, procedures for tuning parameters in other products, such as DB2®, web servers and operating systems are included. Because these products might change, consider these descriptions as suggestions.
Each WebSphere Application Server process has parameters that influence application performance. You can use the WebSphere Application Server administrative console to configure and tune applications, web containers, Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) containers, application servers, and nodes in the administrative domain.