Pausing and resuming a Liberty server from the z/OS console

From the z/OS console, you can use the MODIFY command to pause and then resume inbound work for a Liberty server. By pausing and resuming inbound work, you can isolate resources for auditing or debugging purposes without having to stop the server.

Before you begin

You can check the status of a server and its pause capable components before you issue a pause or resume request to help ensure that the request is successful. The status for the server can be paused or active. The status for specific components can also be paused or active.

You can pause a server that has a status of active. If you issue a pause request for a server that is already paused, it stays paused. You can resume a server that has a status of pause. If you issue a resume request for an active server, it stays active.

Likewise, you can pause a component that has a status of active. If you issue a pause request for a component that is already paused, it stays paused. You can resume a component that has a status of pause. If you issue a resume request for an active component, it stays active.

  • Display the status of the server:
    MODIFY [jobname.]identifier,status
  • Display information, including status, for each pause capable component on the server:
    MODIFY [jobname.].identifier,status,details
  • Display the status of specific pause capable components on the server:
    MODIFY [jobname.].identifer,status,target='target1,target2'

About this task

The following components can be paused:

  • HTTP endpoints

    When you pause one or more HTTP endpoints, you can isolate one or more resources that are associated with particular HTTP endpoints. The resource can be a database, for example.

    To pause or resume specific endpoints, specify the ID of each httpEndpoint element from the configuration on the TARGET option of the MODIFY command. For example, you can pause the db1HttpEndpoint endpoint and the db2HttpEndpoint endpoint that are in the following configuration:
    <httpEndpoint id="defaultHttpEndpoint" host="*" httpPort="8800" httpsPort="8810"/>
    <httpEndpoint id="db1HttpEndpoint" host="*" httpPort="8801" httpsPort="8811"/>
    <httpEndpoint id="db2HttpEndpoint" host="*" httpPort="8802" httpsPort="8812"/>
    To pause the endpoints, issue the following command:
    MODIFY [jobname]identifier,PAUSE,TARGET='db1HttpEndpoint,db2HttpEndpoint'

    If the server and endpoint are configured to process HTTP requests and SSL secured HTTPS requests, pausing and resuming an endpoint applies to both communication types.

  • Message endpoints

    You can pause message-driven bean (MDB) message endpoints to prevent the endpoint from receiving messages.

    To pause or resume specific message endpoints, specify the activation name of each MDB message endpoint on the TARGET option of the MODIFY command. The activation name is constructed in the following format:


    For example, to pause an MDB message endpoint, issue the following command:

    MODIFY [jobname]identifier,PAUSE,TARGET='MDBApplication#MDBModule.jar#Bean'


  1. Pause the inbound work flow controlled by pause capable components.

    For pause capable components, you can pause all the components or specific components.

    To pause all components, issue the following MODIFY command:
    MODIFY [jobname]identifier,PAUSE
    To pause, for example, two specific components, issue the following MODIFY command:
    MODIFY [jobname]identifier,PAUSE,TARGET='target1,target2'
    The values for target1 and target2 are components that can be paused for each supported protocol.
  2. Resume components that were paused.

    You can resume all components that were paused or specific components that were paused.

    To resume all components, issue the following command:
    MODIFY [jobname]identifier,RESUME
    To resume, for example, two specific components, issue the following command:
    MODIFY [jobname]identifier,RESUME,TARGET='target1,target2'
    The values for target1 and target2 are components that can be paused for each supported protocol.