OpenShift Container Platform requirements

If you are installing a WebSphere® Liberty operator on an Red Hat® OpenShift® cluster, your environment must meet Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) cluster requirements.

OCP requirements

WebSphere Liberty operator requires an OCP version 4.15, OCP version 4.14, or OCP version 4.12 cluster on Linux® x86_64 (amd64), Linux on Power® (ppc64le), or Linux on IBM Z (s390x) platform, with cluster-admin permissions. To manage OCP projects with OCP CLI (oc) commands, the installation also requires the OCP CLI.

By default, certificates are generated by using the OpenShift certificate manager. If you want to use the manageTLS capability and use a different certificate manager (such as cert-manager) to generate and manage the certificates, you must install it.

For more information, see Setting up Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform clusters in the IBM Cloud Pak solutions documentation.