You can use the Elastic Stack to analyze your Liberty logs. The Elastic Stack is a third-party
collection of log analysis products and is not included with Liberty.
The most current
documentation for Analyzing Liberty logs with
Elastic Stack is available on the
Open Liberty website.
About this task
You can view your Liberty logs by
using Kibana dashboards.
Set the messages.log file to JSON format.
Use the file, as shown in the following
Alternatively, use the following environment variables.
Start the server.
- Set up the Elastic Stack to use and visualize logs.
Complete the following steps to configure your Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, and Filebeat.
- Download the sample Logstash configuration file,
liberty_logstash.conf, from this
- In the Logstash configuration file, customize the Beats port,
, and the Elasticsearch hosts value
Elasticsearch_host_name:port_number .
- Download the sample Filebeat configuration file for the appropriate version from the
repository. For Filebeat 5.x, use the liberty_filebeat5.yml file. For Filebeat
6.x / 7.x, use the liberty_filebeat6_7.yml file.
- In the Filebeat configuration file, change the path of the log to the location of the
messages.log file.
- Start Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, and Filebeat.
See the Elastic website for instructions.
- Open Kibana in a browser and create an index.
- For Kibana 6 and 7, click .
- Enter logstash-* as the Index Pattern.
- Click and enter logstash-* as the Index Pattern
- Select ibm_datetime as the Time filter field name,
and click Create.
- For Kibana 5.6 or later, click .
- Enter logstash-* as the Index Pattern.
- Click Advanced Options, and enter logstash-* as
the Index Pattern ID.
- Select ibm_datetime as the Time filter field name,
and click Create.
- For Kibana 5.0-5.5, click .
- Select ibm_datetime as the Time filter field name,
and click Create.
- Download one or more of the sample dashboards from this
repository. For Kibana 5.x, download JSON files that start with kibana5.
For Kibana 6.x and 7.x, download JSON files that start with
- Import the dashboard into Kibana.
- For Kibana 5, 6, and 7, click
- View the dashboard.
- For Kibana 5, click
, and select
the dashboard.
You can now send your Liberty logs to
the Elastic Stack and analyze them by using the provided Kibana dashboards.