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Using the REST API to control SMS sessions

SMS Gateway provides a REST API that you can use in your contact center applications so that agents can initiate SMS sessions between a customer and the SMS agent. You can incorporate the REST API in the applications by using its cURL commands. For testing purposes, you can also interact with the REST API directly through its Swagger user interface.

About the REST API

Through the REST API, you can control SMS sessions by performing the available operations, such as creating a session or testing configuration. The REST API controls SMS sessions by passing two types of JSON data to SMS Gateway:

  • SMS session data: SMS session data defines the session, such as the tenant phone number from the SMS provider, the user phone number, and optional session timeout value.
  • User data: This optional data is application-defined context that is passed as opaque data to the service orchestration engine or directly to Watson Assistant.

You can test each operation directly through the REST API Swagger UI, or use cURL commands for each operation within your contact center application.

Operations that you can perform

With the REST API, you can perform the following operations.

  • Manage sessions

    • Create session: Creates an SMS session between the specified user and tenant phone numbers.
    • Delete session: Ends and removes an existing SMS session.
  • Test configurations

    • Test the SMS provider configuration: Sends an SMS message that says "Test Connection message from SMS Gateway". If the message can be sent, the test is successful.
    • Test the Watson Assistant service configuration: Sends the request to the configured Watson Assistant workspace. If a non-null response is received, the test is successful.

    Remember: To get a response, your dialog must include a node with the conversation_start condition and a node with a default response. You can test with the sample conversation or create your own dialog.

    • Test the XSLD caching server configuration: Sends the request to the configured XSLD catalog endpoints. The request creates an entry with a test value in the XSLD data grid, fetches the value, and deletes the entry. If all of these actions are completed, the test is successful.
  • Integrate SMS Gateway during voice calls During a conversation with a caller, IBM® Voice Gateway might need to interact with the caller via SMS messages. The following operations support Integrating SMS Gateway with Voice Gateway

    • Create the SMS pipe: Creates an SMS pipe session between Voice Gateway and SMS Gateway, the SMS Pipe, and creates an encrypted SMS Pipe ID that contains the user phone number and tenant phone number. This enables SMS messaging between a voice agent and the caller through SMS Gateway.
    • Send an SMS message using the SMS Pipe ID: After the SMS pipe session between Voice Gateway and SMS Gateway is created, Voice Gateway uses this operation to send SMS messages to a caller.
    • Send an SMS message without the SMS Pipe ID: This operation sends only the outbound SMS message to the caller. The user provides the tenant phone number, the user phone number, and the message.
    • Delete the SMS Pipe: Ends and removes the SMS pipe session created by Voice Gateway.

If any of the operations are not successful, check the SMS Gateway logs for information about what went wrong.

Accessing the REST API Swagger user interface

After you deploy SMS Gateway, you can access the REST API Swagger UI at the following URLs:

  • Secured connection: https://<host-address:secured-port>/publicURL/apis/explorer/

    For example: # Single instance deployment # Highly available deployment
  • Unsecured connection: http://<host-address:unsecured-port>/publicURL/apis/explorer/

    For example: # Single-instance deployment # Highly available deployment

On the resulting SMS Gateway APIs page, click List operations to view the available operations for SMS sessions.

Testing an operation

  1. Under the Data type column, click the example to prepopulate the Value field.
  2. Modify the JSON data in the Value field, such as by entering the user and tenant phone number. Important: The tenant phone number must exactly the tenant phone number that is specified in the SMS Gateway configuration.
  3. Click Try it out! to perform the operation.
  4. If prompted, enter the user name and password. you're prompted to authenticate only if you enabled authentication for the REST API.

After you try the operation, the interface displays the following information:

  • The cURL command that was used to perform the operation
  • The URL of the request
  • The response information from SMS Gateway

Using the cURL commands

You can perform REST API operations by using cURL commands, either on the command line or incorporating them in an application. Linux-based systems typically include cURL, but if your operating system does not include cURL, you can download and install the package for your operating system from

Commands to send requests are specified in the following format:

curl -X <HTTP request> --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d <JSON data>

You can also specify the following options. For details about each option, see the curl documentation.

Command examples

The following sample curl commands demonstrate various operations that you can perform with the REST API. When you run the sample commands, be sure to replace the smsUserPhoneNumber and smsTenantPhoneNumber values with your own values.

Important: The tenant phone number must exactly match the tenant phone number that is specified in the SMS Gateway configuration. The user phone number must be specified in a matching format as required by your SMS provider. For example, Twilio phone numbers require a plus sign (+), but RestcommONE phone numbers must be specified without a plus sign (+).

Manage sessions

Manage sessions with the following commands.

Create a session
curl -X PUT --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' \
-d '{ \
   "smsUserPhoneNumber": "+18765554321", \
   "smsTenantPhoneNumber": "+12345556789", \
   "smsUserData": { "data": "Data"}, \
   "smsSessionTimeoutCount": 600 \
}' 'http://host:9080/sms.gateway/session'

Delete a session
curl -X DELETE --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' \
-d '{ \
   "smsUserPhoneNumber": "+18765554321", \
   "smsTenantPhoneNumber": "+12345556789" \
}' 'http://host:9080/sms.gateway/session'

Test configuration

Test your configuration with the following commands.

Test the SMS provider configuration
curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' \
-d '{ \
   "smsTenantPhoneNumber": "+18765554321", \
   "smsUserPhoneNumber": "+12345556789" \
 }' 'http://host:9080/sms.gateway/testConfig/SMSProvider'

Test the Watson Assistant service configuration
curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' \
-d '{ \
   "smsTenantPhoneNumber": "+18765554321", \
   "smsUserPhoneNumber": "+12345556789", \
   "smsUserData": { "data": "Data" }, \
   "smsSessionTimeoutCount": 600 \
}' 'http://host:9080/sms.gateway/testConfig/WCS'

Test the XSLD caching server configuration
curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' \
-d '{ \
   "smsTenantPhoneNumber": "+18765554321" \
}' 'http://host:9080/sms.gateway/testConfig/XS'

Integrating SMS Gateway support for Voice Gateway command examples

The following sample curl commands demonstrate the commands that SMS Gateway uses to support customers sending and receiving SMS messages to Voice Gateway during a call. When you run the sample commands, replace the smsUserPhoneNumber and smsTenantPhoneNumber values with your own values. For the sample commands to work successfully, you must also configure the host and port in your SMS Gateway server URL to send requests. Your SMS Gateway server URL can be either http:// or https://, depending on when the secure port is configured, but must always include the /sms.gateway/smsPipe.

You can find descriptions of the request and response variables on the REST API Swagger UI. See Accessing the REST API Swagger user interface.

Important: The tenant phone number must exactly match the tenant phone number that is specified in the SMS Gateway configuration. The user phone number must be specified in a matching format as required by your SMS provider. For example, Twilio phone numbers require a plus sign (+), but RestcommONE phone numbers must be specified without a plus sign (+).

Create the SMS pipe

curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' \
-d '{ \
   "smsUserPhoneNumber": "+18765554321", \
   "smsTenantPhoneNumber": "+12345556789", \
   "smsResponseURL": "https://vgwServer:port/smsRecv", \
   "smsToken": "tokenID",\
   "smsMediaURL": [ "", \
        "" ], \
   "smsMessage": "Hello this is a chat message sent from Voice Gateway.",\
   "smsOpaqueData": { "data": "Data"} ,\
   "smsPipeTimeoutCount": 1200 \
}' 'http://host:port/sms.gateway/smsPipe'

Send an SMS or MMS message using the SMS Pipe ID

curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' \
-d '{ \
   "smsMessage": "Hello this is a chat message sent from Voice Gateway.",\
   "smsMediaURL": [ "", \
           "" ], \
   "smsOpaqueData": { "data": "Data"}
 }' 'http://host:port/sms.gateway/smsPipe/pipeID/KzE1MTAzMzAyNTgyOisxOTE5Njk5MjYwzJjZmNhZC1lMzc/sms'

Send an SMS or MMS message without the SMS Pipe ID

curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' \
-d '{ \
   "smsUserPhoneNumber": "+18765554321", \
   "smsTenantPhoneNumber": "+12345556789", \
   "smsMessage": "Hello this is a chat session starting from Voice Gateway."\
   "smsMediaURL": [ "", \
           "" ]
 }' 'http://host:port/sms.gateway/smsPipe/sms'

Delete the SMS Pipe

curl -X DELETE --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' \
-d '{}' 'http://host:port/sms.gateway/smsPipe/pipeID/KzE1MTAzMzAyNTgyOisxOTE5Njk5MjYwzJjZmNhZC1lMzc'