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copyright: years: 2018, 2020 lastupdated: "2023-02-12"

Setting up a Redis caching server

In a highly available SMS Gateway environment, a Redis caching server stores session state to be shared across SMS Gateway instances. The Redis container(s) is deployed on a node with the SMS Gateway container in a Kubernetes cluster, on private or public IBM Cloud.

Before you begin

  • Getting Started with Redis

  • Deploy Redis if you have not already done so. You will need the name of the Redis deployment to complete the steps to enable Redis caching for the SMS gateway.

  • SMS Gateway uses the Redisson java client, which supports connecting to a Redis caching server in Single instance mode only

  • Familiarize yourself with SMS Gateway deployment options and try out a basic Docker deployment in Getting started with SMS Gateway.

  • Install and configure the kubectl CLI so that you can access your Kubernetes cluster.

  • Create a redissonConfig file, in JSON format

    • Replace the values of address and password from the redis deployment.
    • Change the value of dnsMonitoringInterval to -1

    For reference:

    "address": "redis://",

Configure the SMS Gateway to use Redis

  • Provide the secret for the redissonConfig.json file created above:

    kubectl create secret generic secret-redisconfig --from-file=secret-redisconfig=/path/redissonConfig.json
  • In deployment add in volumes, map the name to the secret created above:

    "volumes": [
     { "name": "secret-redisconfig",
       "secret": {
         "secretName": "secret-redisconfig"
  • Add in volumeMounts to map the secret to the mountPath in the container:

    "volumeMounts": [
           "name": "secret-redisconfig",
           "mountPath": "/resources/redisConfig/"
  • Add these new SMS Gateway variables for deployment:

Variable Default Description
REDIS_ENABLED false This enables the support of REDIS caching server.
REDISSON_CONFIG_FILE n/a Provide path to the file which provides the configuration for the Redis connection

For reference:

"env": [
           "name": "REDISSON_CONFIG_FILE",
           "value": "/resources/redisConfig/redissonConfig.json"
          "name": "REDIS_ENABLED",
           "value": "true"

Connecting securely to Redis

  • Get the certificate of your Redis deployment.
  • Add the self-signed certificate in the SMS Gateway's Trust store
    • Use openssl or ikeyman tools to add the Redis certificate to your existing Truststore key.
    • Update the following variables, which are already available in deployment or docker-compose:
Variable Default Description
SSL_TRUST_PASSPHRASE n/a Password for the truststore
SSL_TRUST_STORE_FILE n/a Path to the trust file updated for the Redis certficate