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Securing Voice Gateway

By securing IBM® Voice Gateway, you can reduce your exposure to vulnerabilities such as denial-of-service attacks. Configuring security is especially important if you deploy Voice Gateway to a public cloud because it can be accessed by anyone with a SIP phone.

Connecting through a forward proxy server

For additional security, your organization might deploy Voice Gateway in a environment that requires HTTP requests to pass through a forward proxy server. In this environment, you must configure Voice Gateway to connect through the proxy server to the Watson™ services.

Limitation: The HTTPS protocol is supported only by the Media Relay container. For the SIP Orchestrator container, you can specify only HTTP connections to proxy servers.

In the SIP Orchestrator and Media Relay configuration files, specify your forward proxy server details as shown in the following example:

# Proxy configuration
- PROXY_TYPE=http #Can be omitted because it's the default

# Basic authentication credentials
- PROXY_PASSWORD=password1

Table 1. Environment variables for configuring proxy servers
Environment variable Default value Description
PROXY_TYPE http Defines the protocol to use for the proxy connection, either http or https. Supported only by the Media Relay.
PROXY_HOST None Host of the forward proxy server.
PROXY_PORT None Port of the forward proxy server.
PROXY_USERNAME None User name for proxy authentication.
PROXY_PASSWORD None Password for proxy authentication.

In Version and later, when you configure a proxy, the proxy is enabled for the Watson Speech to Text and Text to Speech services, but it's not enabled for any music on hold (MOH) or one-time audio URLs that you define on the API. You can enable or disable the proxy for each of these items by setting the following environment variables:

Table 2. Environment variables for enabling the proxy
Environment variable Default value Description
WATSON_STT_ENABLE_PROXY true Indicates whether connections to the Watson Speech to Text service are routed through the configured proxy. Version and later.
WATSON_TTS_ENABLE_PROXY true Indicates whether connections to the Watson Text to Speech service are routed through the configured proxy. Version and later.
MUSIC_ON_HOLD_ENABLE_PROXY false Indicates connections to any music on hold or one-time audio URLs are routed through the configured proxy. Version and later.

Configuring SSL and TLS encryption

By default, connections to Watson services are secured using TLS encryption if the connection is direct or through a forward proxy server, so no further configuration is needed. Other connections and connections to Watson services through intermediary servers, like a service orchestration engine, SMS Gateway, or a reverse proxy, require you to secure them by configuring SSL and TLS encryption.

Configuring SSL and TLS encryption for the Voice Gateway requires PEM and PKCS #12 files that are mounted on a Docker data volume and then referenced in the configuration for each container.

The files needed to generate the PKCS #12 files must be in PEM format. If the files provided by your certificate authority are not in PEM format, you can use a tool such as OpenSSL to convert files to required PEM format. OpenSSL can also be used to generate PKCS #12 files from the listed certificates and private key.

Configuring key and truststore files on Docker

By default, Voice Gateway uses a self-signed certificate to protect the exposed REST APIs. Use the following instructions, if you want to change the default keystore and truststore.

In the SIP Orchestrator configuration, mount the files on a Docker volume. For more information about volumes, see the Docker documentation. In the following example, $PWD resolves to the current working directory and mounts it to the /sslConf/ path on the container.

      - $PWD:/sslConf/
      # $PWD resolves to the working directory and
      # mounts it to the /sslConf/ path on the container

For both the truststore and keystore, specify the file location, file type, and its corresponding passphrase on the following environment variables. If you generated the keystore and truststore in a single file, specify the same file on both sets of environment variables.

 # Trust store
  - SSL_KEY_TRUST_STORE_FILE=/sslConf/myTrustJKSFile.jks
  - SSL_PASSPHRASE=myPassphrase

  # Key store
  - SSL_KEY_STORE_FILE=/sslConf/myKeyJKSFile.jks
  - SSL_KEY_PASSPHRASE=myPassphrase

Redeploy Voice Gateway for your changes to take effect.

Adding trusted certificate authorities and self-signed certificates

For encrypted connections, you can define a set of trusted certificate authorities (CAs) and self-signed certificates, which are used to verify the identities of parties involved in the connection.

How you define these trusted certificates differs for each container: The SIP Orchestrator requires a JKS, JCEKS, or PKCS #12 file, but the Media Relay can use any PEM-formatted file.

Adding trusted certificates for the SIP Orchestrator

Adding trusted certificates to the SIP Orchestrator secures connections to the Watson Assistant service. To define trusted certificates for the SIP Orchestrator, you generate a truststore file that contains the certificates to trust. To generate the truststore file, you need a certificate authority (CA) certificate, which is typically a .pem, .crt, .cer, or .cert file.

  1. Generate a JKS, JCEKS, or PKCS #12 truststore file that contains the certificate from the CA to trust. The following example generates a PKCS #12 truststore file by using the Java™ keytool command.

    keytool -importcert \
        -file <CA certificate to trust> \
        -alias <alias for the certificate> \
        -keystore <name of the trustore> \
        -storepass <password for the truststore> \
        -storetype pkcs12

  2. Mount the file on a Docker volume. For more information, see the Docker documentation.

      - $PWD:/sslConf/
      # $PWD resolves to the working directory and
      # mounts it to the /sslConf/ path on the container

  3. In the SIP Orchestrator configuration, specify the file location, file type, and its corresponding passphrase on the following environment variables.

      - SSL_KEY_TRUST_STORE_FILE=/sslConf/myPKCS12File.p12
      - SSL_PASSPHRASE=myPassphrase

Adding trusted certificates for the Media Relay

Adding trusted certificates to the Media Relay secures connections to the Watson Speech to Text and Text to Speech services. To define trusted certificates for the Media Relay, provide a PEM-formatted file that contains all root certificate authorities to trust.

  1. Create the file containing the certificates to trust in PEM format. This file usually has the following structure:

    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----

    You can concatenate the certificates by using the cat command:

    cat cert1.pem cert2.pem ... > ca-bundle.pem

  2. Mount the file on a Docker volume. For more information, see the Docker documentation.

      - $PWD:/sslConf/
      # $PWD resolves to the working directory and
      # mounts it to the /sslConf/ path on the container

  3. In the Media Relay configuration, specify the PEM file location on the SSL_CLIENT_CA_CERTIFICATE_FILE environment variable.

      # Assume the file containing the certificates is called ca-bundle.pem
      - SSL_CLIENT_CA_CERTIFICATE_FILE=/sslConf/ca-bundle.pem

Configuring mutual authentication

If you're connecting to the Watson services through a gateway server that requires mutual authentication, you'll have to configure mutual authentication in the Voice Gateway.

The simplest way to configure mutual authentication is by generating a single PKCS #12 file, which can then be used for both the SIP Orchestrator and the Media Relay. The file must contain the private key and its certificate as well as the certificate authorities to trust.

To generate the PKCS #12 file, you need the following PEM-formatted files:

  • Private key, typically a .pem or .key file
  • Certificate, typically a .pem, .crt, .cer, or .cert file
  • Certificate authority (CA) certificate, typically a .pem, .crt, .cer, or .cert file
  • Certificate chain, which is a concatenated list of certificates, typically a .pem file

Note: This single PKCS #12 file can be used only if mutual authentication is configured. If you configure SSL or TLS without mutual authentication, you'll need separate files for the SIP Orchestrator and Media Relay as described in the Configuring SSL and TLS encryption section.

  1. Generate the PKCS #12 file from the private key, its certificate, and the certificate chain. The following example generates the file by using the OpenSSL tool.

    openssl pkcs12 -export \
    -in <certificate file> \
    -inkey <private key file> \
    -CAfile <certificate chain> \
    -chain -out <filename>.p12

  2. Add the trusted certificates to the PKCS #12 file, specifying the CA certificate on the keytool command.

    keytool -importcert \
     -file <CA certificate to trust> \
     -alias <alias for the certificate> \
     -keystore <name of the trustore> \
     -storepass <password for the truststore> \
     -storetype pkcs12

  3. Mount the file on a Docker volume. For more information, see the Docker documentation.

      - $PWD:/sslConf/
      # $PWD will resolve to the working directory and
      # will mount it to the /sslConf/ path on the container

  4. In the configuration for each container, specify the file location, file type, and its corresponding passphrase on the following environment variables.

    • For the SIP Orchestrator:
      - SSL_KEY_TRUST_STORE_FILE=/sslConf/myPKCS12File.p12
      - SSL_PASSPHRASE=myPassphrase

    • For the Media Relay:
      - SSL_CLIENT_PKCS12_FILE=/sslConf/myPKCS12File.p12
      - SSL_CLIENT_PASSPHRASE=myPassphrase

Configuring SSL and TLS encryption from the Media Relay to the Speech to Text Adapter

If you connect from the Media Relay to the Speech to Text Adapter over the public internet, it's recommended to establish a secure connection between the microservices. To secure the connection, you generate a PKCS #12 file for the Speech to Text Adapter and then add the certificate to the Media Relay truststore.

To generate the PKCS #12 file, you need the following PEM-formatted files:

* Private key, typically a .pem or .key file
* Certificate, typically a .pem, .crt, .cer, or .cert file
* Certificate authority (CA) certificate, typically a .pem, .crt, .cer, or .cert file
* Certificate chain, which is a concatenated list of certificates, typically a .pem file
  1. Generate the PKCS #12 file from the private key, its certificate, and the certificate chain. The following example generates the file by using the OpenSSL tool.

    openssl pkcs12 -export \
    -in <certificate file> \
    -inkey <private key file> \
    -CAfile <certificate chain> \
    -chain -out <filename>.p12

  2. Mount the file on a Docker volume. For more information, see the Docker documentation.

      - $PWD:/sslConf/
      # $PWD will resolve to the working directory and
      # will mount it to the /sslConf/ path on the container

  3. In the configuration for the Speech to Text Adapter container, specify the file location and its corresponding passphrase on the following environment variables.

      - SSL_SERVER_PKCS12_FILE=/sslConf/myPKCS12File.p12
      - SSL_SERVER_PASSPHRASE=myPassphrase

  4. Create a trust certificate file that contains the PEM-formatted CA certificates from the Speech to Text Adapter and the Text to Speech service. You can extract the certificate for the Text to Speech service by using a tool such as OpenSSL.

    To concatenate the certificates into a single PEM-formatted file, run the cat command with the following syntax:

    cat <stt-adapter ca certificate> <text-to-speech certificate> > <trusted certificates>

    For example:

    cat stt-adapter-ca.pem DigiCertGlobalRootCa.pem > ca-bundle.pem

  5. Mount the file on a Docker volume. For more information, see the Docker documentation.

      - $PWD:/sslConf/
      # $PWD resolves to the working directory and
      # mounts it to the /sslConf/ path on the container

  6. In the Media Relay configuration, specify the PEM file location on the SSL_CLIENT_CA_CERTIFICATE_FILE environment variable. In the following example, the PEM file is named ca-bundle.pem.

      - SSL_CLIENT_CA_CERTIFICATE_FILE=/sslConf/ca-bundle.pem

Configuring Basic Authentication for the Speech To Text Adapter

When the Speech To Text Adapter isn't in the same network as the Voice Gateway, you can enable basic authentication on the Speech To Text adapter to only accept authenticated requests.

  1. Enable basic authentication on the Speech to Text Adapter by configuring STT_ADAPTER_USERNAME and STT_ADAPTER_PASSWORD

        - STT_ADAPTER_USERNAME=myAdapterUsername
        - STT_ADAPTER_PASSWORD=myAdapterPassword
  2. In the Media Relay configuration, specify the user name and password for WATSON_STT_USERNAME and WATSON_STT_PASSWORD.

        - WATSON_STT_USERNAME=myAdapterUsername
        - WATSON_STT_PASSWORD=myAdapterPassword

SIP authentication

Starting with version 1.0.4, Voice Gateway supports SIP Digest authentication for inbound and outbound calls. When SIP authentication is enabled, Voice Gateway accepts traffic only over TLS. If a request arrives over an unsecure channel, it's rejected with a 400 error. If an attempt is made to initiate an outbound call over an unsecure channel when SIP authentication is enabled, the respective REST API request is rejected.

When SIP authentication is enabled for inbound calls, a request without credentials, or with the wrong credentials, is rejected with a 401 Unauthorized error. The 401 response message contains a challenge for SIP Digest authentication.

See Configuring environment variables for Voice Gateway.

Whitelisting callers and callees

You can whitelist calls to or from certain addresses, which means that only calls to or from the defined addresses are accepted by Voice Gateway. When whitelisting is configured, calls and other communications from any source that isn't explicitly allowed will not go through. You can whitelist calls by SIP URI or by IP address by defining configuration environment variables for the SIP Orchestrator.

Note: In multi-tenant configurations, only calls to the configured tenants can connect, effectively whitelisting calls to the configured tenants.

Whitelisting by SIP URI

When a caller attempts to reach Voice Gateway, the caller's SIP URI is passed, which contains information such as the phone number and host in the following format:



To whitelist calls to or from certain SIP URIs, define the following SIP Orchestrator environment variables.

Table 3. Environment variables for configuring whitelisting
Environment variable Default value Description
WHITELIST_FROM_URI None When defined, Voice Gateway accepts only calls that contain the specified string (such as a phone number) within the SIP From URI. You can define multiple strings in a comma-separated list.
WHITELIST_TO_URI None When defined, Voice Gateway accepts only calls that contain the specified string (such as a phone number) within the SIP To URI. In Version and later, if the string isn't found in the To header field, Voice Gateway searches the Request-URI value.

For example, the following configuration allows only calls with 2345556789 in the SIP To URI, such as a phone number from a SIP trunk. In Version or later, if 2345556789 can't be found in the To URI, Voice Gateway next checks the Request-URI value and allows calls that contain 2345556789 in that field.

- WHITELIST_TO_URI=2345556789

Whitelisting by fields in a SIPREC metadata

To whitelist SIPREC calls based on a field in the SIPREC metadata, define the following SIP Orchestrator environment variables.

Table 4. Environment variables for configuring SIPREC metadata whitelisting
Environment variable Default value Description
WHITELIST_SIPREC_ATTR_NAME None See Configuring environment variables for Voice Gateway.
WHITELIST_SIPREC_ATTR_VALUE None See Configuring environment variables for Voice Gateway.

For example, the following configuration allows only SIPREC calls where the SIPREC metadata contains the aor attribute with the value matching 111111111.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<tns:group group_id="YTIyYWRmNjAtMGZhNi0xMA==">
	<tns:session session_id="YTIyYWRmNjEtMGZhNi0xMA==">
	<tns:participant participant_id="YTIyYWRmNjItMGZhNi0xMA==">
		<tns:nameID aor="111111111@">
			<tns:name xml:lang="en"></tns:name>
	<tns:participant participant_id="YTIyYWRmNjMtMGZhNi0xMA==">
		<tns:nameID aor="222222222@">
			<tns:name xml:lang="en"></tns:name>
	<tns:stream stream_id="YTIyYWRmNjQtMGZhNi0xMA==" session_id="YTIyYWRmNjEtMGZhNi0xMA==">
	<tns:stream stream_id="YTIyYWRmNjUtMGZhNi0xMA==" session_id="YTIyYWRmNjEtMGZhNi0xMA==">
	<tns:sessionrecordingassoc session_id="YTIyYWRmNjEtMGZhNi0xMA==">
	<tns:participantsessionassoc participant_id="YTIyYWRmNjItMGZhNi0xMA==" session_id="YTIyYWRmNjEtMGZhNi0xMA==">
	<tns:participantsessionassoc participant_id="YTIyYWRmNjMtMGZhNi0xMA==" session_id="YTIyYWRmNjEtMGZhNi0xMA==">
	<tns:participantstreamassoc participant_id="YTIyYWRmNjItMGZhNi0xMA==">
	<tns:participantstreamassoc participant_id="YTIyYWRmNjMtMGZhNi0xMA==">

Whitelisting by IP address

When you whitelist certain IP addresses, Voice Gateway accepts calls only from the defined IPs. All communication from other IP addresses is rejected, including not only calls but also, for example, OPTIONS messages that are sent to monitor Voice Gateway.

To configure whitelisting by IP address, define a comma-separated list of IP addresses on the TRUSTED_IP_LIST environment variable in the SIP Orchestrator configuration.


For more information about configuration, see Configuration environment variables for Voice Gateway.

Setting host directory permissions for volumes

Note: These instructions are only applicable for Linux.

Starting with version 1.0.2, containers do not run as root, for security reasons. Instead, containers run as user default with the UID 1001.

For volumes mounted on containers, make sure the proper permissions are applied to the mounted directory on the host machine. If you're deploying by using Docker or Kubernetes (hostPath Volumes), apply the permissions that will allow the user to write on the volume-mounted directory on host.

To do this, you need to run the following commands:

chown -R 1001:0 <path to volume mounted dir on host>
chmod -R g+rw <path to volume mounted dir on host>

If you need to run the container as root, specify that in the deployment file as follows:

For Docker docker-compose.yaml:

  • Specify user for all images you want to run as root:
  • For example:
        user: root

For Kubernetes:

  • Specify runAsUser at pod spec level or container spec level depending on your need. For more information, see Kubernetes documentation
  • For example:
        runAsUser: 0

In this case, 0 is the UID of root user.

Note: Running containers as root user is not recommended in production environments.

1001 user ID: The containers internally run as the 1001 user ID by default. The user ID does not need to exist in the cluster and does not need to exist in the worker nodes. For persistent volumes to work, the 1001 user ID must own the directory.

To check the user ID of the containers, you can run the kubetcl exec command into the pod:

kubectl exec -it <podName> bash

Then, run the following command to print the user ID of the container:

id -u

The output displays the following user ID: