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copyright: years: 2017, 2023 lastupdated: "2023-01-07"

Finding and viewing Voice Gateway log files

SIP Orchestrator log files

The log files for the SIP Orchestrator container are in the /logs/ directory. This directory contains the messages.log file and verbose garbage collection logs, such as verbosegc.1.001.log. If the LOG_LEVEL is set to at least fine, the directory also contains the trace.log file, which contains additional details. If the SIP Orchestrator encounters any exceptions, the exceptions are summarized based on the day that they occurred in log files in the ffdc subdirectory.

To copy the log files off of the SIP Orchestrator container, run the following commands:

For Docker Engine:

docker cp voice-gateway-so:/logs/messages.log .
docker cp voice-gateway-so:/logs/trace.log .

For Kubernetes and IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service, where the namespace is default and the pod name is pod1:

kubectl cp default/pod1:logs -c vgw-sip-orchestrator .

Media Relay log files

Similarly, the main log file for the Media Relay, trace-mr.log, is in the /vgw-media-relay/logs/ directory on its container. The trace-mr.log file is best viewed by using Bunyan, especially when the log level is set to DEBUG. To copy the trace-mr.log file off of the Media Relay container, run the following command:

For Docker Engine:

docker cp voice-gateway-mr:/vgw-media-relay/logs/trace-mr.log .

For Kubernetes and IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service, where the namespace is default and the pod name is pod1:

kubectl cp default/pod1:/vgw-media-relay/logs -c vgw-media-relay .

If Bunyan is installed, you can use the following command to view your log file:

bunyan trace-mr.log

Since the logs are in UTC, you can also use bunyan to view the logs in your current local timezone:

bunyan --time local trace-mr.log

By default, the Media Relay log files are rotated on a daily basis unless a different rotation period is set on the MEDIA_RELAY_LOG_ROTATION_PERIOD environment variable. Log files are renamed such that trace-mr.log is the current file that the Media Relay writes to, and older files are named trace-mr.X, where X is a number that represents how many days ago the log file was rotated. For example, in the following log directory, trace-mr.log is the active log file, trace-mr.log.0 are the logs from yesterday, and trace-mr.log.1 are logs from the day before yesterday.

+ /vgw-media-relay/logs/
+ -- trace-mr.log        // Active log file
+ -- trace-mr.log.0      // Logs from yesterday
+ -- trace-mr.log.1      // Logs from 1 day ago

Log files are added up to the MEDIA_RELAY_LOG_ROTATION_FILE_COUNT value, which is set to 10 by default. When the number of log files is reached, the oldest log file is deleted.

Note that in Version and earlier, if you configure multiple cluster workers, each worker writes logs to its own directory under the /vgw-media-relay/logs/ directory.

Speech to Text Adapter log files

Logs for the Speech to Text Adapter container are output to the trace.log file in the /stt-adapter/logs/ directory. To copy the log file off of the container, run the following command:

For Docker Engine:

docker cp voice-gateway-stt-adapter:/stt-adapter/logs/trace.log .

Mounting a Docker volume for easier log collection

Instead of running docker cp commands to collect the logs from each container, you can mount a directory from the local file system to the containers. The containers write the logs directly to the mounted directory, so you can view and collect the logs locally without needing to copy them from the containers each time.

To mount a local directory as a Docker volume, specify the directory mapping in host_directory:container_directory format on a volumes key for each container in your docker-compose.yml file. In the following example, $PWD/logs/ denotes a logs directory in the current working directory, which is mounted to the logs directory for each respective container.

version: '2'
    # Rest of the configuration

    # Mount the 'logs/' directory from the current working directory to the containers log directory
      - $PWD/logs/:/logs/

      - $PWD/logs/:/vgw-media-relay/logs/
      - $PWD/logs/:/stt-adapter/logs/

After you redeploy the containers by running the docker-compose up command, the logs directory is created in the current working directory where the command is run. From there, the log files for each container are created and updated.