What's new in IBM UrbanCode Deploy

The latest version of IBM® UrbanCode® Deploy, includes new functions and enhancements.

Version is a maintenance release and includes fixes for various bugs and security-related issues. This release is appropriate for all customers.

Updated Tomcat to 9.0.20

Version is a maintenance release and includes fixes for various bugs and security-related issues. This release is appropriate for all customers.

Updated Tomcat to 9.0.x

Version is a maintenance release and includes fixes for various bugs and security-related issues. This release is appropriate for all customers.

Version is a maintenance release and includes fixes for various bugs and security-related issues. This release is appropriate for all customers.

Version is a maintenance release and includes fixes for various bugs and security-related issues. This release is appropriate for all customers.

Version is a maintenance release and includes fixes for various bugs and security-related issues. This release is appropriate for all customers.

Version is a maintenance release and includes fixes for various bugs and security-related issues. This release is appropriate for all customers.
Keyrotate tool enhancements
  • 7.2.3.x keytools are blocked from targeting later product versions with a message to use only the version that is shipped with the product.
  • Added Windows scripts to the Keyrotate package.
  • Backported 7.3.0 keyrotate fixes to 7.2.3.x stream to support keytool upgrades from 7.2.3.x to 7.3.0.x.
  • Added an option for keyrotate to display regular status so that you know the tool is making progress.

Version is a maintenance release and includes fixes for various bugs and security-related issues. This release is appropriate for all customers.

Version is a maintenance release and includes fixes for various bugs and security-related issues. This release is appropriate for all customers.

Version is a maintenance release and includes fixes for various bugs and security-related issues. This release is appropriate for all customers.

Version is a maintenance release and includes fixes for various bugs and security-related issues. This release is appropriate for all customers.

Version is a maintenance release and includes fixes for various bugs and security-related issues. This release is appropriate for all customers.

Version is a maintenance release and includes fixes for various bugs and security-related issues. This release is appropriate for all customers.


JVM management and distribution
You can upload JVMs to the IBM UrbanCode Deploy. You can view and manage them in a dedicated page. Once uploaded to the server, JVMs can be distributed to agents via the web UI or CLI. The agent automatically upgrades to the provided JVM. Additional, Java management features are:
  • Java package for a particular OS and architecture can be set as preferred. The preferred java package can be installed on multiple agents using the bulk actions menu.
  • Removal of unused java packages on multiple agents is possible.
  • Support for compact agents for Windows. Compact agents are required for Java package management.
See documentation, Managing Java packages on an agent and Managing Java packages on agents in bulk.
Agents upgraded as compact

When an agent is installed or upgraded on a platform that supports compact agents, the agent is converted as a compact agent.

See documentation, Agents.

Hardening of logging configuration

IBM UrbanCode Deploy now uses Log4j 2.x. A new feature is introduced that provides users an easy-to-use UI for logging configuration, and better security.

See documentation, Logging.

Removed $productName/java.home from agent
The $productName/java.home property is removed from agent properties file. Upgraded agents are compact agents that does not require Java home property.
Updated the sshInstallAgent/installNewAgent CLI endpoint as POST request
For security purposes, the sshInstallAgent/installNewAgent CLI endpoint is updated to post the install agent informaton without the sshPassword.
See documentation, Install an agent.