In the earlier section, the IZPINST JCL job created the IZPUMSPM PARMLIB file. This file was populated with parameters discovered by running the IZPINST job.

PARMLIB variables are of three types or UMS uses the following three types of PARMLIB variables:
  • PARMLIB variables that are discovered (see Table 1).
  • PARMLIB variables that require user input (see Table 2).
  • PARMLIB variables that are optional (see Table 3 ).

To understand PARMLIB variables and what you must do after modifying them, see PARMLIB variables.

Review each of the new and required entries and collect the information before editing the data set. If you decide to edit the data set before having all information and are interrupted or get stuck with a piece of information, you can save the data set and return later, but you cannot proceed further with the installation.

PARMLIB discovered variables

The following table lists the PARMLIB variables which are discovered by IZPINST. Review the variables and correct any values, if required.

Table 1. PARMLIB discovered variables
Variable Description Required or Optional
Pre-required software parameter

Installed directory location of the Zowe instance.

For example: /var/zowe_instance
Required; provided as input to IZPINST.

Installed directory location of Java™.

For example: /usr/lpp/java/J8.0_64

Discovered and required
NODE_HOME Parameter direct from Zowe, the installation directory of Node.js. Discovered and required
ZOWE_ROOT The Zowe root installation directory (distinct from the Zowe instance directory) is needed to perform certain actions. This directory is determined from the instance.env file within the directory specified by ZOWE_INSTANCE_DIR. Discovered and required
zssHost Host name or IP address of the Zowe System Services (ZSS) computer. Discovered and required
zssPort Port number of the server specified in the zssHost parameter. For an explanation of ZSS, see the note in Step 4: Running USS post-installation script. Discovered and required
zssThroughHttps True if ZSS is running through HTTPS. This value will be discovered. Discovered and required
General configuration parameter
zosmfHost Host name or IP address of the z/OSMF computer. Discovered and required
zosmfPort Port number of the server specified in the zosmfHost parameter. Discovered and required
IZP_SMPE_HOME Location of the original installed z/OS UNIX System Services folder as installed by SMP/E. Required; provided as input to IZPINST
gitDir z/OS UNIX directory location where GIT is installed. Note that this is not the path to the parent directory; it is the path to the executable itself.
Note: The IZPINST job might not discover this parameter. In that case, you must add it to the IZPUMSPM PARMLIB.

If you provide an invalid value during Unified Management Server installation, you will be able to proceed with a warning. This value is checked again during IBM® Db2® DevOps Experience for z/OS installation. You will be able to proceed only when a valid value is provided.

  • Optional for Unified Management Server.
  • Required for IBM Db2 DevOps Experience for z/OS.

If GIT is not installed at the default location and GIT global configuration is not set to the expected values, then it can be configured for UMS using the gitEnv configuration parameter. Following are the available options:

- GIT_SHELL=/rsusr/ported/bin/bash
- GIT_EXEC_PATH=/rsusr/ported/libexec/git-core
- GIT_TEMPLATE_DIR=/rsusr/ported/share/git-core/templates
Note: You must configure the XDG_HOME parameter as the IZPSECUR script creates a user which does not have a home directory by default. The default value assigned during installation is <IZP_UMS_VARDIR>/policy. The IZPSTUID is required to have write permissions for the XDG_HOME directory.

Optional, if GIT global configuration is correctly configured.


The path to the PKCS #11 library file. If not default, this will have to be entered in IZPUMSPM PARMLIB.

The default is /usr/lpp/pkcs11/lib/csnpca64.so.

Discovered and required
authType Authentication type used by UMS. Valid values are STANDARD_JWT and MFA_JWT. The default value is STANDARD_JWT. For details and the requirements for the MFA_JWT authentication type, see Configuring multifactor authentication for UMS. Discovered and required for multifactor authentication.
jobPrefix Prefix used for the JCL jobs created by UMS for subsystem registration and other tasks. Randomly generated characters are used to complete the 8 characters limit. Three characters are recommended as a job prefix. The default value is IZP.
Note: You must enclose the job prefix with single quotes if you are using special characters, such as # or @.
Discovered and required
UMS server parameter
IZP_UMS_HOST Server name or IP address of the z/OS UNIX System Services host computer. Needs to be changed only if installing on different LPAR than UMS will run on. Discovered and required
IZP_UMS_SYSNAME Needs to be changed only if installing on different LPAR than UMS will run on. Discovered
IZP_UMS_ALL_SYSNAMES Set of all LPARs that IZP_LOADLIB will need for APF authorization. Needs user input if multiple LPARs are applicable. Default value will be the same as IZP_UMS_SYSNAME. Optional
IZP_LOADLIB Library data set that contains the load modules for Zowe plug-ins. Default value is configured from IZP_HLQ.SZWEAUTH. This parameter is defaulted from IZP_HLQ.SZWEAUTH.
IZP_UMS_OBJECT_DISCOVERY_INTERVAL Time interval to perform object discovery for registered subsystems. Default value is four hours. You can specify a value ranging from one to 2147483647 hours. Optional

PARMLIB variables that require user input

Table 2. PARMLIB variables that require user input
Parameter Description Required or Optional
IZP_PROCLIB PROCLIB partitioned data set (PDS) that stores JCL members for started tasks.

The izp-post-install.sh or izp-post-upgrade.sh scripts can modify ZIS_PROCLIB member and create new PROCLIB member for UMS, if required. If the Zowe installer does not have write authorization to ZIS_PROCLIB member, you can use a staging library. Copy the Zowe started tasks ZWESISTC and ZWESASTC to this new library before running the izp-post-install.sh or izp-post-upgrade.sh scripts. After running the izp-post-install.sh or izp-post-upgrade.sh scripts, use another user credential to copy the updated and new Zowe started tasks from the staging library to the system PROCLIB.

IZP_UMS_STC Name of the Unified Management Server started task in PROCLIB. The Unified Management Server installation program will create the JCL for the started task. The default value is IZPSRV. Required
IZP_UMS_HTTP_PORT Port where UMS will listen for API requests. The default value is 12023. Required
IZP_UMS_MEMORY_SIZE Amount of Java memory to be allocated for Unified Management Server.

The default value is 16 GB. The specified amount can be greater than 16 GB but should not be less.

IZP_ALLOW_SELF_SIGNED_CERT This parameter helps you decide if you should permit a self-signed certificate for HTTPS communication with the UMS. If set to false, you must import your own certificate for the UMS to function within Zowe. If you want to use a custom certificate, see Setting up secure communication for UMS. Required
IZP_PKCS11_TOKEN_NAME The PKCS #11 token name. This parameter is used to encrypt the password for the IZP_PKCS11_DBA_USERNAME username. The token is generated by the IZPSECUR job, which also appropriately authorizes the token. The token name is arbitrary, for example, UMSTOKEN. Consult your security administrator while naming the token. You need not create the token. The IZPINST job will generate the correct ESM commands that must be run to generate the token. Required
IZP_PKCS11_DBA_USERNAME The username of the user that will be used for various Db2 actions. Optional; will be prompted for in post-install if not supplied in PARMLIB.
IZP_UMS_AGENT_PORT Port for UMS to listen for internal requests. The default value is 3444. Optional
IZP_GREMLIN_PORT Port for Gremlin Graph to listen. The default value is 8182. Optional
Security parameter
IZP_TEAMLISTDSN Name of a partitioned data set that will contain metadata for teams. Required
IZP_USERLISTDSN Name of a sequential data set that will contain a list of users. Required
Name of the SAF profile that UMS users will have access to. The default is IZP.ADMIN.
Note: Omit the asterisk (*) at the end of the name, for example: IZP.ADMIN, not IZP.ADMIN*.
Name of the SAF profile that UMS super administrators will have access to. The default is IZP.SUPER
Note: Omit the asterisk (*) at the end of the name, for example: IZP.SUPER, not IZP.SUPER*.
IZP_STC_GROUP Group ID for common group membership of started task (STC) user and installer user. If the user does not input a value for this parameter, the default value is IZPSTCGP . Required
IZP_SURR_GROUP Group ID for UMS surrogate users. If the user does not input any value for this parameter, the default value is IZPSURGP. Required
IZP_KEYSTORE_ALIAS The alias or label of the server certificate. Optional
IZP_KEYSTORE The location of the key store as a URL. This parameter value is case sensitive. The following protocols are supported:
  • safkeyring://

    Example: safkeyring://IZPSTC/IZPRING

  • file://

    Example: /foo/keybar

  • Optional for JKS
  • Required for JCERACFKS
IZP_KEYSTORE_TYPE The type of the key store. The following key store types are supported:
  • JKS
  • Optional for JKS
  • Required for JCERACFKS
IZP_TRUSTSTORE The location of the trust store as a URL. This parameter value is case sensitive. The following protocols are supported:
  • safkeyring://

    Example: safkeyring://IZPSTC/IZPRING

  • file://

    Example: /foo/keybar

  • Optional for JKS
  • Required for JCERACFKS
IZP_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE The type of the trust store. The following trust store types are supported:
  • JKS
  • Optional for JKS
  • Required for JCERACFKS
Db2 parameter
IZP_DB2_STEPLIB Location of the Db2 STEPLIBs on the lpar zss is running on. Necessary for Db2 ifi ZSS plug-in to work. The default value is DSN.VC10.SDSNLOAD. Required for Db2 experiences
Zowe parameter
ZIS_PREFIX The high-level qualifier (HLQ) for the Zowe Cross-Memory server (ZIS) parameters and load library. Required; Unless both of ZIS_PARMLIB and ZIS_LOADLIB are specified.
ZIS_PARMLIB_MEMBER The cross-memory server PARMLIB member name. The default value is ZWESIP00. Required
IZP_AUX_STC_NAME The name of the Zowe Auxiliary Server started task for provider plug-in. The default value is ZWESASTC. Required
IZP_ZIS_STC_NAME Change this parameter if you are using a different started task name in Zowe for the Zowe Cross-Memory (ZIS) Server. The default value is ZWESISTC. Required

PARMLIB optional variables

Table 3. PARMLIB variables that are optional
Parameter Description Required or Optional

Value to be used for class path jars

A default value will be entered based on the value of IZP_SMPE_HOME.

Unified Management Server /var directory, used for folders which need write access, such as, /var/izp.

This parameter is defaulted from IZPINST parameters.


z/OS UNIX directory location of the keystore that contains the certificates for enabling HTTPS between UMS and Zowe.

This parameter is required to secure transmission between UMS and Zowe, if not using the provided self-signed certificate. For more information, see Setting up secure communication for UMS.


Additional Java parameters to be passed to the start script when you start Unified Management Server. The following are possible values. If you include both of them, you must separate them with a space and put both parameters and their values in the same set of double quotations:

-Dcom.rocketsoft.newton.server.serverWaitTime: <number>

-Dcom.rocketsoft.shutdownMaxWaitPerHook: <number>

For example:





Use the serverWaitTime option to specify the maximum number of milliseconds for the server to wait before writing an "IBM Unified Management Server is ready for business" message to the log.

If the server initialization takes longer than the specified time, the message "IBM Unified Management Server is ready for business" will not be written.

If you do not specify a value, the default time is 180,000 ms (3 minutes). If you specify "0", the server waits indefinitely for initialization to complete before writing the "ready for business" message.


Use the shutdownMaxWaitPerHook option to specify the maximum number of milliseconds for the server to wait for each shutdown process to finish before moving on.

After all shutdown processes finish, the server writes an "IBM Unified Management Server is now shutdown" message to the log. If you do not specify a value, the default time is 10,000 ms (10 seconds). If you specify "0", the server will not wait for any processes to finish before shutting down. If you specify a negative number, such as "-1", the server waits indefinitely for each process to finish.

ZIS_PARMLIB The Zowe cross-memory server PARMLIB.

The izp-post-install.sh or izp-post-upgrade.sh scripts can modify ZIS_PARMLIB member. If the Zowe installer does not have write authorization to ZIS_PARMLIB member, you can use a staging library. Copy the ZWESIP00 member to this new staging library before running the izp-post-install.sh or izp-post-upgrade.sh scripts. After running the izp-post-install.sh or izp-post-upgrade.sh scripts, use another user credential to copy the ZIS_PARMLIB member from the staging library to the original location.

Optional, if the value is the default ZIS_PREFIX.PARMLIB, you can leave this parameter empty. Required, if it is different, then you must specify the correct value.

The Zowe library.
Note: There are multiple Zowe libraries; you are looking for SZWEAUTH.

You can either use the Zowe SZWEAUTH library or use a new library. For example, HLQ.SIZPAUTH. The new library is allocated by the izp-post-install.sh script and the new library must be APF authorized. It is not recommended to use the Zowe SZWEAUTH library.

Optional: If the value is the default ZIS_PREFIX.LOADLIB, you can leave this parameter empty.

Required: If this value is different from ZIS_PREFIX.LOADLIB, then you must specify the correct value.