What's new in Db2 DevOps Experience

The Db2® DevOps Experience has been updated to include new features, enhancements, and fixes.

Table 1. Db2 DevOps Experience (UI83150) new and changed functions
Feature Description APAR
Miscellaneous Improved error messaging while performing a pull request merge in Db2 DevOps Experience. PH50629
Table 2. Db2 DevOps Experience (UI82464) new and changed functions
Feature Description APAR
Miscellaneous The default value for UNLOAD_ALTERED_TABLES in IZPD2DPM is now configured as DES. PH49391
Table 3. Db2 DevOps Experience (UI81667) new and changed functions
Feature Description APAR
Instance management You can now change the name and owner of a provisioned instance. To perform this action, click the overflow menu of an instance and select Change settings. PH47789
Site rule enhancement You can now assign newly created site rules to applications or environments from the create site rule page.
Miscellaneous The UNLOAD_ALTERED_TABLES attribute in IZPD2DPM now supports YES and No values.
Table 4. Db2 DevOps Experience (UI80702) new and changed functions
Feature Description APAR
Site rules The following enhancements have been done to the site rules:
  • You can now create a site rule for adding columns only at the end of the column list. After applying this site rule, if you edit the DDL of the table object and add a column at the beginning or in the middle of the column list, the following site rule violation will be displayed: New columns must be added at the end of the column list.
  • You can specify a new site rule that validates whether the tablespace object is of the UTS (universal tablespaces) type. To validate, set the following site rule: Tablespace TSTYPE must be UTS. To know the prerequisites that are needed for creating this site rule, see Object attribute variables.
DDL management While adding a new object or editing the DDL of an existing object, you can now enter any number of characters on one line in the DDL editor because the restriction of entering only 72 characters per line has been removed.
Subsystem management
  • You can now forcefully delete a subsystem that is unreachable. To unregister such a subsystem, click the Unregister button on the Remove subsystem window. You can also remove an unreachable subsystem by specifying forceDelete=true in the Deregister Db2Subsystem API.
  • You can now specify the values for all the subsystem registration parameters by using the register.JCL file. To know how to modify these parameters, see Updating subsystem registration parameters.
Db2 for z/OS® support Support has been added for Db2, 13.1 (5698-DB2)V13 subsystem in UMS. You can now register a V13 subsystem on UMS.
Table 5. Db2 DevOps Experience (UI79786) new and changed functions
Feature Description APAR
Instance management An invalid instance status is now resolved correctly when home objects are moved to another application. PH44661
You can now view the database and instance schema map on the instance details page.
Site rules enhancement Different icons are now shown for new and old site rule violations.
Application management You can now view DDL for an application.
API enhancement Added support for new APIs to fetch the pull request details. For more information, see Support for new APIs.
Table 6. Db2 DevOps Experience 1.2 PTF 4 (UI77752) new and changed functions
Feature Description APAR
Application management Required dependent objects must be included within a Db2 DevOps Experience Application to support the creation of Instances. In most cases, Db2 metadata can be used to only include the needed dependent objects. In a few cases, such as with Aliases, these dependencies are not recorded. Therefore, the DevOps Application will include all Aliases for any Tables requested, or needed, within an Application. PH40911
Git exception resolved while merging the pull request.
Instance management You can now add a new database to an instance.
Db2 privileges The following parameters are added in the PRIVILEGE section of the configuration_db2_devops.yaml file:

    System privileges are BINDADD and CREATEALIAS. The default value is true.


    The DEV privileges are CREATEIN, ALTERIN, DROPIN and COLLECTION. The default value is true.


    The DBADM privilege is DBADM. The default value is true.

Subsystem management You can now specify a new owner for all the databases and table spaces that are created in a subsystem by specifying a new value for the dbaSqlid parameter while registering a subsystem.
You can now connect to the subsystem by using a specific user ID and password instead of using the global DBA user ID.
Miscellaneous Improved error messages in the Unified Experience UI.
Improved icon alignment in the Unified Experience UI.
Granular control is now allowed for granting Db2 privileges.
Improved dry-run operation performance for REST API.
Improved the installation verification program for Db2 DevOps Experience.
Table 7. Db2 DevOps Experience 1.2 PTF 3 (UI76508) new and changed functions
Feature Description APAR
Application management You can now move home objects to another application. PH39078
Improved the workflow for deleting an application from UI.
Instance management All pull requests except merged and declined are listed on the dashboard.
To avoid the application from going in an inconsistent state, indexes and triggers can be added only if the table is present in originating the application.
Db2 object renaming is not supported to prevent object duplication.
You can now rename an instance using patch API.
Instance polling is stopped if the instance is in apply error state and changes are discarded from the UI.
DDL Management The new variable NICE_NAME is added in the DDL_FILE_NAME_PATTERN section of the configuration_db2_devops.yaml file. The default value of the NICE_NAME parameter is true. Use this feature to define user friendly DDL file names. This feature helps in locating relevant files if an application contains multiple objects of the same type. UI75418
Miscellaneous The following updates are made in the APPLY and MERGE sections of the configuration_db2_devops.yaml file:
  • The default value of the RUN_REORG_REBUILD parameter is now A.
  • A new parameter TAKE_AN_IMAGE_COPY with a default value of B is added.

To use these parameters, add them to IZPD2DPM and then restart UMS.

The IZP_DB2_POST_INSTALL parameter is removed from the configuration_db2.yaml file because it is no longer needed while installing the Db2 DevOps Experience.