Subsystem Log Retrieval
About this task
Note: IBM service typically performs this operation and it is recommended that you do not make any
Complete this task to retrieve logs from the system.
- From System Console GUI, select PE Package > Subsystem Log Retrieval.
- Select an attached system from which you would like to retrieve logs from
Select Logs box. Notes:
- The list you see will contain only those subsystems which are eligible for log retrieval through the system console.
- If you do not see your system listed, verify that it is attached and can be queried successfully from the attached systems page.
- Select one of the following options
- 3957 - A getlogs options menu displays. All selections are optional. You may specify a start time, including month, day, and hour for which to gather logs. All logs will be gathered from this time forward. You also may specify one or more components to gather logs from as well as a specific file you would like to gather.
- 3592 - A minimal getlogs menu displays. All selections are optional. You may specify a start time, including month, day, and hour for which to gather logs. All logs will be gathered from this time forward. You also may specify a specific file you would like to gather.
- 3584 - After you select an individual 3584, the system console will query the
library for the list of logs that are available for download. When the log query is successful, the
available logs display for you to select. Select the logs you would like to retrieve. Note: The system console uses HTTP sessions to gather the 3584 logs. If gathering the log takes excessive time between queries, the session will expire. Refresh the page to open a new session.
- After you have selected a means of retrieving a log, click Retrieve Logs in the
Action box. System console gathers your logs. You see a message when your request is fulfilled. The logs are gathered and are placed in the /var/enc/offload directory.
- Click on Click here to offload the logs you gathered.