HSM advanced parameters and preferences settings

Although most parameter default settings are appropriate, you can customize some settings.

Table 1 displays the advanced parameters. For all parameters except the Timeout parameter, the Parameter name column shows you the parameter name and Windows registry path from the end of this common path: HKLM\SOFTWARE\IBM\ADSM\CurrentVersion\HsmClient\. The Timeout parameter full path is listed in the Parameter name column.
Table 1. Advanced parameters descriptions
Parameter name description Default Notes
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ithsmdrv\Parameters\Timeout The File System Filter Driver returns an error when this time elapses and a recall process has not yet started. If the recall process starts within this time, no error is returned. The start time is when the recall thread picks up the recall order. Time waiting for a device or reading data is not considered. The end time of the recall process is not considered. The time is measured in seconds. 300 The error is returned when the recall service is too busy, and the recall quota has not been reached. This can occur when many recall processes are running at the same time.
dsmclc\FileAttributesFilter Configures the registry to prevent files with certain attributes from migration. Affects the dsmclc.exe command. 6 - hidden and system Change this parameter only on technical advice from IBM®.
dsmgui\FileAttributesFilter Configures the registry to prevent files with certain attributes from migration. Affects the dsmgui.exe command. 6 - hidden and system Change this parameter only on technical advice from IBM.
hsmmonitor\FileAttributesFilter Configures the registry to prevent files with certain attributes from migration. Affects the hsmmonitor.exe command. 6 - hidden and system Change this parameter only on technical advice from IBM.
dsmclc\DirectoryAttributesFilter Configures directories with certain attributes that are generally not entered for selecting files for migration. Affects the dsmclc.exe command. 6 - hidden and system Change this parameter only on technical advice from IBM.
dsmgui\DirectoryAttributesFilter Configures directories with certain attributes that are generally not entered for selecting files for migration. Affects the dsmgui.exe command. 6 - hidden and system Change this parameter only on technical advice from IBM.
hsmmonitor\DirectoryAttributesFilter Configures directories with certain attributes that are generally not entered for selecting files for migration. Affects the hsmmonitor.exe command. 6 - hidden and system Change this parameter only on technical advice from IBM.