The database name is either invalid or missing in the server
option file.
While attempting to format a database, the Tivoli® Storage Manager server
has found that the database name is either invalid or missing.
System action
User response
Before reissuing the command to format the database,
check the following items:
- Ensure that the server options file has a valid name for for Tivoli Storage Manager server
database. The database name is specified with the DATABASEALIAS option.
The database name is a unique character string containing from one
to eight letters, numbers, or keyboard characters. The name can contain
any of the following characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, @, #, and $.
- Ensure that the command is using the correct options file for
the server. If you are using the -o option with the command to specify
a server options file, ensure that the name and location of the file
is correct.