One or more constraint violations were detected. Examine log file log file name for details.


The DSMSERV INSERTDB command encountered one or more instances where data being inserted into the database violated a constraint or was otherwise invalid. Information about the error, along with the data that caused the error, was logged in the specified log file.

System action

The offending row was not inserted into the database. Instead, the contents of the row were written to the specified log file along with additional information about the specific error.

User response

Because some data was not inserted into the database, the database is in an inconsistent state. The server should not be started until the problem is corrected.

Contact your service representative for assistance in correcting the problem. You may be directed to examine the log file, and in some cases, correct the erroneous data and insert it into the database. However, due to the sensitive nature of the database, you should never attempt to do this unless directed to do so by your service representative.