When you configure Tivoli® Storage FlashCopy® Manager,
you can set the configuration parameters to create snapshots by using
target volumes of remote mirroring relationships. These target volumes
are used to create application consistent snapshot backups.
Before you begin
Before, you configure
Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager to
use target volumes that are associated with remote mirroring one of
the following technologies must be deployed:
- SAN Volume Controller or Storwize® V7000 Global
Mirror and Metro Mirror
- IBM® XIV® Storage System Synchronous
Remote Mirroring and Asynchronous Remote Mirroring
- To configure Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager with SAN Volume Controller or Storwize V7000 Global
Mirror and Metro Mirror, complete the following steps:
- On the SAN Volume Controller or Storwize V7000 system,
create a partnership between the primary and auxiliary cluster. For example,
you can run the following commands from the command-line interface:
ssh -i/<dir>/ssh-identity <username>@<hostname or ip_primary_cluster>
svctask mkpartnership -bandwidth <bandwidth_in_mbps> <remote_cluster_name
or remote_cluster_id>
- Start the Global Mirror and Metro Mirror relationship by using
either the graphical user interface or command-line interface. If
you use the command-line interface, the following commands are provided
as an example:
ssh -i/<dir>/ssh-identity <username>@<hostname or ip_primary_cluster>
svctask chpartnership -start <remote_cluster_name or remote_cluster_id>
- Verify the following information about the environment:
- Production volumes are on the primary storage system.
- Production volumes are in a remote mirror relationship with the
remote volumes that are either in the auxiliary cluster, or in the
same cluster. All the remote mirror relationships are defined in a
consistency group.
- Run the setup script to configure a dedicated device class for
the snapshot backups on the remote cluster. When you configure the
new DEVICE_CLASS section with the setup script, look
for the following prompt:
Is the FlashCopy/Snapshot taken from the mirror volumes {COPYSERVICES_REMOTE}.
Enter yes.
and TAKEOVER_HOST_NAME parameters are also required
for remote mirroring.
- On the remote cluster of the SAN Volume Controller or Storwize V7000, specify
for each source the corresponding FlashCopy target
volumes. To specify the FlashCopy target
volumes, use one of the following options:
- To configure Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager with XIV® Synchronous Remote Mirroring
and Asynchronous Remote Mirroring, complete the following steps:
- Define a coupling between peer volumes on the master and slave XIV systems, which creates a mirror
relationship between the two.
- Activate the XIV remote
mirror couplings.
- Define a coupling between peer consistency groups on the master
and slave XIV systems, which
creates a mirror relationship between the two.
- Add volume mirror couplings to the consistency group couplings.
- Run the setup script to configure a dedicated device class for
the snapshot backups on the remote cluster. When you configure the
new DEVICE_CLASS section with the setup script, look
for the following prompt:
Is the FlashCopy/Snapshot taken from the mirror volumes {COPYSERVICES_REMOTE}.
Enter yes.
and TAKEOVER_HOST_NAME parameters are also required
for remote mirroring.
- At the end of the setup script configuration process, verify
the user name and password. When you see the following
prompt, enter yes:
Do you want to continue by specifying passwords for the defined sections?
The following information is provided as an example of how
a team can complete asynchronous remote mirror configuration across
two sites:
To configure
Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager with
IBM XIV® Storage System with Asynchronous
Remote Mirroring at both sites, certain ports must be open within
the firewalls:
- On the production system, the production host, backup host, and
Primary XIV system must have
ports open within the firewall.
- On the takeover system, the takeover host, backup host, and Secondary XIV system must have ports open
within the firewall.
For both the Primary and Secondary sites, the following ports
must be open within the firewall:
- TCP port 3260 (iSCSI) open within firewalls for iSCSI replication
- Ports: http, https, ssh, and telnet
- TCP/IP ports: 55697, 5997, 5998, and 7778
All ports must be bidirectional.