Use this command to display information about the data for one or more nodes in a sequential access storage pool. QUERY NODEDATA displays the name of the volume on which a node's data is written and the amount of space that is occupied by the data on that volume. This information is useful when you determine how to group nodes into collocated storage pools.
Any administrator can issue this command.
.-,---------. V | >>-Query NODEData--+---node_name-+----------------+-------------> '-COLLOCGroup--=--colloc_group-' >--+-----------------------+--+---------------------+---------->< '-STGpool--=--pool_name-' '-VOLume--=--vol_name-'
query nodedata e*
Node Name Volume Name Storage Pool Physical
Name Space
--------- ------------------------------ ------------ --------
EDU_J2 E:\tsm\server\00000117.BFS EDU512 0.01
EDU_J2 E:\tsm\server\00000122.BFS EDU319 0.01
EDU_J3 E:\tsm\server\00000116.BFS EDU512 0.01
EDU_J3 E:\tsm\server\00000120.BFS EDU319 0.01
EDU_J7 E:\tsm\server\00000118.BFS EDU512 0.04
EDU_J7 E:\tsm\server\00000123.BFS EDU319 0.04
EDU_JJ1 E:\tsm\server\00000116.BFS EDU512 0.01
EDU_JJ1 E:\tsm\server\00000121.BFS EDU512 0.01
query nodedata collocgroup=grp1
Node Name Volume Name Storage Pool Physical
Name Space
--------- ------------------------------ ------------ --------
EDU_J3 E:\tsm\server\00000116.BFS EDU512 0.01
EDU_J3 E:\tsm\server\00000120.BFS EDU319 0.01
EDU_JJ1 E:\tsm\server\00000116.BFS EDU512 0.01
EDU_JJ1 E:\tsm\server\00000121.BFS EDU512 0.01
Command | Description |
DEFINE COLLOCGROUP | Defines a collocation group. |
DEFINE COLLOCMEMBER | Adds a client node or file space to a collocation group. |
DEFINE STGPOOL | Defines a storage pool as a named collection of server storage media. |
DELETE COLLOCGROUP | Deletes a collocation group. |
DELETE COLLOCMEMBER | Deletes a client node or file space from a collocation group. |
MOVE NODEDATA | Moves data for one or more nodes, or a single node with selected file spaces. |
QUERY COLLOCGROUP | Displays information about collocation groups. |
QUERY NODE | Displays partial or complete information about one or more clients. |
QUERY STGPOOL | Displays information about storage pools. |
REMOVE NODE | Removes a client from the list of registered nodes for a specific policy domain. |
UPDATE COLLOCGROUP | Updates the description of a collocation group. |
UPDATE STGPOOL | Changes the attributes of a storage pool. |