Insert virtual volumes

Use this page to insert a range of virtual volumes in the IBM® TS7700 Grid. Virtual volumes inserted on an individual cluster will be available to all clusters within a grid configuration.

Current availability across entire grid
This table displays current information about the number of virtual volumes in the TS7700 Grid. Information shown includes:
Currently Inserted
The total number of virtual volumes inserted into the TS7700 Grid.
Maximum Allowed
The total maximum number of virtual volumes that can be inserted.
Available Slots
The available slots remaining for virtual volumes to be inserted. Obtained by subtracting the Currently Inserted virtual volumes from the Maximum Allowed.
To view the current list of virtual volume ranges in the TS7700 Grid, enter a virtual volume range and click Show.
Note: A valid volume serial number (VOLSER) is a 6-digit sequence number composed only of uppercase alphabetic characters [A-Z] and numerals in the range [0-9]. Embedded blank spaces cannot be used.
Insert a new virtual volume range
Use the following fields to insert a range of new virtual volumes.
Note: Limit the number of volumes added to an amount that includes the number required for expected operations, plus a buffer. Take into account the percentage of volumes that are daily returned to scratch. Additional scratch volumes can be inserted later if necessary. If excess scratch volumes (tens of thousands beyond expected daily use) are inserted, certain IBM Z® operations such as category counts can be degraded, affecting overall host mount operations performance. For additional virtual volume planning information, refer to the topic Virtual volumes in the Related information section.
Starting volser
The first virtual volume to be inserted. The range for inserting virtual volumes begins with this VOLSER number.
Select this option to insert a set amount of virtual volumes beginning with the Starting volser. Enter the quantity of virtual volumes to be inserted in the adjacent text field. You can insert up to 10,000 virtual volumes at one time.

The quantity is upgraded from 10,000 to 100,000 volumes when all clusters in the Grid are at 8.50PGA1 or above.

Ending volser
Select this option to insert a range of virtual volumes. Enter the ending VOLSER number in the adjacent text field.
Initially owned by
The name of the cluster that will own the new virtual volumes. Select a cluster from the drop-down menu.
Note: When a host command is issued to move the volume out of the insert category, ownership of the volume changes to the cluster receiving the move command.
Media type
Media type of the virtual volume(s). Possible values are:
Cartridge System Tape
The default virtual volume size is 400 MB.
Enhanced Capacity Cartridge System Tape
The default virtual volume size is 800 MB.
Note: Refer to the topic Data storage values in the Related Information section for additional information concerning the use of binary prefixes.
Set Constructs
Select this check box to specify constructs for the new virtual volume(s). Then use the drop-down menu below each construct to select a pre-defined construct name.
Note: You can only set constructs for virtual volumes used by non-MVS (multiple virtual systems) hosts. MVS hosts automatically assign constructs for virtual volumes and will overwrite any manually-assigned constructs.
You can specify use of any or all of the following constructs:
Storage Group
Management Class
Storage Class
Data Class
Refer to the Related Information section for additional information about any of these constructs.
To insert a range of virtual volumes, complete the fields listed above and click Insert. You will be asked to confirm your decision to insert virtual volumes. To continue with the insert operation, click YesOK. To abandon the insert operation without inserting any new virtual volumes, click NoCancel.